Ok. See page 3 for my final entry in the spot the lineart drawing used to be. I didn't use all the methods I usually do cause I got lazy and was pressed for time.
Thanks dood... although I don't think I'm gonna get a chance to finish it because I'm stuck at work I like yours but I never could get the "90's" look. 👍 Riplox... looks nice too. 👍
i did a crapload of drawings of my car, but it just didn't match what i wanted the car to look like. my teaser thing looks the best so far, which is pretty odd considering it was just a quicky concept-ish thing. i guess i'll enter that one as my final entry, and post anything i become happy with on this thread at a later time.
i had to go to sleep really early to go to the car show today...which was pretty cool. i'm in love with the infiniti M, though it could use some alterations. do i smell this week's subject? anyway, that's why this week's topic goes up tonight instead of yesterday. sorries. lol.