- 541
- California
- GTP_billyjoebobx
Still several tenths off ideal in each sector, though this combo doesn't exactly make it easy to hit that ideal lap
Like that is OK. Just need the contact patch of 2 tires on tarmac or red and white.Also with the red and white curbs and rumble strips as part of the track does that mean taking them like this is ok:View attachment 927757 View attachment 927758
Or is it 2 wheels on the black stuff at all times, cheers lads!
Well... I cried all day yesterday and my head is banging today so will try to stay composed, It's like a kick in the teeth every time I go to the kitchen to make a cuppa and he isn't following me? It sets me off, never been impacted so hard by the loss of a pet but he was really special and left a horrible void behind.. I know he was just a dog but this will take a while to get used to... maybe I'm just getting softer as I get older
Again you guys are the very best and both me and the wife appreciate all your support.
Wishing a speedy recovery to your wife Neil 👍
Hope the wife is ok Neil!