GTP_WRS Week 163 : Terrible Turbo

  • Thread starter EDK

How are you guys entering the tunnel?
hugging the inside all the way.

I just gave this a go and it really helped. For me it was one of those cases of braking earlier yet holding a little more speed. Also it made it a more consistent turn rather than doing it in two parts as I had previously.

With the left hander after it I hug the inside and up shift to 3rd as soon as it starts to oversteer, but I'm not sure if this is actually beneficial. :lol:
There comes a time in one's life when you start to think to yourself WTF!? :confused: For me it was when I finally realised after completing 3 sessions and posting my previous splits. That some idiot forgot to do the oil change :dunce:. But that wasn't the :confused: moment. That would be when I went back to try and better my previous time with all that extra power. Should be easy right :dopey:!? Well apparently not :lol:. I did another session yesterday with the right power but could not beat the ghost at all :(.

Thankfully a good night's sleep later I went back this morning and did this...


Marginally slower in both t1 and t2 but 35 hundredths faster over the line :D:tup:. Guess that 13bhp bump really does the trick up the hill :P.

Marginally slower in both t1 and t2 but 35 hundredths faster over the line :D:tup:. Guess that 13bhp bump really does the trick up the hill :P.
It is maybe still possible to get through the first chicane flat out, what is questionable is whether the minimal drift then is too much.

Oh, just realized my posted T1 is my best thus far (if memory serves since it's been hours).
It is maybe still possible to get through the first chicane flat out, what is questionable is whether the minimal drift then is too much.

Oh, just realized my posted T1 is my best thus far (if memory serves since it's been hours).
I'll need to give that a try 👍 Been lifting slightly on entry to the chicane so far to find the line that's been working for me. Lost my t1 by dropping gear too early into turn 1 :embarrassed:.
Short and sweet: 117 ms off.

Using quite a bit of the track at the chicane. Lifted very briefly at about 158 km/h and that was the lowest v through there.

Man goes to take a look at leaderboard. Suddenly after a few seconds of :eek::):D. This little voice pops into his head :odd:.
"If something looks too good to be true, it probably is!" It says :crazy:

So, I've just went into the pit services menu as course of habit. As I like to make sure the car is in tip-top condition before starting a session :). To find that when repairing rigidity this morning, what I was doing was improving it :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:....enough yet!? Nope one more :banghead:. Ah, that's better :lol:.

So order of business. Back to....


I go, and 4 tenths added back to total lap time :(.

Sell car (or take to Nurb and wreck the thing :lol:). Buy new one, paint magic green colour again. Add some nice big shiney rims :cool:. And try beat that damned illegal ghost :mischievous:.

My apologies to those of you who woke up to a WTF moment, thinking how did he do that :eek: !? As now you know :embarrassed: :dunce:.

However I will not apologise for accidentally lighting a fire under my good Romanian friend :mischievous:.