Dammit, another hour and a half on this today and no improvement, yet I hit 2 more 29.6s, a 29.7 and 2 more 29.8s. Never managed to translate it to a better T2 or T3.
I'll be really disappointed at the end of this run of I can't put my best splits together, because that would be a clean 0.4 off my current laptime.
Can't say I haven't had enough time on it now, I reckon I'm at over 35 hours this week, good old Easter holidays
Better splits but lost time on corner before tunnel.would have had very fast second sector and third sector was good.
T1: 29.418
T2: 49.517 Time submitted
Did a session last night, and although I got my T2 to a 50.8, I got too excited and ate the barrier on the last turn. Submitting my previously posted splits.
No pace....... at all........... anywhere.........Great.
Good thing I like the car.
So much time (0.5?)........so hard to string it all together.