GTP_WRS Online: Week 1 Online Races - Flooding the Boards

  • Thread starter Speedy6543
Just signed up for what will (surprisingly!) be my first-ever WRS online event in the Worldwide Weekend time-slot.

Hopefully you guys will have me. :D
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Ok, now I'll be more nervous than ever to race online. :lol:

We are more than happy to have you join in!

See you on track. :gtpflag:
Don't worry, I won't have time to practice so I'll just be flailing around at the back of the grid.

Just be careful when you're lapping me. :lol:
successfully registered
With WRSFetchbot for Time Trials, yes. :D

For the Online Events, however, we use a supplementary Google system to process the registrations per race.

Please submit the online driver database form and once that's done you can register per race using the 'register here' button beneath the registration table in de 2nd post of this thread.

Just signed up for what will (surprisingly!) be my first-ever WRS online event in the Worldwide Weekend time-slot.

Hopefully you guys will have me. :D
everybody is welcome here even admins. (please leave banhammers at the door hahaha)
This was fun and reminded me exactly what I came looking way back in time. The time of GT6.
I had a great time and some nice close and clean racing. Especially with @Iceman220

Some lessons learned.
Take enough screenshots in-game because even the replay doesn't come with a laptime board or race finish results...

This is the race result of WW 3rd Sprint

See you on the results of the Time Trial in about 2 days and after that in the EU races on Wednesday!