ok, so, there is no way right now to communicate my scanner, wich is connected to my mac, with my inet connection, wich is on my pc, so guess what? -_-
well, anyway, my entry was just a pencil doodle, I tried to get some time to get it done, but all I could do was rendering it. Lemme show you a digital photo I took of it... It's all I can do for it... sorry =/ but of course, I'll ink it and colour it when I have some time... I'll for sure show it over here when its done, but for now, a digital pic will have to do.
link here, if it doesnt work, try pasting it in your browser:
http://web.1asphost.com/hotrodcano/mj 003.jpg
it will be there fur the duration of the poll, then thumbed down. I'll upload the definitive version when its done. For thos one, I tried to render what would my car look like if I was able to do exaclty what I want to... I hope I'll be, of course.