GTP_WRS Week 83: Viper Waltz

  • Thread starter roamer2629
As I said earlier, this track feels to me like all work and no play, long straights then huge braking and messed up hairpins, even the esses section have no flow that you can just ease yourself into. But I find it interesting and spent a long time fighting it today, it's a great combo!
I've felt the same way about the track, so I set out to find a combo I could live with to learn it a little better.

The understeer can be overcome to some extent with throttle, but it's certainly a compromise. The MR stuff we tried had stupid long braking zones that were impossible to make consistent.
Also I think I'm meant to have my division placement now aren't I as I've done 3 rounds?
You should have already gotten placed but things are delayed due to admins on vacation. I think it will happen next Monday.

I have a friend that has this gen of Viper:


BB +1

Shifting a little past halfway on the bar and staying in 3rd for every corner except for turns 2 and 3. The first corner is quite awkward and it’s where I lost my time on this lap, I still need to learn how to be consistent through there.
Tricky icky icky! but still a cool combo :cool:👍


I need to find some speed in sector 2.. Great splits posted so far guys! :cheers:

edit: here's a T1 vid to show how much rumble I used for turn 1

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I’m late to the party this week, but you guys picked my all time favourite car!! Well a 96 GTS, Blue with White stripes is my ATF, but this is close enough lol. And the most recent update has been very kind to the Viper, she drives much nicer now. Got an initial squeaky clean lap in, now to start pushing. Good Luck this week fellas!! :cheers:

That second sector is killing me big time. And I don't know how it is for you guys but it looks like that first corner of T2 is crucial for a good second sector. I can do the 24's in T1 even down to .8's and I saw a few .7's, so that not the problem. But my second sector is so inconsistent, I can do .2's (altho that's still not good enough) but I think my average over multiple laps is like .4's at best, but .6 is no exception. Every time I come out of that horrible corner I see my ghost pulling away like a rocket, lap after lap after lap after lap. And if I finally nail it that corner the next problem comes. Because the exit is so good I mis judge the breaking point of the next corner. I looks like for every km you the approach a corner faster you have to break 10 mtrs earlier. So what's the secret of getting good traction out of the first corner of T2?
That second sector is killing me big time. And I don't know how it is for you guys but it looks like that first corner of T2 is crucial for a good second sector. I can do the 24's in T1 even down to .8's and I saw a few .7's, so that not the problem. But my second sector is so inconsistent, I can do .2's (altho that's still not good enough) but I think my average over multiple laps is like .4's at best, but .6 is no exception. Every time I come out of that horrible corner I see my ghost pulling away like a rocket, lap after lap after lap after lap. And if I finally nail it that corner the next problem comes. Because the exit is so good I mis judge the breaking point of the next corner. I looks like for every km you the approach a corner faster you have to break 10 mtrs earlier. So what's the secret of getting good traction out of the first corner of T2?

I’m similar, when I match my best sectors I screw the next one up. When you say first corner T2, do you mean the one immediately after the T1 split (turn 2) or the next one (turn3), the second 2nd gear corner?
Second corner of the lap i mean

I’ve been braking (ABS default) at the first marker board I think on the rumble strips, keep your right tyres on the strip, left set over them. Then gradually turn in to clip the rumble strip on the inside accelerating at this point, traction seems to hold even with TC off but need to straighten up as soon as you can.

That works for me anyway.
Second corner of the lap i mean
not sure it's a good idea but I've been downshifting to 1st in a heartbeat after downshifting to 2nd and it helped my car rotate then I would upshift to 2nd right away then go over the inside curb with my foot full on throttle.. well at least this must have been the plan I'm not even sure this is what happened in the lap I submitted.

Made .1 at the line.. Never been a track I finish well at in the past and I'm no threat to the front runners this event 👍 but I gotta say I really am enjoying the challenge this combo throws at you! It's frustrating as hell but feels great when you piece it together and cross the line.. WD to the creator of this mind**** haha :cheers:
It’ll be interesting to see the final times for this, similar to the last track, a lot can be made or lost in the final set of corners.

Ah, so the leaderboard is based only on submitted sector times and not total times then eh? I had wondered about that, so in theory the fastest time could actually be down the leaderboard a few spots before the full times get revealed at the end?
Ah, so the leaderboard is based only on submitted sector times and not total times then eh? I had wondered about that, so in theory the fastest time could actually be down the leaderboard a few spots before the full times get revealed at the end?

Yes , happened to me most of the times I have entered so far, ha. It is a good way of doing it though.

Yes , happened to me most of the times I have entered so far, ha. It is a good way of doing it though.

Awesome, thanks for the clarification fellas. :cheers:

I like that it leaves a little bit of mystery to it, even though it makes it harder than the Daily TT’s because you can’t just go watch the top laps and then copy them. :lol: But I’m thoroughly enjoying the challenge of trying to figure combos out on my own. :)
Knocked a bit more off so far tonight, I’m still being too cautious in T1 though, gotta be more aggressive there. It’s coming along though. :)


Edit: It figures this is the one car I don’t have a RedBull based livery on, maybe the problem is that I need to go change. :lol:

