GTPDC:Month 1*Results posted*

  • Thread starter Ryen49
Already finished my lap. Just waiting now to see if i can get my hands on a cap card and ill be set. I have got a dodgy digicam version that is 35mb but that just wont do! Cant wait for this to be judged!!!
didnt get a #, were they sent already?
just sent them now...go check..
BTW: everyone needs to check thier box for a contestant number.they have all been sent and anyone who sign sup now will get a number after they sign up so you can still isgn up for the comp.
count me in, though i dont know how i will fare, i could nail the lap in gt3, but gt4 is a whole different story!
I didnt get a number either??

Probably because you didn't say you wanted in. 💡 None of your posts say anything about which division you wanted to compete in, or that you even wanted to enter...
apricot used to be my favourite track, but is no longer... haha its a good learning experience tho, its hard trying to nail all of the turns in one run
not to mention that the surface is quite grippy compared to placeslike grand valley or deep forest.... but thats all part of the challenge and allure
If your a good drifter you can drift anywhere anytime in any condition =), not me of couse maybe in GT3 but not in GT4. I can only do the old tracks =/.
ok, sat down last night and decided I should make my entry.

heh, it's lookin like I should enter the amateur division. I can throw together some real clean runs through the first 6 or 7 turns and then mess up the rest of the lap somewhere silly, like through the chicane or by running wide on the last turn :mad:

heh. I'll get it done. I have 3 or 4 'ok' laps where i'll be having a good run and then kinda limp through one turn. My car will drift (and has drifted) every corner of the track, I just have to get it to all come together the way I like.

how's everyone else been doing so far?
I've got nothing on my schedule for the remainder of the day so I'm hoping to get this completed.
I want to get 1 continuous drift through the first 2 turns (especially after seeing your R31 vid!), thats the only thing thats really holding me back as I havent got it quite yet, the other turns I have linked together pretty well a few times. Like you, I just need to get everything together in one run.
With the car I'm in now, I'm getting through those first 2 by entering a little wide at 160km/h (~100mph) on N2's with a quick lift off method. I enter at the top of 3rd gear, and usually have to check the brakes and downshift to 2nd in mid-drift to start making my way around the second turn.

Not braking that slight bit typically results in me careening of into the sand. Its an odd feeling and hard to explain. But it feels like the car is both understeering and oversteering in the same motion...... it's in a state of drift, but isn't turning.
If it hasnt happened to you, then you probably think i'm off my rocker.
The braking returns a little grip so the front tires will bite and change my trajectory.

If I can do it all in 3rd it feels like I've done it wrong - indicates to me that I either entered late or had a lesser angle than before. Downshifting to 2nd is primarily done to keep me in the appropriate powerband, but it does also help return a little grip when I want to start the 2nd turn by interupting the power momentairly.

Just have to work at it and get a setup thats comfortable.
I worked on a setup for about 2 and a half hours last night before I got real comfortable with what I'd created. And I'm still tweaking the stabilizers just a little bit.