GTP_WRS Week 177 : Shifter Season

  • Thread starter mcsqueegy

Still not able to complete a blooming lap with a 12.0 first split :banghead: even had a sub 26 at t2 and stuffed it :grumpy:. But another 6 hundredths off at the tape 👍.
Taking a break for lunch, fresh air and to give my poor, bleeding ears a rest :ouch:. Still aiming to take off another 2 tenths before deadline :crazy:.
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How do you do that with slower splits?
edit: Maybe typo?
edit: I need to figure out turn 4 if I am to improve in a reasonable timeframe.

I can't drop this - 0.58 seconds is trivial to you?
:embarrassed::guilty: Well, not a typo....just a silly mistake. 58 thousandths then :dunce:. My bad, sorry for causing your brain a little more fatigue than was necessary :dopey:.

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0.011 seconds away from my revised target but 0.015 closed than I was last time 👍.

One more session to try and improve or I'll be submitting this one.

Good luck all :cheers:.

Edit: 40+ more laps, no change :cool:.
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0.011 seconds away from my revised target but 0.015 closed than I was last time 👍.

One more session to try and improve or I'll be submitting this one.

Good luck all :cheers:.

Edit: 40+ more laps, no change :cool:.
Go on mate you can do it!
New splits, only a bit found at the line, like 0.026 found. Was slow thru the last corner so gonna stick at it!

AND apparently I missed the effin' No Tuning...

Transmission1 setting is invalid
Transmission2 setting is invalid
Transmission3 setting is invalid
Transmission4 setting is invalid
Transmission5 setting is invalid

Withdrawn from competition.
Been out of town and only been able to give this about an hour so far, hopefully put a few laps in tonight. I started on MT and switched to AT. Anyone else give up on MT? Can't really shift by engine noise so I guess most folks are simply memorizing the shift points around the track after a few laps?
Just seen this one buddy! Spending ungodly hours of the morning re reading this thread :lol:
What race view do you use? I never run a tt in anything but MT, I just can't see how it wouldnt be quicker that AT (someone who knows better feel free to disagree though)

I race in normal, so all I see is track, this gives a good sort of subliminal view of the rev meter at the bottom, for this one i was shifting when the needle hit the red line, or just before it, I can kind of see and hear both those things happening so it wasn't really an issue for me.

I think it would be much harder however if you drive this from the external view, as I remember that one is really hard to see the rev meter and also it would sound different!? Like not as Loud? Maybe I'm wrong though. :gtpflag:
Just seen this one buddy! Spending ungodly hours of the morning re reading this thread :lol:
What race view do you use? I never run a tt in anything but MT, I just can't see how it wouldnt be quicker that AT (someone who knows better feel free to disagree though)

I race in normal, so all I see is track, this gives a good sort of subliminal view of the rev meter at the bottom, for this one i was shifting when the needle hit the red line, or just before it, I can kind of see and hear both those things happening so it wasn't really an issue for me.

I think it would be much harder however if you drive this from the external view, as I remember that one is really hard to see the rev meter and also it would sound different!? Like not as Loud? Maybe I'm wrong though. :gtpflag:
I use the cockpit view, nothing external. Bigger issue for me is using a DFGT wheel and the 900 degree rotation with flippy paddles makes it hard to get on the shifter through some of the turns. I was figuring, probably incorrectly, that just concentrating on my lines and not worrying about shifting would at worst even out. Maybe cost me a few tenths but margin of error in the rest of my driving is multiples of that.
I use the cockpit view, nothing external. Bigger issue for me is using a DFGT wheel and the 900 degree rotation with flippy paddles makes it hard to get on the shifter through some of the turns. I was figuring, probably incorrectly, that just concentrating on my lines and not worrying about shifting would at worst even out. Maybe cost me a few tenths but margin of error in the rest of my driving is multiples of that.
Maybe give bumper cam go, I find it really helps as you get the little red dot flashing at the red line, I also drive with the DFGT, my first and only wheel to date... Might post my current set up as it's a bit ridiculously bad