GTP_WRS Week 1 : A Dragon's Tale (Which One is Larini?)

  • Thread starter EDK
(Picture a commentator during the last minutes of Qualifying)
Some fantastic gains at the death there, you know it is a good TT when we are seeing laps submitted at 11:58pm!
Well done all! :gtpflag:

Now that the deadline has passed, the results are now visible at

Anyone that has a ? in the Controller type column can fix that by sending a PM to WRSFetchBot:

From the Guide to the Leaderboard and Fetchy thread.
Changing your controller on the board

Changing your controller is a lot similar to changing your country above, we just have a different subject and body message:

Subject: Change Controller
Body: G25
Fetchy support quite a lot of controllers, like: Wheel, G25, G27, DFGT, Driving Force, T500, Fanatec, CSW, Fanatec Clubsport Formula, Controller, DS3, six-axis

If Fetchy doesn't support your controller let me know in the Leaderboard comments and bugs thread.

Until we get DS4 added to the list, just use DS3 instead. @JoostBaksteen ;)
Ooohhhhhhhhh!!!!! that was sooo close :cheers: @giznav & @GTP_Steven :cheers:

Great stuff lads. Hope we can all take a turn in front from time to time. If not, I guess it's WAR.
Loved it, don't know why I stayed away so long. Well ok, maybe I do. But, it wasn't because of the competitiveness.
Well done @mcsqueegy for the win and hope everyone had as good a time as I did.
On to Japan.
@mcsqueegy congrats to the win, gonna start my dream to be as quick as you guys there on the peak. ^^

Well done to everyone, the more the better fun, hope you guys enjoy this series as i do. ^^

Heads up to next stop under the rising sun.

PS: is there any keyword for the tag, while sharing the replay (e.g. gtpwrs001 or so) ?
Appear to be 2nd in division 4. I'll take that! Had my G29 for two weeks now and already seeing the benefits :) Looking forward to some interesting combos!
You guys should actually expect the projected divisions to change once the official results are posted.

You'll revert to rookie status and will be placed in a division after 3 events.

We did not clear the registry from GT6 to this point.
I was going to ask what the plan was, but I think you've nailed the answer on the head with gtpwrsxxx, where xxx is the week number.
I'm not sure if we have more than 1 tag to work with but do we need any other tags to add when gtpwrsxxx pretty much covers it?

You guys should actually expect the projected divisions to change once the official results are posted.

You'll revert to rookie status and will be placed in a division after 3 events.

We did not clear the registry from GT6 to this point.
Not again! I only just cleared rookie status on GT6, I'll be a rookie forever at this rate lol.
The Unofficial Results thread will have details on sharing replays and tags, etc, good idea @Mires.

Can't promise an ETA for that yet, but it won't be 2-3hrs after deadline like it was in GT6. @Vaxen has some changes to the maths and such that are needed for GTS.

We're all rookies and all replays will need to be checked for the first 3 weeks.
Looks like I came a little higher than I first thought. There seem to be several "double entries". Some people will try anything. :lol: :confused: :lol:
It was an issue with the Fetchbot that's been corrected.

It was also resulting in some double splits and even multiple incidences of the event in the board.

We just corrected those things before most of you noticed.
Some crazy times there guys, congrats to the podium winners.

Maybe I should of submitted the lap I Had but I was nearly 3 tenths off my optimal lap time. I just haven’t had the time to use Mr Ps great early advice which I’m sure would of helped.

I think I've mistyped my laptime in the PM to Fetch =(

When the new guys will have to send the replays? (cant find the unnofficial results thread)
I think I've mistyped my laptime in the PM to Fetch =(

When the new guys will have to send the replays? (cant find the unnofficial results thread)

When you submit yr Lap time Fetchy will reply accepting or rejecting it within about 15minutes.
I believe he will tell you problem if incorrect.

Unofficial results will probably appear later today. See post 467 above. As we get into GTS they will appear closer to cut-off time.
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When you submit yr Lap time Fetchy will reply accepting or rejecting it within about 15minutes.
I believe he will tell you problem if incorrect.

It's registered, but (i have to check later when back in home in a couple of hours) I think I've mistyped the time.
I think I've mistyped my laptime in the PM to Fetch =(

When the new guys will have to send the replays? (cant find the unnofficial results thread)
The only place we have unofficial results so far is here.

We are working through some process things in the background and do not have a thread (or requested replay checks) yet. This should be up in the next few days.

this flat-out chicane-exit is astonishing. Tried this often, ended up every time in the wall.

Rest of the lap looks like mine, same gearing everywhere, same braking-points etc. It's all about exact driving, this is what I have to learn. Thanks a lot for sharing your lap.

Congratulation to you and everyone else who reached their goals.
