GTPAAC: Week 15 - Noble M12 GTO

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Not Even A Real Mod
Staff Emeritus
United States
Application hell
Week 15____

- The Noble M12.

I like this car. I remember seeing a 5th gear episode on it, and i figured it would be a great car for the competitions. It sure looks funner than hell.
make the car your own.

Images by Google
The Largest Collection of M12 Pics I've Found. Enjoy.




happy drawing.
sadly, i dont think i'll be entering this one.

im just too busy with school and ****. lol. maybe next week
oh and totally loving that sketch! its probably your best work yet, imho.

esperante, that is also a veyr nice drawing. i agree that the bumper is a little bit off-level with the rest of the car, but i appreciate the detail and complexity you bring to the competitions with the car and the backround, etc.

keep up the good work everyone. im looking foward to yours too, riplox.
the start of college is getting in the way of a lot of things.. fortunately ill make some time for the comps.

ideation during class = fun ^_^
I really think that these comps should be on a bi-weekly basis. It'll give us more breathing room. Ok well here's my entry. A Lemans Version of the Noble M12.


  • M12GT2LM.jpg
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Actually Vip, I didn't really. That drawing I submitted is the sketch cause when I went to retrace it, I couldn't seem to get the lines right so...its almost all freehand. And another thing. You may want to change the date for the GT4 relase in your "Location" to Feb. 22nd.
christ, riplox, that is amazing.

i didnt put the poll up yesterday because i couldn't see riplox's drawing for some reason.
next week i'll try and make it a point to enter. im kicking myself for the last 2 weeks.
anyway, poll goes up now.
You guys are too nice. Thanks all. Y'know, I still think Vip's got an edge over everyone though. His drawings always look nice and clean cause he uses the proper tools and has some formal training under his belt, unlike me and most of you guys.

On to a slightly different subject. My dad was telling me last night that their noseart guy in their unit (my dad's in the Air Force) moved and he was thinking that I could replace him. What do you think? Do you think I should learn airbrushing and apply for the artist position? Heck, I could make a decent living off of it. There aren't really any good airbrush artists around here that I know of and I think maybe, just maybe, I could fill that void, if I try.
You guys are too nice. Thanks all. Y'know, I still think Vip's got an edge over everyone though. His drawings always look nice and clean cause he uses the proper tools and has some formal training under his belt, unlike me and most of you guys.
:lol: Your saying this with that drawing?? ha ha... whatever.
airbrushing is great.

do you have to buy your own equipment though? if so, i URGE YOU to get a dual-action internal mix airbrush. its kind of a pain in the ass for me to constantly adjust my airbrush. i guess mine is more meant for ceramic and base painting. it's a single action internal-mix brush, so the spray itself is coarser. internal mixes will give a fine, smooth look. and the dual action gives you both air and paint control at your finger, but single action just has an air button and a paint knob.

you'll see what i mean if you do some research. but yeah.....that would be a sweetass job.
Well seeing that it's just an idea...I'd go with a dual action bottom siphoning aribrush. But what's a good air source? I know it has to have a tank so it can keep the pressure even, but what would be best to supply the brush with air?
just an air compressor tank.

i use the propellant can (because im too poor right now. lol. and i got it in my kit anyway) but they have a short lifespan, and are expensive as hell to constantly replace. they also get FREEZING cold with prolonged use. that will decrease air pressure inside the can. i went to pick it up after spraying my model car, and it almost gave me frost bite. lol.

that's all you're gonna need if you have any questions and stuff.