Slight improvement but still range 12. Unfortunately I haven't had much time to spend on this combo but I'm going to submit as I won't have much time between now and the deadline
Not really making any headway, no matter which car gives me a draft.
They hardly seem to when I am behind anyway.
I do have a strategy that if, I can apply correctly it should get me into range 8.
That's a theory though, so I'm yet to prove it either way.
I've been busy with things this week and seeing as my first 20 minute attempt only got me into range 10, I won't be sendind in a submission this week. Good luck to all
Never got back to this like I had hoped but just remembered to submit anyway still range 6 ... I just checked the replay also and see I had some very bad late braking on the final turns of lap 1 and lap 2
The actual submitted lap is clean anyway and hopefully it will save me any embarrasments over the sloppier early laps hoping I can squeeze into the top 5 with some luck!