GTP_WRS Week 44 : Mini Me 2

  • Thread starter EDK
Not going to run this one anymore. I think my alcohol infused rampage this weekend slowed my brain down more than that 0.150 that's stil out there for grabs.
Thanks for competing. Won't be attending the next one as it's gonna be a busy week with a city trip to Dublin at the end.

Hi guys, finally done stomping myself into the ground. This was fun, but turn 5 is really challenging.

Every time I got to out of that corner, it just bogs down the car. As I'm currently using Auto for pad use, that was really hampering my momentum. I actually had to resort to something that I was never good at: Using manual gears on a pad *Shutters*. Managed to shave off time and it surprisingly wasn't as awkward as I expected. Time was actually submitted so I no longer feel like an idiot, Good luck, guys :cheers: