Here, very old video and for GT5, but it applies just the same for GT6. This would be my recommendation for DS3.
I'll worry about my own stuff from now on.
Anyway, I hope that I can ask you guys for tips and advice on how to improve my times. That being said, do you guys believe that DS3 users have a slight disadvantage over users that use steering wheels?
In my opinion, DS3 users have a very slight disadvantage, but there are pros and cons.I'll worry about my own stuff from now on.
Anyway, I hope that I can ask you guys for tips and advice on how to improve my times. That being said, do you guys believe that DS3 users have a slight disadvantage over users that use steering wheels?
I'll worry about my own stuff from now on.
Anyway, I hope that I can ask you guys for tips and advice on how to improve my times. That being said, do you guys believe that DS3 users have a slight disadvantage over users that use steering wheels?
As a ds3 user who have started participating WRS events with GT6 i can say that it's slightly difficult for us to compete at high level. Especially with fast cars and on fast tracks the evidence will be clear (TT of week 2 at Monza with FXX...)
As a ds3 user and a wheel user my times using both on this TT was within 0.050 of each other the wheel just edging it thou It's just a case of how long you can use the ds3 until hand cramp kicks in.
Just submitted and it's been accepted , don't think I left much out there I was giving it everything I had my aim was to been withing a second of the fastest guys so just have to wait now .
I will admit I'm not as good as I could be with the wheel more out of pure lazyness than anything of setting it up everyday.0.050 diff from DS3 to wheel?
1. You're not very good with a wheel.
2. You're an alien with DS3.
3. I'm joking. But 0.050 is quite unrealistic IMO.
I'm a DS3 user and I know I can't compete with Div1. My aim in WRS is to be on top of DS3 times... I know I'll be quicker with a wheel but I don't have room for a setup.
I'd say about a tenth difference between the wheel and a pad, but you can't just say a tenth. As for some a wheel is far easier to use than a pad, and vice versa. Controller sensitivity helps a ton, and the best way to practice a DS3 is to either do very controlled movement training with the sticks, or play Call of Duty (I did just say that!) literally whack it on the highest sensitivity or build up and practice really precision movements, then when you come to Gran Turismo you can really nail tiny, tiny movements!
Good point, Iain. 👍 Last-minute banzai runs are going to a bit more stressful than in GT5, given you need to verify the lap *and* get it transferred and sent before the deadline.I've submitted too. Don't forget you only have 6 and a half hours to better your times, transfer your replay, zip it then send it to Fetchy.
So good luck guys.