So the combo is not to bad,
But what about the ai set to 18,
Can you guys give some feedback about that?
I use the info for future formats and concepts.
Lowest possible weight, lowest possible downforce, reduce power until at 750.1'39.325
What are people finding are the best power/weight/downforce settings?
Obviously Fantastically Crap?
Thank you guys for adhering to my request1'38.774
So the combo is not to bad,
But what about the ai set to 18,
Can you guys give some feedback about that?
I use the info for future formats and concepts.
So I finally bought myself a decent wheel. Couldn't justify a G25 at this time but the DFGTs have become quite cheap and it it's still a huge step up from the DFEX I had.
Happy as a little boy I fired up the PS3 and did several races in the Amuse S2000. The result? 1,5 seconds slower on average than yesterday... per lap.
Nice time Animera,gonna try again tonight:tup:Changed a few settings and got: