Nice win doodle 👍 I should have went back

Well done
Congrats to Chris for a very nice lap and thanks for the set up mate

Congrats also to the all drivers who got a clean smooth lap in the end 👍 It was a hard fought week

Awesome 5th place Danny @
Friday_GTRP 👍
KlubbinJay did you stop at T2 for a cup of tea? do you even have a clue how much of a clown you are making yourself look? from competitive splits to losing it all at the line just comes across that you match peoples splits that you see posted in the thread but have no idea what the total could be as its not revealed and its all bs and part of your imagination... why are you wasting our time as well as your own?
Is there an ignore button to stop me from seeing the next load of bull that gets posted by this guy? Thanks in advance