GTPAAC: Week 17 - Early 90's Le Mans Megacars

  • Thread starter Omnis


Not Even A Real Mod
Staff Emeritus
United States
Application hell
That's right people, the new system has started, and now instead of doing individual cars, we are going to broaden our horizons and start tapping more into our creative talents, rather than just relying on being as photorealistic as possible.

Competitions will be more categorized and complex. boring, linear drawings and challenges will not be issued anymore, unless it's by special special request (birthdays, etc. :lol: ).

On to this week's comp...
We will be designing our own LM cars that would've ran with the likes of the 787b, R91CP, Porsche 962, and Sauber C9.​


due date will be exactly one week from now. friday night/saturday morning.

go nuts. happy dra- designing. ;) 👍
Here's a quick prelim I did in study hall...I still want ot do much more to it, including making it less of a road car. Here you go anyway. :)
This is what I was looking for, for those who were wondering. Too bad I broke my htumb last week snowboarding the powder.....

I'll certainly look forward to this style in the future...

You never really realize how much you love something until you're faced with the absence of that loved thing.
esperante with yet another quick pic reply~

looks great. but i think it needs more definition of whether or not its MR or FR layout

at the moment it looks as if there is enough space in the front to house an engine
here's a quick mock up of some lines im trying to accomplish.. the front end is going to be revised, as well as the wing and probably the entire flow of the car. one thing im keeping is the profile view wedge where the door splits from the body.

Although these are rather crude sketches, please help me out here and give me some feedback as to what ideas i should implement in my final drawing.. throw anything at me.. i would like to know what parts of the cars you would like to see in the final.




its nice to get everyone involved! ^_^
Try drawing with a looser hand and draw with your shoulder/elbow more that fingers/wrist. Doing it with a pencil also helps.

I would enter this comp if my thumb would work......
great, i appreciate the suggestions.

i never seem to pay attention to my arm position .. should help a bunch.

ill be workin on this tonight, thanks all
I'll tell you one thing shima, that profile drawing looks sick! Work with that and try to get a uniform width on the car and I think you'd have yourself a winner.
why are the lines so thick? It seems as if the drawing is very small. I'd say going for something bigger (or getting larger paper) so you're not restricted with any details or shapes. Just a comment, good luck.
yeah, it is small. like i said, it's just a teaser shot thing.

and i guess we will have to extent the contests to a 2 week span. this contest isn't going to work with just 2 entries.
Well, this was a really fast sketch of what I was sort of thinking based on the Peugeot 905 Evo 2 but I fell asleep and didn't get to post it so here it is today...

If you could straighten out and lengthen your second drawing, you'd have an awesome lookin lmp car :D

meanwhile, i'll be finalizing my entry.. and ill post it up soon.
Wow, I didn't know such things went on on here. I studied Industrial Design breifly in college. I don't have a scanner or even a digicam here so I cant post a Hand drawn image, so I did a quick one in auto cad. Hopefully you can understand whats going on in the pic. I know its hard to get a feel for it in one point, but It takes way to long to do 3d models. I filled in some spots so some things make more sense.

I wanted to keep the feel of a older group c car instead of a modern prototype. While still doing someting a bit diffferent.


Hey man, that's pretty hot. I can't work cad very well so I'd say your breif training did you good. But there is somthing I'd like to point out if this is your first time here on the art comp boards. One of the rules is that you must draw it by hand...all of it. The only thing you can do on a computer (other than scanning, converting, and sizing) is clean it up with brightness and contrast levels and maybe get rid of some blemishes. Although, since you don't have a scanner, Omnis my let it slide. Not sure though.
sorry, bud, but the final entry HAS to be hand done. it's a cool cad draft, but perhaps you could use it as a reference for your hand drawing. try not to trace it either :lol:, what's the fun in that?

if anything, you can use a digital camera, if you have one, like me. It'd make for a good entry either way.
sorry, bud, but the final entry HAS to be hand done. it's a cool cad draft, but perhaps you could use it as a reference for your hand drawing. try not to trace it either :lol:, what's the fun in that?

if anything, you can use a digital camera, if you have one, like me. It'd make for a good entry either way.

Oh, Its cool. Thats what I figured. It wouldn't be fair for someone who did a hand drawing to compeat with someone that used alias or something :crazy: . Just wanted to show everyone. Now that I know that we have these comps I can take some time a whip up a rendering.