GTP_WRS Week 80 : Official Results

  • Thread starter Vaxen


GTP Race Admin
United States
Sunnyvale, CA


:: GTP_Weekly Race Series ::


Week 80 (Official): Gettin' Groceries in Style


Time Trial in Arcade Mode


Alfa Romeo Brera Sky Window 3.2 JTS Q4 '06


Suzuka East

Steward's Comments:

Nice job everyone!


OLR Team.

Important notices:
To streamline the WRS administration process, all required replays for this race must be submitted within 7 days. This thread will be listed as "Provisional" and will become "Official" once all posted replays have been verified. After 7 days, all drivers who fail to provide a requested replay will have their lap disqualified. (Beware: disqualification isn't taken lightly within the WRS.)
Drivers who do not have a submitted lap posted in the results are not to post any information related to a laptime they might have achieved in the results thread. Any such posts will have the times removed.

Replay Verification Requests:
This week we would like to see replays for all indicated results. All replays are to be posted here.

Instructions on how to upload your replay can be found here -

Division 1:

1---1'00.756---GTP_Twissy (Verified)

2---1'00.782---GTP_Mike_Peperni (Verified)

3---1'00.819---GTP_firstmivec (Verified)

5---1'00.998---GTP_Anastasis14 (Verified)


Division 2:

1---1'00.733---GTP_BanditKarter (Verified)

2---1'00.956---GTPcats_pajamas (Verified)

3---1'01.020---GTP_Rikson (Verified)

5---1'01.064---GTP_SnowCrash (Verified)

6---1'01.552---GTP_nicnew (Verified)

Division 3:

1---1'00.988---GTP_Litchi (Verified)

2---1'01.253---GTP_the_wilco (Verified)

3---1'01.309---GTP_pilmat (Verified)

4---1'01.392---GTP_Allibubba99 (Verified)

6---1'01.542---GTP_Brinomial (Verified)

7---1'01.590---GTP_Mamba (Verified)

Q---(Replay not provided)---GTP_NickSkyline

Division 4:

1---1'01.674---GTP_Racingworld (Verified)

2---1'01.942---GTP_GDS (Verified)

3---1'02.797---GTP_DDiamond (Verified)

Division 5:

1---1'02.346---GTP_zapphoid (Verified)

2---1'02.541---GTP_ZippyCat (Verified)

3---1'02.651---GTP_Straffestef (Verified)



Overall Results:

>> Division 1: Par: 1'00.644 Gold: 1'00.731 Silver: 1'00.833 Bronze: 1'00.951
1---1'00.733---GTP_BanditKarter r=1.340 (d1/-0.909)
2---1'00.756---GTP_Twissy r=1.415 (d1/0.115)
3---1'00.782---GTP_Mike_Peperni r=1.500 (d1/0.373)
4---1'00.819---GTP_firstmivec r=1.621 (d1/-0.022)
5---1'00.897---GTP_UsualSuspect r=1.847 (d1/-0.032)

>> Division 2: Par: 1'00.952 Gold: 1'01.039 Silver: 1'01.141 Bronze: 1'01.259
6---1'00.956---GTPcats_pajamas r=2.015 (d2/-0.329)
7---1'00.988---GTP_Litchi r=2.138 (d2/-1.280)
8---1'00.998---GTP_Anastasis14 r=2.176 (d2/-0.429)
9---1'01.020---GTP_Rikson r=2.261 (d2/-0.500)
10--1'01.030---GTP_viper84 r=2.299 (d2/-0.333)
11--1'01.064---GTP_SnowCrash r=2.415 (d2/-0.526)
12--1'01.155---GTP_MadMax86 r=2.706 (d2/0.404)
13--1'01.253---GTP_the_wilco r=2.983 (d2/-1.201)

>> Division 3: Par: 1'01.260 Gold: 1'01.347 Silver: 1'01.449 Bronze: 1'01.568
14--1'01.309---GTP_pilmat r=3.188 (d3/-0.510)
15--1'01.392---GTP_Allibubba99 r=3.480 (d3/-0.505)
16--1'01.404---GTP_orsche r=3.520 (d3/0.289)
17--1'01.542---GTP_Brinomial r=3.927 (d3/0.227)
18--1'01.552---GTP_nicnew r=3.955 (d3/1.006)

>> Division 4: Par: 1'01.569 Gold: 1'01.656 Silver: 1'01.758 Bronze: 1'01.876
19--1'01.590---GTP_Mamba r=4.080 (d4/1.060)
20--1'01.602---GTP_AspecBob r=4.126 (d4/0.204)
21--1'01.666---GTP_LeftyWright r=4.366 (d4/0.819)
22--1'01.674---GTP_Racingworld r=4.392 (d4/0.219)

>> Division 5: Par: 1'01.877 Gold: 1'02.400 Silver: 1'03.016 Bronze: 1'03.724
23--1'01.942---GTP_GDS r=5.041 (d5/0.021)
24--1'02.346---GTP_zapphoid r=5.299 (d5/-0.234)
25--1'02.541---GTP_ZippyCat r=5.410 (d5/0.250)
26--1'02.651---GTP_Straffestef r=5.469 (d5/0.442)
27--1'02.797---GTP_DDiamond r=5.548 (d5/0.817)
28--1'02.908---GTP_whiskyecho96 r=5.608 (d5/0.285)

Q---(Replay not provided)---GTP_NickSkyline


Handicapped Results:


(Settings: Weight = 1.000 Squeeze = 1.366 Scoot = 0.037)

shows that the replay has been posted and verified.
shows that the submitted lap turned out to be dirty or doubtful.
shows that the replay has not been provided in due time.

Replay Checking:

  1. It is customary for all participants of the WRS to verify each others submitted replays
  2. Once you have checked the replay, post in this thread to say that you have checked it and whether it's clean, dirty or doesn't meet the required race specifications
  3. When verifying a replay, check against this weeks race specification, check that the tyres are the correct compound and that the power and weight is correct for example
  4. If you are unsure about a replay, always seek a second opinion before posting
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I am very happy I gave this one another try today. Missed my 1st D3 podium by 0.083. Oh well maybe my fairlady will do better next week!

Congrats Bandit! Awesome overall win! Congrats to all that braved this slippery combo, "Turn Turn Turn Turn" but it just wouldn't listen! Not like last week! Night and day challenge this was!

Congratulations everyone!
Nice win BanditKarter! :) i wished i had more time to nail everything together but its part of the game! :D

And James... you had a crazy T3 to catch up like that!👍

Heres my replay file NTSC:


  • GTP_Mike_Peperni_Week 80 1'
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Congrats to winners and podium finishers.

I just couldn't get anything more out of this car. I only managed to take a tenth out of my initial time, so I knew I wasn't going to get very far with it.
Congratulations to division winners and podium finishers.

Yes, Al, you almost had your first podium so soon after being promoted to D3, very impressive! In fact, you would have had your podium if Guill Will had spent a bit more time on his qualifier :sly:

I have to thank Mike for helping me out with this combo. I was able to make some last minute progress because of your coaching, it could have been even better if I had had more time for it.
I do better with slow cars that cannot be tuned, good fun


  • GTP_zapphoid WRS WK80
    196 KB · Views: 10
Congratulations to division winners and podium finishers.

Yes, Al, you almost had your first podium so soon after being promoted to D3, very impressive! In fact, you would have had your podium if Guill Will had spent a bit more time on his qualifier :sly:

I have to thank Mike for helping me out with this combo. I was able to make some last minute progress because of your coaching, it could have been even better if I had had more time for it.

No problem Daniel! , glad i could help. :)

Congratulations all again 👍
Congrats to all the winners and podiums. This was a trying combo :crazy:

I did much better than I expected. After my first stint, I didn't think I could improve. But I persisted in my second attempt and produced my submitted time. But I didn't have the courage to try again...


  • GTP_pilmat WRS Week
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Congrats participants and podiums. Hope I'm well enough for next week - I'm still a headache and phlegm factory.

I'm sure there's a "throwing your weight around" gag in there somewhere.

Good to see several folks back (Mike, John, Lefty....), and Will (Litchi) running offline :scared:!

Tale of T3:

[B][U] Place  |  Driver PSN           |  Div  |   Split 1 |   Split 2 |   Split 3 |  Δ  |   Laptime |[/U][/B]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      1 |  GTP_BanditKarter     | div 2 |    22.418 |    18.637 |    19.678 |     |  1'00.733 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]      2 |  GTP_Twissy           | div 1 |    22.490 |    18.770 |    19.496 |  +2 |  1'00.756 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]      3 |  GTP_Mike_Peperni     | div 1 |    22.398 |    18.778 |    19.606 |  -1 |  1'00.782 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]      4 |  GTP_firstmivec       | div 1 |    22.464 |    18.789 |    19.566 |  -1 |  1'00.819 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]      5 |  GTP_UsualSuspect     | div 1 |    22.472 |    18.887 |    19.538 |  +1 |  1'00.897 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      6 |  GTPcats_pajamas      | div 2 |    22.496 |    18.873 |    19.587 |  +1 |  1'00.956 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]      7 |  GTP_Litchi           | div 3 |    22.448 |    18.925 |    19.615 |  +1 |  1'00.988 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]      8 |  GTP_Anastasis14      | div 1 |    22.573 |    18.848 |    19.577 |  +2 |  1'00.998 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]      9 |  GTP_Rikson           | div 2 |    22.548 |    18.857 |    19.615 |     |  1'01.020 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]     10 |  GTP_viper84          | div 2 |    22.450 |    18.903 |    19.677 |  -5 |  1'01.030 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]     11 |  GTP_SnowCrash        | div 2 |    22.520 |    18.918 |    19.626 |     |  1'01.064 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]     12 |  GTP_MadMax86         | div 1 |    22.520 |         0 |  1'01.155 |     |           |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     13 |  GTP_the_wilco        | div 3 |    22.630 |    18.998 |    19.625 |  +1 |  1'01.253 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     14 |  GTP_pilmat           | div 3 |    22.589 |    19.019 |    19.701 |  -1 |  1'01.309 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     15 |  GTP_Allibubba99      | div 3 |    22.814 |    18.872 |    19.706 |  +1 |  1'01.392 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     16 |  GTP_orsche           | div 3 |    22.685 |    18.968 |    19.751 |  -1 |  1'01.404 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     17 |  GTP_NickSkyline      | div 3 |    22.672 |    18.930 |    19.838 |  -5 |  1'01.440 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     18 |  GTP_Brinomial        | div 3 |    22.672 |         0 |  1'01.542 |     |           |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]     19 |  GTP_nicnew           | div 2 |    22.777 |    18.972 |    19.803 |  -2 |  1'01.552 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     20 |  GTP_Mamba            | div 3 |    22.649 |    19.164 |    19.777 |  -1 |  1'01.590 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     21 |  GTP_AspecBob         | div 3 |    22.768 |    18.910 |    19.924 |  -1 |  1'01.602 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta]     22 |  GTP_LeftyWright      | div 3 |    22.884 |    19.093 |    19.689 |  -1 |  1'01.666 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     23 |  GTP_Racingworld      | div 4 |    22.746 |    19.025 |    19.903 |  -5 |  1'01.674 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     24 |  GTP_GDS              | div 4 |    22.795 |    19.194 |    19.953 |  -2 |  1'01.942 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]     25 |  GTP_zapphoid         | div 5 |    22.973 |    19.277 |    20.096 |  -2 |  1'02.346 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]     26 |  GTP_ZippyCat         | div 5 |    23.214 |    19.153 |    20.174 |  -2 |  1'02.541 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]     27 |  GTP_Straffestef      | div 5 |    23.013 |    19.391 |    20.247 |  -2 |  1'02.651 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]     28 |  GTP_DDiamond         | div 4 |    23.115 |    19.503 |    20.179 |  -2 |  1'02.797 |[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]     29 |  GTP_whiskyecho96     | div 5 |    23.128 |    19.494 |    20.286 |  -2 |  1'02.908 |[/COLOR]
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Congrats everyone, this was a tough one :ouch:, I just couldn't nail turn one. Should have asked some D1 folks like Mike, Nice lap :sly: but run out of time I think its adverse effects of driving the F1 car the week before. Hope to do better at Fairlady

Heres my replay


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Grats everyone.
I'll give it a try to week 81 but i'm not so fast when tuning is allowed :scared:

I'll post my replay tonight after work 👍
Grats everyone.
I'll give it a try to week 81 but i'm not so fast when tuning is allowed :scared:

I'll post my replay tonight after work 👍

Gee, I recommend you work on your handicap a little and look what you go and do... Win the handicapped results! 👍

You should try week 81. Just throw on Vagabond's posted tune and forget it's a tuning event... That tune is top flight stuff.

Anyway good to see you here. Maybe see you online Wednesday too.
Congratulations to everyone, Not to happy with my result...looks like I am having the same problem over and over again.....very bad last sectors...guess I will have to work on this in the upcomming events...

Will post my replay tonight.
Glad to get 2nd in d2, only spent about two hours on this one. Also glad to see my handicap didn't suffer this week.

Looks like a win is out of reach until Banditkarter gets put in d1.

I'll put my replay up later.
Glad with the result, the bad thing for me was T1 throughtout the week.
Didn't really get it, my best was 22.53x, and happy to see my T3 was somewhat competitive :)
Congratulations to the stunning performance there bandit litchi and wilco!
Will upload replay later.
It's good to get back at the sharp end. I spent a good 6 hours plus on it though which is more than I've managed for a while. Well done to Litchi for the D3 win, and all the other podiums.

Here's my PAL replay.


  • WRS Week 80 GTP_the_wilco
    191.5 KB · Views: 11
Here's mine. Was never that close to the top timewise before. Well, then again, it's only a minute.


    193.1 KB · Views: 11
Well done banditkarter. I suspect you're in the wrong division though. Just compete in the weeks when I don't eh? :lol: :D

Nice 2nd Baron!

Interesting fact: twissy (James) has never had a divisional bronze. Only silver or gold when on the podium. Enviable record? ;)
Congratulations to everyone, Not to happy with my result...looks like I am having the same problem over and over again.....very bad last sectors...guess I will have to work on this in the upcomming events...

I had this problem and still do at times. What helps me is to track my own times for the sectors that are not on the leaderboard. The board gives you a good target range to shoot for so you know when you are missing anything big and should experiment.

Q: So what to do with the final sector (or any secret sectors)?
A: Track your own times during the week.

And not just your best laps, but also sometimes when you blow a lap a little early and have a good run through the final sector. Note that sector down later (see below). I usually run a bunch of laps in a row until I beat my ghost and then maybe a few more laps if I'm in a groove until it's a good time to take a pause. I exit and immediately save my ghost replay if I have a new best lap, but then I play the normal replay (from right within the practice mode, don't leave to the replay theater). I then fast forward through my laps looking for good final sector times and jot those down. Especially if I note during the mini session that I gained on my ghost in the final sector or if I took an experimental line that might have worked out well.

For me this accomplishes a few things. It promotes running full laps and not constantly restarting - which kills my flow and makes the experience more frustrating. It gives me low pressure opportunities to nail the final sector -- my ghost is ahead with little hope to catch, but I can relax and try to close in on it. And it gives me opportunities to experiment on the final sector with nothing to lose.

Just a thought. Mileage may vary.

I don't run these time trials that often anymore, but this is how I addressed my final sector problems and I did turn those around for the most part. You can't avoid the occasional surprise when you just miss some technique or line. But you will know your own personal range of possibilities for the final sector and you'll know if your submitted lap is close to your own personal potential versus just trying to bring home a good first couple sectors without screwing it up.
Congratulations to everyone who reached their goal.
I didn't expect to finish on the podium.


    190.3 KB · Views: 10
Great win banditkarter & well done to all podium placers. I still don't find the Suzuka "S" turns too enjoyable.


    190.1 KB · Views: 10
Replay GTP_BanditKarter

Replay GTP_the_wilco

Replay GTP_SnowCrash

All visual aspects okay.
Congrats BanditKarter,nice ging through the esses :)
Well done banditkarter. I suspect you're in the wrong division though. Just compete in the weeks when I don't eh? :lol: :D

Nice 2nd Baron!

Interesting fact: twissy (James) has never had a divisional bronze. Only silver or gold when on the podium. Enviable record? ;)

Thanks, I have only had divisonal gold so far but only on 2 :lol:

Replay GTP_BanditKarter

Replay GTP_the_wilco

Replay GTP_SnowCrash

All visual aspects okay.
Congrats BanditKarter,nice ging through the esses :)

Thanks for the check, it feels good when you get that middle sector right :)
Those replays are clean :)


My replay.



  • GTP_Allibubba99 Week 80
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