Not sure what's more frustrating:
a) the amount of time spent sliding across the grass waiting to hit a barrier in order to stop (I can't be the only one?)
Not at all, I've hit every barrier with every corner of the Mine's, as well as mowed every lawn around the circuit this week
b) letting down those who kindly gave me such great advice, which works well, but I can't seem to make it count.
It's one thing knowing what to do, the execution of it is entirely a different story. I'm quite certain CT and I spent 3 or 4 times as many hours on this combo than most others this week.
c) the fact that I've given up having failed miserably
d) that since joining WRS, the only direction I've gone is down. Should I be in Div 4?
Anyone new to the WRS I think is always surprised at the quality of the competitors therein, I mean it's all very well people scoffing at a field of 30 WRS GTP drivers and claiming that wins are being handed out among us only because "the faster guys aren't around any more", but look at CT's time from last week, nearly a full tenth faster than the world record. There's real quality here, there always has been 👍
I'm so far off the pace that Maz & CT could park up, get out and finish War & Peace before I cross the finish line.
And even as a D2 driver, I was equally far back from the winners even a year and a half ago when I was on Sixaxis. But show me one driver who hasn't improved as a result of taking part in WRS. People like CT and Animera all started off in D3 and are D1 now
Submitting these only as evidence that I tried. Slower even across the line, but I refuse to submit my shoddy lap.
Thanks all for the help, and good luck 👍
Submit the faster lap always, who cares how it looks, it's the laptime that counts
Best of luck to you in the results, and don't give up on it 👍
I am also
submitting with just slightly slower splits but a much better run through the bus stop. I can't heap enough praise on
LOOPYTURTLE this week, he has been utterly relentless and the most fiercesome competitor I have come across in WRS for the longest time. Monster performance that made me dig deeper than ever for any sort of result
All the best