GTP_WRS Week 37 : Official Results

  • Thread starter Vaxen
Congratulations everyone! Tough week but fun. Thanks MilleRSVR, I have had a great time trying to keep it close. Anyway, thanks everyone for a great week.

Here is my NTSC replay.


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My NTSC replay, suffix 034.


    215 KB · Views: 30
Sorry spy, your replay is all wrong.
There's only one file in there and there should be like five.
Zip the entire replay folder, not only the one named 'REPLAY0'

Ah crap,havn't done this in ages :dopey:

Does it work now?



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Amazing how you D1 guys can hold the cornerspeed so high.
Clean lap 👍
Congragulations to Cicua on the overall win. What a great time you ran. Really incredible indeed.

Viper great job on the D2 win and with a DS3 but you seemed to be going for the overall for awhile and I would have loved to see you have done it to and super destroy me and everyone in D2 in the process. I cant help but be in DS3 drivers corner.👍

Sid Playos, you and your dab of HB is scary I must say. I dont know how you do it, I may not get a chance to see either but I would really like to. Great lap time with a great T3.👍

Usual Suspect couldnt be happier to see you get on the podium this time. Again wish we were fighting for the gold not the bronze.:)

Lucas/Gravitron great D3 win. Happy to see you come out on top in your division...feels good huh?

Marc/Hydro always on the podium arent you? Nice Job.

Blair/MilleRSVR great job and wow were you on fire at the start of this TT I swear you did a high D2s initial splits. Took forever to catch you and always usually does for me. You are the man when a new TT starts.👍

All of you who might not of found this one so easy I salute your fighting spirit.:gtpflag:
haven't managed to understand these for weeks... someone explain?

I'm curious too!

I'll have a go. It's pretty simple.:boggled: This is how I understand the system to work but it may not be 100% correct. Feel free to put me right.

If you take the results and plot the distribution on a graph, you get a curve. The Squeeze and Scoot values are adjustments that are then made to the distribution to bring the curve closer to the Normal Distribution, or bell curve.

You can then give a score to any time based on it's position on the curve. This is the r number in the results. The first digit in this number gives you the division that your time falls in. This is how the divisions are assigned from the qualifier.

So my time of 1'11.494 gives a score of 3.298. The Par time given for each division is the top range, if you get a time faster that the Par time for Division 1 you are in alien territory. My time is between 1'11.319 and 1'11.515 so it is a Division 3 Gold time. Hence d3 in the brackets next to my score.

The next number gives the difference between your handicap and your score for the week. My handicap is 3.732, so 3.298-3.732 is -0.434. So anyone with a negative value here did better than expected, positive numbers are not so good.

These are then used to determine the Handicapped Results, with the lowest numbers getting the best times.

Finally, periodically Vaxen will use the scores to adjust the handicaps, this is where the weighting comes in. The qualifier counts double whereas most weeks are 1. Every now and then a week may be given a lower weighting and so would count less when the handicaps are adjusted. This happened in week 1 when an update changed the physics half way through the week.

The handicap system is one of my favourite aspects of the WRS as it gives me something to aim at even if I'm low down on the leaderboard.

Hope that makes sense.
I'll have a go. It's pretty simple.:boggled: This is how I understand the system to work but it may not be 100% correct. Feel free to put me right.

If you take the results and plot the distribution on a graph, you get a curve. The Squeeze and Scoot values are adjustments that are then made to the distribution to bring the curve closer to the Normal Distribution, or bell curve.

You can then give a score to any time based on it's position on the curve. This is the r number in the results. The first digit in this number gives you the division that your time falls in. This is how the divisions are assigned from the qualifier.

So my time of 1'11.494 gives a score of 3.298. The Par time given for each division is the top range, if you get a time faster that the Par time for Division 1 you are in alien territory. My time is between 1'11.319 and 1'11.515 so it is a Division 3 Gold time. Hence d3 in the brackets next to my score.

The next number gives the difference between your handicap and your score for the week. My handicap is 3.732, so 3.298-3.732 is -0.434. So anyone with a negative value here did better than expected, positive numbers are not so good.

These are then used to determine the Handicapped Results, with the lowest numbers getting the best times.

Finally, periodically Vaxen will use the scores to adjust the handicaps, this is where the weighting comes in. The qualifier counts double whereas most weeks are 1. Every now and then a week may be given a lower weighting and so would count less when the handicaps are adjusted. This happened in week 1 when an update changed the physics half way through the week.

The handicap system is one of my favourite aspects of the WRS as it gives me something to aim at even if I'm low down on the leaderboard.

Hope that makes sense.

Thanks for the detailed explanation Wilco. That clears it up rather well. The only thing I'm still not clear on is the final handicap time.

In my case if I subtract my handicap from my score which = -1.246 from my actual time of 1'11.483, it doesn't equal the time shown of 1'09.408. It would be 1'10.237 if my math is correct. I'm not complaining since I'm tops on the handicap results, just not clear how the final time is calculated.:)
The final time is not calculated by subtracting the handicap from you time, this is another metric. It's rather beging calculated based on the handicap.

So basically what Wilco already explained, your handicap is 'your position in the ladder', if you will.

If you perform better than your handicap/position, you get a negative score (which is good) and you move up the ladder. As you can see the lowest handicap is 0.619 by Timpaq. So the lower you get, the better you performed.

As you can see in the promotions thread: guys who get promoted have a corrected handicap. There your handicap was corrected with -0.36895. Which is a good thing.

You'll probably understand by now that promotions are also based on this handicaps, perform consistently better than your handicap and you're on your way to be promoted.

The handicaps is a great way to see how will you performed that week, my aim is to always get a negative handicap for the week, as that's an indication I've improved as a driver.

So this week you've (relatively to your own level) performed the best of all drivers that competed, congrats on that :cheers:
Joost, one question - my qualifier handicap is 2.394 and my week 36 perfromance gave me [r=2.137 (d2/-0.248)], so I wonder is this (2.394 - 0.248) counted as my current handicap or does my handicap stay 2.394?

To clear this up let's say this:
My qualifier handicap is 2.394;
I got -0.248 on week 36;
If I get, let's say -0.674 next week is it counted as:

r=1.463 (d1/-0.674)
r=1.720 (d1/-0.674)
I know I got r wrong, all I want to ask is - is all your perfromance related handicap added to your overall handicap or is the qualifier handicap always in place? So then, let's say in case 1 - if i maintain that handicap (as stated in r) I would get D1S promotion and in case 2 I would get D1B promotion, right?

Sorry for off-topicness, I just would like to know how do promotions and this whole system works so I can know how to improve my position.
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The final time is not calculated by subtracting the handicap from you time, this is another metric. It's rather beging calculated based on the handicap.

So basically what Wilco already explained, your handicap is 'your position in the ladder', if you will.

If you perform better than your handicap/position, you get a negative score (which is good) and you move up the ladder. As you can see the lowest handicap is 0.619 by Timpaq. So the lower you get, the better you performed.

As you can see in the promotions thread: guys who get promoted have a corrected handicap. There your handicap was corrected with -0.36895. Which is a good thing.

You'll probably understand by now that promotions are also based on this handicaps, perform consistently better than your handicap and you're on your way to be promoted.

The handicaps is a great way to see how will you performed that week, my aim is to always get a negative handicap for the week, as that's an indication I've improved as a driver.

So this week you've (relatively to your own level) performed the best of all drivers that competed, congrats on that :cheers:

Thanks for the clarification Joost, I think I have a handle on it now.👍
Joost, one question - my qualifier handicap is 2.394 and my week 36 perfromance gave me [r=2.137 (d2/-0.248)], so I wonder is this (2.394 - 0.248) counted as my current handicap or does my handicap stay 2.394?

To clear this up let's say this:
My qualifier handicap is 2.394;
I got -0.248 on week 36;
If I get, let's say -0.674 next week is it counted as:

r=1.463 (d1/-0.674)
r=1.720 (d1/-0.674)
I know I got r wrong, all I want to ask is - is all your perfromance related handicap added to your overall handicap or is the qualifier handicap always in place? So then, let's say in case 1 - if i maintain that handicap (as stated in r) I would get D1S promotion and in case 2 I would get D1B promotion, right?

Sorry for off-topicness, I just would like to know how do promotions and this whole system works so I can know how to improve my position.

To understand how handicap accumulates, you have to remember the weighting. You accumulate a history over time, and all of these are accumulated to find out your average handicap. As mentioned earlier, the qualifier counts double, and some races count as less than a full weight.

Finally, to prevent a long history from being too much of a drag on your advancement, we cap the "historical weight" at 6 (which equals the qualifier plus your first 4 races, which is also the minimum to be eligible for your first promotion).

In your case, your history in the database is as follows:
Player_id: 599 User: Energizerrr PSN: GTP_Energizer Div: 2 Sub: 1 Rating: 2.302329 Weight: 3.000000 Events: 2 DQS: 0 VERI: 1 Country: Serbia
Qual: Status: F Rating: 2.384866 Weight: 2.000000
History: Week: 36 Status: F Rating: 2.137255 Weight: 1.000000 DISQ: VERIFIED

Handicaps are only updated after races has been marked as "official" (as we need to remove DQ'd submissions to ensure the times considered are valid). In your case, the Handicap (also known as "Rating") is determined by the following formula:
(2.384866*2) + (2.137255*1) / 3 = 2.302329

The "capping" at 6 uses a trick where we use your existing handicap, multiply it by 5, add it to the handicap of the most recent race, and divide the total by 6.

Hope that helps explain it all!
Congratulations to all podiums and of course to Cicua in particular. It's a great feeling eh :-)

I am curious which LSD setting you all used? I tried the very low one that Kevin had in his tune but that did not work at all for me. I ended up with default LSD settings and a very backwards suspension setting with 1/10, 1/10 and 1/7 springs, 2.0/0.0 camber and -0.40/-0.30 toe. Default 5/5 brake balance as well.
Congratulations to all division and podium winners on another difficult week :cheers:

Special mention to Cicua who showed since the start that this was is week, and a great fight with spyrrari1 👍

My mate Chis for a well deserved podium and for his support every week 👍

To Viper84 for a great win on D2, and to Peter and his insane "handbraked" T3 time. I couldn´t do that even if i was here for month 👍

Mention to Gravitron and MilleRSVR, well above their league 👍

Usual Suspect couldnt be happier to see you get on the podium this time. Again wish we were fighting for the gold not the bronze.:)

Thanks Jack (is this your name?) was afraid of you since week 35 :sly:
Think our division is in great shape, anyone who wants to win it must be on D1 pace like Viper and Peter.

My replay:


  • GTP_UsualSuspect WRS 37 Replay PAL.rar
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Here's my replay. Fun lil bugger.


  • GTP-ncrthree Week 37
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I am curious which LSD setting you all used? I tried the very low one that Kevin had in his tune but that did not work at all for me. I ended up with default LSD settings and a very backwards suspension setting with 1/10, 1/10 and 1/7 springs, 2.0/0.0 camber and -0.40/-0.30 toe. Default 5/5 brake balance as well.

I used 5/40/20 lsd, in other words pretty much gave up making any sense of it. Also the suspension was pretty much Kev's extremes. Camber 2/1 and zero toe, and rear DF 20.

I found the gearbox trick and enormous rear brake bias were far more important than any fine details in lsd/suspension.

Congrats on your podium and your promotion to D2 Gold 👍
I spent alot of time running this TT to no real acomplishment. I've been busy with the real world since last Friday and did not submit. Tonight is my only free night to run Spa. Just about to move my living room around, hook up the wheel and get into it!

Congrats to all who submited this week, some unreal times out there that I could not come even close to, even dirty!


Both clean laps, spec's correct.

Nice smooth tidy lap Lucas, congrats on your D3 win.👍

Good lap otxjto, you had me worried. Good thing I had a nice T3.👍
Thanks for the check, Blair. 👍

I'll try to check some replays this weekend.
Congrats to all the Podium winners 👍
Tricky little combo....

Nice to see the top 4 D3 drivers were in the Wednesday race ;)

Great wins Lucas, and Blair. Always good to see you two on top of the division Podiums :cheers:

Here's my replay: NTSC
Never did get the hang of this combo, so I just made up new corner Apexes as I drove :D


  • GTP_Hydro WRS Tsukuba 500
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Congratulations to all podium finishers!

Here's my replay (NTSC).


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Good work all, was tough to get this thing to turn so I cheated and used HB nearly everywhere :lol:

Was pretty confident that I nailed T3, Kev's gerabox settings were the key for me there, instant improvement 👍

Thought I might even get you this week Chris, but you nailed it as well :sly:

Thomas, my final LSD settings were 15/35/5 BTW.


  • GTP_Sidplayos2 WRS Week 37 .zip
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3 Div 3's.... reminds me of something......💡;)
All three are clean, and up to specs.
Interesting Transmission Lefty. I wouldn't have thought to try that (only using 2nd,3rd and 4th)👍