GTP_WRS Week 10: Official Results

  • Thread starter Vaxen
We thought that it would make verifying replays easier because there is tarmac on the outside of the white line at times, allowing that would be splitting hairs, no different than using the white line except the white line is easier to see/compare.

Allowing concrete on just the chicanes would call into question about allowing the other run-offs like the blue areas being a no and rumbles a yes, adding more confusion. And given that not everyone read or saw the clean pics in the OP, it would've been a little lot more difficult clarifying sections of the track.

It did make the verification of replays easier, but also getting a clean lap much more difficult than we originally thought. But hindsight is 20/20.


Concrete on chicanes was easy to understand as prohibited, and was also on the spotlight when it generated a little debate early last week when the OP was created. That was made very clear.

I really misread about the rumbles, I put my hands up, my mistake. There was even a picture of it, allright, failed to see that. But looking at it now, it makes little sense to forbid rumble strips. Concrete beyond lines is usually illegal, rubles are usually legal.

Even now, DeathStar is asking about rumble strips, people are repying about the concrete... see the confusion?
Concrete, like rumble strips are outside the white line and with the text and pics saying the white line is the boundary, it should be easy to draw that conclusion.

just saying, there have been lots of events before this one, where concrete was illegal, rubles werent (even beyond the line)... not questioning how easy it was to read, just WHY rumbles were made illegal.

I dont think there was any corner with concrete after rumble, so it would not be difficult to judge legal/illegal laps if rumbles were legal.
I actually like the boundary setting, I would prefer to have the rumbles out of bounds for every combo. You could still straddle the rumbles as long as part of your tire was on tarmac.

Not sure how difficult that would be to enforce, I'm too lazy to review every track, but it would result in more realistic lines.
I actually like the boundary setting, I would prefer to have the rumbles out of bounds for every combo. You could still straddle the rumbles as long as part of your tire was on tarmac.

Not sure how difficult that would be to enforce, I'm too lazy to review every track, but it would result in more realistic lines.

That would be not bad at all either. It was the case for week 7 (Monaco), even though with some confusion, since photo examples had it your way (an inch of tire after rumble and you are illegal), but the text below it said rumbles were track and 2 wheels shoud be on track all the time.

Only now realized this. But since there was only one turn that was controversial and photo examples were so specific to it, there was no confusion.
Congrats to all who got where they wanted. Sweetest of combos, I think Ascari has got all kinds of turns, and the car was just glad to be taken for a drive. Sad to see so many DQ's, I had to watch my own replay more than once for sure. For me it was harder for the second chicane, had to tell myself not to take a straight line through it every time.
I know this is no suggestion box but we haven't seen a race car since week one, me thinks?
That must have been during the GT5 days because I don't remember that one.
I think he meant the Elise Race Car in Week 5.

just saying, there have been lots of events before this one, where concrete was illegal, rubles werent (even beyond the line)... not questioning how easy it was to read, just WHY rumbles were made illegal.

I dont think there was any corner with concrete after rumble, so it would not be difficult to judge legal/illegal laps if rumbles were legal.
It's up to us to test and make the rules that will best encourage participation, and *not* make life hard for replay reviewers. It's up to you to read the OP thoroughly and if there's clean/dirty pics it means we spent an extra 2+ hours trying to make it clear, so look at them closely!
Ask questions in the thread during the week, don't bring them up afterward. I'd like to say there's no such thing as a dumb question, but ... better safe than sorry. :P

I still stand behind the Gravitron Chicanes rule for this combo, given this car was relatively slow and easy to drive. In a faster trickier car I'd opt for @Mr P's suggestion of just letting you go through them however you want as long as the game doesn't red-lap them. The instant feedback of whether it was clean or dirty would be quite invaluable if the rest of the lap was tricky at every corner. 👍


Big congrats to Ramon, Ghost, and Bart for showing us how it's done! :cheers: :eek:

Amazing D2 win Steve if you're able to prove it was clean and just a mixup. :bowdown:

@Bleached you had me worried there, same with @Friday_GTRP (super close finish!). 👍

@nursemorph that's one hell of a D2 time you scored. :)

Amazing combo @Jump_Ace, and a great way to finally learn all the corners in this amazing track! Driving the Veyron here is a distant nightmare that I'm not even sure I had. :lol:

Thanks @Kelly and @mcsqueegy for all the reviews! :cheers:

So for the T3's I'm leaving the red-flags in, just because I calculated them earlier before they were checked and I'm exhausted from a busy day. zzzzzzz
If there's mistakes, please PM me instead of airing them in public. :dunce:

.Place..|..Driver PSN.......... |..Div..|.. Split 1 |.. Split 2 |.. Split 3 |..Δ..|.. Laptime |
......1 |..eclipsi_RC.......... | div 1 |....40.416 |....49.834 |....48.182 |.... |..2'18.432 |
......2 |..GTP_GhostDriver......| div 1 |....40.275 |....50.283 |....47.885 |..+1 |..2'18.443 |
......3 |..GTP_PASM............ | div 1 |....40.383 |....50.417 |....47.694 |..+3 |..2'18.494 |
......4 |..RS__96__oO.......... | div 1 |....40.500 |....50.266 |....47.921 |..+1 |..2'18.687 |
......5 |..GTP_Eternal..........| div 1 |....40.484 |....50.066 |....48.279 |..-3 |..2'18.829 |
......6 |..GTP_SKYLINE..........| div 2 |....40.416 |....50.217 |....48.467 |..-2 |..2'19.100 |
......7 |..Mysteron71.......... | div 1 |....40.667 |....50.217 |....48.351 |.... |..2'19.235 |
......8 |..GTP_Gravitron........| div 2 |....40.733 |....50.600 |....48.370 |..+3 |..2'19.703 |
......9 |..Friday_GTRP..........| div 2 |....40.873 |....50.317 |....48.515 |.... |..2'19.705 |
.... 10 |..GTP_Vipond.......... | div 2 |.......... |.......... |.......... |..+2 |..2'19.782 |
.... 11 |..GTP_gooners_17...... | div 1 |....40.950 |....50.367 |....48.928 |..-1 |..2'20.245 |
.... 12 |..GTP_Jump_Ace........ | div 2 |....40.674 |....50.417 |....49.244 |..-4 |..2'20.335 |
.... 13 |..GTP_LittlePaul...... | div 2 |....41.116 |....50.867 |....48.602 |..+2 |..2'20.585 |
.... 14 |..GTP_pilmat.......... | div 2 |....41.150 |....50.650 |....49.030 |..-1 |..2'20.830 |
.... 15 |..GTP_mclaren..........| div 2 |.......... |.......... |.......... |.... |..2'20.885 |
.... 16 |..GTP_Argon............| div 2 |....41.300 |....50.866 |....48.791 |..+2 |..2'20.957 |
.... 17 |..GTP_Patrick1........ | div 2 |....41.169 |....50.933 |....49.102 |..-1 |..2'21.204 |
.... 18 |..GTP_viper84..........| div 2 |....40.966 |....51.000 |....49.297 |..-4 |..2'21.263 |
.... 19 |..nursemorph.......... | div 3 |....41.217 |....51.016 |....49.125 |.... |..2'21.358 |
.... 20 |..GTP_ollie57..........| div 3 |....41.437 |....50.850 |....49.210 |..+1 |..2'21.497 |
.... 21 |..GTP_AspecBob........ | div 2 |....41.400 |....50.750 |....49.354 |..-4 |..2'21.504 |
.... 22 |..Teamsreth............| div 2 |....41.374 |....50.900 |....49.402 |..-2 |..2'21.676 |
.... 23 |..Tuesday_black........| div 2 |....41.607 |....51.000 |....49.426 |..+2 |..2'22.033 |
.... 24 |..GTP_MisterWeary......| div 3 |....41.384 |....51.116 |....49.565 |..-1 |..2'22.065 |
.... 25 |..GTP_NielsG2..........| div 3 |....41.617 |....51.283 |....49.317 |..+9 |..2'22.217 |
.... 26 |..mr_lab_rat.......... | div 3 |....41.364 |....51.883 |....49.102 | +13 |..2'22.349 |
.... 27 |..EWeinbauer.......... | div 3 |....41.867 |....50.800 |....49.693 |.... |..2'22.360 |
.... 28 |..KelGT................| div 2 |....41.583 |....51.183 |....49.657 |..+4 |..2'22.423 |
.... 29 |..GTP_Strop............| div 2 |....41.466 |....51.234 |....49.822 |..-1 |..2'22.522 |
.... 30 |..RowdLL.............. | div 3 |....41.700 |....51.050 |....49.953 |..+1 |..2'22.703 |
.... 31 |..jfro222..............| div 3 |....41.501 |....51.217 |....50.074 |..-2 |..2'22.792 |
.... 32 |..brinomial............| div 2 |....42.014 |....51.184 |....49.602 |..+6 |..2'22.800 |
.... 33 |..akz24................| div 3 |....41.365 |....51.167 |....50.383 |..-9 |..2'22.915 |
.... 34 |..Xelyno.............. | div 3 |....41.383 |....51.350 |....50.830 |..-4 |..2'23.563 |
.... 35 |..GTP_Roamer2629...... | div 3 |....42.394 |....51.517 |....49.673 |..+9 |..2'23.584 |
.... 36 |..GTP_the_wilco........| div 3 |....41.683 |....51.467 |....50.537 |..+1 |..2'23.687 |
.... 37 |..GTP_Allibubba99......| div 2 |....42.000 |....51.734 |....50.138 |..+6 |..2'23.872 |
.... 38 |..senninha_77..........| div 4 |....41.989 |....51.617 |....50.474 |..+4 |..2'24.080 |
.... 39 |..GTP_RaceRyder........| div 3 |....42.083 |....50.833 |....51.444 |..-4 |..2'24.360 |
.... 40 |..Don-Mejillone........| div 2 |.......... |.......... |.......... |.... |..2'24.361 |
.... 41 |..GT_COL.............. | div 3 |....41.807 |....51.600 |....50.971 |..-1 |..2'24.378 |
.... 42 |..atongo619............| div 4 |....42.466 |....51.467 |....50.633 |..+3 |..2'24.566 |
.... 43 |..RoeszaGT............ | div 3 |....42.350 |....51.783 |....50.804 |..+4 |..2'24.937 |
.... 44 |..SERIALF..............| div 4 |....43.085 |....51.517 |....50.572 |..+5 |..2'25.174 |
.... 45 |..NemoNiente.......... | div 4 |....42.417 |....51.883 |....51.538 |..+3 |..2'25.838 |
.... 46 |..pitskater............| div 3 |.......... |.......... |.......... |.... |..2'25.929 |
.... 47 |..thematic604..........| div 4 |....43.017 |....51.900 |....51.159 |..+3 |..2'26.076 |
.... 48 |..Mark_Sebo............| div 4 |....42.850 |....52.400 |....51.837 |..+4 |..2'27.087 |
.... 49 |..mcmullan64.......... | div 4 |....43.289 |....52.350 |....52.234 |..+4 |..2'27.873 |
.... 50 |..mtbmik50............ | div 4 |.......... |.......... |.......... |.... |..2'31.135 |
.... 51 |..EuroAWD..............| div 4 |.......... |.......... |.......... |.... |..2'32.909 |
.... 52 |..GTP_Deathstar........| div 4 |....44.603 |....52.917 |....55.417 |..+2 |..2'32.937 |
Last edited:
It's up to us to test and make the rules that will best encourage participation, and *not* make life hard for replay reviewers. It's up to you to read the OP thoroughly and if there's clean/dirty pics it means we spent an extra 2+ hours trying to make it clear, so look at them closely!
Ask questions in the thread during the week, don't bring them up afterward. I'd like to say there's no such thing as a dumb question, but ... better safe than sorry. :P

I still stand behind the Gravitron Chicanes rule for this combo, given this car was relatively slow and easy to drive. In a faster trickier car I'd opt for @Mr P's suggestion of just letting you go through them however you want as long as the game doesn't red-lap them. The instant feedback of whether it was clean or dirty would be quite invaluable if the rest of the lap was tricky at every corner. 👍

My issue was not the chicane. I m not trying to undo anything. But nevermind. My bad trying to have a conversation after the event finished. Thanks for the tip, I will try to bring up questions before they form in my mind, from now on.
The sarcasm is not appreciated. The issue with the rumbles is that once you move the boundaries inward to the white line, if you want to also make the rumbles outside them legal, you then have to think about when is is OK for someone to be over the white line, still on tarmac (in the thin tarmac ribbon between white line and grass) on their way to the rumble. I wish I could draw a pic. This is the "splitting hairs" and time-intensive replay checking that @Jump_Ace referred to. To us it seemed much more easy to understand and consistent to just make it be the white line all the way around the track.

Again, if the car were not such a rock in the handling dept, we would have approached it differently.

EDIT: And the main reason this issue didn't come up at Willow in the qualifier or with the Pozzi is that on that track, the rumbles are inset and meet the white line...different than Ascari where they start at the edge of the tarmac, beyond the white line.
In a faster trickier car I'd opt for @Mr P's suggestion of just letting you go through them however you want as long as the game doesn't red-lap them. 👍

Sorry is there another Mr P on GTPlanet? I don't condone dirty racing and never would... so simply you have the wrong Mr P that you tagged ;) No offence! I just don't want people thinking I was all for chicane cutting when I'm totally against it 👎

Cheers Ron. 👍
Looks like skyline1683's other replay is (just barely) dirty, fyi.

Looks like skyline1683's other replay is (just barely) dirty, fyi.

Yes and no one is more frustrated about it than me
Sorry for any issues this may have caused
View attachment 136028
Yes and no one is more frustrated about it than me
Sorry for any issues this may have caused

Hey, it happens. I've had two instances of my laps getting red flagged since GT4, nobody's perfect. See ya on the track next week 👍

View attachment 136028
Yes and no one is more frustrated about it than me
Sorry for any issues this may have caused

Motivated by the fact that I want you to leave D2 asap and from my own experience at panicking when seeing such a picture of my run, I will ask : did you check the left rear tire from the same moment? It looks like it could be clean, therefore making your lap clean also... (unless the next frame proves otherwise, of course.)
Motivated by the fact that I want you to leave D2 asap and from my own experience at panicking when seeing such a picture of my run, I will ask : did you check the left rear tire from the same moment? It looks like it could be clean, therefore making your lap clean also... (unless the next frame proves otherwise, of course.)
Yeah I checked all wheels and it was so close to being clean only took a hour to check it lol but was just my luck.
Nope I'm sticking around D2 fir a while yet can't get rid of me that easy :)
Is that true, if both back wheels are on the track you can put both front wheels off? I always assumed that 'two wheels' had to be left two or right two? Looking at the above picture it looks like both back wheels are on track so technically it is two wheels on track.
Is that true, if both back wheels are on the track you can put both front wheels off? I always assumed that 'two wheels' had to be left two or right two? Looking at the above picture it looks like both back wheels are on track so technically it is two wheels on track.

No it's based on 2 side wheels, 2 front wheels off is a fail and the same for 2 back wheels off is a fail also! but where the front goes the back follows ;)
I hated this weeks challenge ascari is to challenging forme need to get better especially being second to worst time on the board :\

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