GTPDC Month 7 (Results are in)

  • Thread starter Sheron
scores sent in.

methinks that GTPDC7_A05, and GTPDC7_A06 should think about stepping it up into pro in the next competition - for the section of track they ran they kept up with [and occasionally outperformed] the pro entrants.

Good job everyone! I'm glad there was a healthy turnout this time around. I hope this is a continuing trend.
Cool:tup: I can't wait for the scores now.:)

Same here.

I might going away for the weekend on business, depending on the what happens with the weather (flying). I will have no internet access until sunday evening at the earliest. Talk about suspense.

Mmm. I'm looking forward to see my score. I'm not sure about stepping up to the pro level, but as the vid you said was at that level was really a backup vid, that's very pleaing to hear.
I've decided to make a highlight video of this GTPDC7 of my own drifting as a judge for viewing pleasure.

Just waiting for BL to give me a yes or no on the file hosting.
Stay tuned!
I'm everywhere!

BL has given me permission to upload onto his server. I am very thankful.

The higlight video is in my video thread in the GT4 Drifting Videos section.
indeed, and you made that link you were talking about. Good stuff. I've never made it with that much angle at the transition... always end up stringing together something really thin and unimpressive.

We really gotta do something about your video compression though - that thing is like 30mb/min and still shows up grainy at fullscreen
Yea i'm still having trouble with that...

It's weird...when I try capture with vegas it won't let me capture above 320x240. So I had to blow it up to 540 x 360. Maybe I should go back to capturing with virtual vcr or dscaler.
hrm, that was quite close.... and the top score came in amateur, hehe, that's interesting.

Congrats to the winners, and all involved and participating.
Congrats Identti and Cool Geekz:cheers: CG I'm gunning for you in the next comp.:sly: Great job though.:bowdown: I liked the 360 on the back straight. Way to go on turning the score around again Judges:tup: And a big thanks to Sheron for running these comps, and Boundary Layer for hosting the vids again.
Hehe, I won the amateur which I am very pleased about! Keeping my lines smooth must have helped. Nice one Coolgeekz, although you should really be beating me at this :sly:
Thanks to all the judges and the organisers too for getting the results in quick yet again. Looking forward to the next comp, and although I've only been drifting a couple of months i'll be entering in pro :scared:

EDIT: Gawd, judges 4 and 5 were VERY harsh on me compard to the others.
Nice identii, congratz on beating me (that's what i get for procrastinating and only spending 2 hours on this :P). And to Erocks, only .5 points away
About the 360 on the backstraight: remember this post?
I have a quick question though. After the tunnel and the hairpin, what would everyone do between that and the long horseshoe? Do drift the little chicane, and then drive normally or what?

Hehe I have an idea.... (it's not drifting, but it would be cooler than just driving straight :P). Think creatively ;)

A couple hundred feet of pavement, and everyone always drives straight on it! Why not throw something different in it

Shouts to
Boundary Layer for hosting
Sheron for all of his time and effort
And the judges for turning around in a week
He, coolgeeks, I was considering to run my run again with a 360 or boomerang on the straight, but I felt it would ruin the smoothness, and make the run even more difficult to get perfect.
Also, not trying to say im better than you, but I spend very little time on this too. I only made one one hourish long attempt at this comp a while ago at the beginning of the month.
Bring on GTPDC: 8
Yet another competition gone smoothly. Thanks to Sheron and all the judges. Congrats to the winners of each division.

I've made a "Judge Run" for GTPDC7 with my very own Subaru. You could check it out at my video thread and see how AWD is drifted through the same course.
Well done everyone. I wish i had the chance to participate in this one!, Next time im in for sure.

CoolGeekz, Identti 👍, well done guys.

Sheron, Again many thanks for your efforts. Same for you BL.

All the judges, i can speak for all of us when i say. We appreciate everything you guys do, your the back bone of this forum.

;), who's sucking up big time.
Yeh, I saw that vid, very nice and smooth. Would get even more angle and a better looking vid with a FR.

AWD's are capable of far bigger angles, than RWD's...

As for the 360's... I actually took points off for the 360... In the GT3 GTPDC's, entrants were always marked down for 360's and such... It's just uneccessary, and breaks up the run... In fact, in the GT3 GTPDC's, this rule was strictly enforced after Cudaman pulled a 360 into the first corner, on the 2nd ever GTPDC...

Good job to everyone though... Looking forward to seeing the next GTPDC...

Delphic Reason
As for the 360's... I actually took points off for the 360... In the GT3 GTPDC's, entrants were always marked down for 360's and such... It's just uneccessary, and breaks up the run... In fact, in the GT3 GTPDC's, this rule was strictly enforced after Cudaman pulled a 360 into the first corner, on the 2nd ever GTPDC...

Meh, oh well, stuff happens...
Now I know
Meh, oh well, stuff happens...
Now I know

Don't worry... I didn't take off much, as I figured you probably didn't realise... You had a good run overall... I look forward to seeing your next GTPDC entry...

Delphic Reason
Don't worry... I didn't take off much, as I figured you probably didn't realise... You had a good run overall... I look forward to seeing your next GTPDC entry...


Same here. I took off points for the 360 but not too much. It's amazing how judges think alike...💡
Damn.. i just did a nice ass runn with a trueno..
were we able to use the is it a tuned car? lol damn! so mad...!!#$#!% oh well good stuff everyone 👍

Lucky i was to lazy to fix my entry lol!