GTPAAC: Week 15 - Noble M12 GTO

  • Thread starter Omnis
i'll do a re-scan tomorrow, the rear got clipped off. if you must, post the poll whenever you are going to with the picture linked from my hosting url. i'll re-upload the fixed scan with the same filename. thnx.

woah, what'd you use to color that? looks like mspaint. lol.

i'll post up the poll when im at my uncle's house for the superbowl party. he has cable, so it'll be snappy.

check out the meetings topic to give me ideas for the future weeks too.
i used berol prismacolor "blue marine" (colored pencil), an ef design ebony jetblack pencil, and a .5mm mechanical pencil.

scanner settings were all messed up yesterday.. appearantly "color correction" means "boost highlight and contrast +100" :crazy:

im happy with the new milder scan.

to make a note of it, i haven't gotten down shading with colored pencils. i really don't like how the color comes out all blotchy.. i think markers would look much nicer.. ill have to see when i can get around to buying a couple.
You guys certainly know how to draw.

Just to add something of my own to the thread;

Ive driven a Noble M12, actually i blew the turbo up.
It was a press car and a friend of mine had borrowed it for the day, he'd been driving it hard, and i had like 5 mins in it up a straight road in the autumn 2 years ago, maybe 3, it wouldnt put the power down properly till third! bloody wheelspin. Anyway, its like driving your bed, cos youre laid down in it, and you cant see a thing out the rear window.
The turbo smoked a lot when my friend left, he says it was wrecked by the time he got it back to James Noble (he designed it).
Interesting trivia for you: The majority of the electrical parts used for this car were stolen from a Ford Mondeo, including the tail lights.
Where's the voting thread?...It should've been up monday and the new contest up yesterday.

you have it thread should've been up yesterday, or last week for that matter.

check the meetings and polls topic. that's why i had punkrock sticky it.

i have some stuff i have to take care of, so we'll start fresh again on sunday.
Omnis you do have an obligation to maintain the comp on a weekly basis. If you can't handle that I suggest you rework the guidelines for the comp to fit around a schedule that fits you. Its concerning when something as trivial as a forum comp can't be held on time. I'm sure you've got plenty of stuff to do, but everyone else is the same. Please make your best effort to keep this thing going.
well, who would have said? there are some people here! amazing. Hi all, I see the drawing comps have been more or less growing. Im glad. I may enter the next one if I like the car and if I have any time... as many of you know... I dont have any time now, but I may give me a small flick to hit some lines. I just hope the next car will be a good one. GOOD.


cheers to all the new drawers! Riplox, you seem to be way talented, I like your style. Vipfreak, that one is your best work yet, and it isnt even coloured. you've come a long way dude. Shima, awesome colouring, nice texturing, it looks like blue primer!
competition is hard now. nice.
welcome back, cano.

looks like i'll be starting up a comp tonight, and then the next one will resume on friday the 18th to follow the new schedule. thanks for replying to the meetings announcement, you're the only one to do so. i dont know if anyone else had taken time to read the sticky, but you all should check it to see whats going on.

get ready and cheers to cano.
Omnis, was not my intention to sound harsh in those posts regarding schedule!

But no problem for the replies, non the less :P
Thanks for the compliment Cano and welcome back to the threads. On a side note, we just got a new puppy. I'll put pics up later.
Hey. Where's the voting thread for this comp? Wow. SOMEBODY's been slacking on the threads lately. Whatever, just pulling your chain Omnis.
lol. everything will go up with this week's comp's poll.
You should've pm'd me that. And I don't have anime porn (hentai) in my collection. It comes close, but it's not clasified as hentai. :P