GTPlanet COMMUNITY HELP Desk: Track Path Editor/Importer. READ OP!

I started my room at a custom track tonight.

After four races there I went to change the track and it wouldn't let me open up the track list. I could change the time on the track or the number of laps, but when I pushed the track list button it would just buzz.

I quit and started a new room with a different custom track and the same thing happened.

Did this happen to anyone else?

Same, I think it'll be that way for everyone. We've had to quit and rejoin a new room if we want to change track, and you also can't change to a custom track if you started the room with a regular GT6 track.
Only tried in our private club lobby, I'm not sure if it would be different in a public lobby, but I doubt it.

Good, I thought I was the only one. I was dreading the thought of deleting and re-downloading all of those updates.

It says that in the release notes and manual:

Does this mean I should not be expecting a hotfix for this? If this is the way they leave it... Well maybe I should be posting in the whining and crying thread.
You have to start with a curve at the end of the 600m. Home straight but you can add a straight as the last closing piece so your "home" straight can be longer than 600m. But not shorter on Eifel Flat.

Or you can make the first corner a very straight corner...

I spent 2 hours yesterday trying out and tweaking a circuit (Eifel) and I'm pretty happy with the result. I managed to make a "corkscrew" and it's just a beautiful track with a few interesting bumps (not jumps) and indentations along the tarmac.

Great for mid to high PPs cars. I'll share it later today after tweaking the kerbs.


It's better than what it looks here ^^ The elevation changes make the difference. I think the lowest part of the track is the main straight and the highest is the corner on the bottom.​

Ondulation, not indentation...
Soooo I finally got the Track Path Editor working on Bluestacks on my laptop. I've traced the outline of the course just fine, but I can't seem to place any items on track. Has anyone else encountered this problem?

EDIT: never mind, I just found out that you can't place items on certain areas along the track, and said areas are shown in dark gray, like the home straight. :D
There's lots of Q&A about the Home Straight in the OP.

In fact it was an answer, I've forgot to quote the previous Obelisks message, sorry...

Or load it to your tablet and modify it?

Load it in my tablet and modify it... ;)

If I download a track of another user, but there's something wrong in it, or that I think it must be changed, can I modify it in some way?
Soooo I finally got the Track Path Editor working on Bluestacks on my laptop. I've traced the outline of the course just fine, but I can't seem to place any items on track. Has anyone else encountered this problem?

EDIT: never mind, I just found out that you can't place items on certain areas along the track, and said areas are shown in dark gray, like the home straight. :D
Have you noticed a way to decrease the dark grey? So far I have just been using tried and error with increasing and decreasing turn radius... sometimes it's desirable, and sometimes not.

No... Unfortunately you cannot. You Have to start all over! :banghead: Maybe they'll fix it later... :lol: :lol: :cheers:
It took them almost 2 years to build this app, I don't see any fixes on the horizon. :P
Gotta be said, the Course Maker is just fantastic, it's breathed a new lease of life into GT6. There were already a great number of tracks already but this is what enables us to dream up a new section of track and be able to put it into reality. Just amazing. Couldn't be happier!!
i have a problem with the curbs , they look inerruped . i use the app with bluestacks on my laptpop without touchscreen so i insert the curbs with a mouseclick , any hints ?

Eifel (eben)_1.jpg
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How to scale an image to use the same measure in the app?
I want to import a couple of tracks layout and see if I can actually replicate them.
Personnaly, I use Google Earth.
I draw a 500m line onto the track I want to create and then I print screen/save the pic.
On the app, I use the grid and I zoom until the squares are 500m long.
I just import my image and try to match the line with the grid.
It's a bit tedious but it seems to work great :)
i have a problem with the curbes , they look inerruped . i use the app with bluestacks on my laptpop without touchscreen so i insert the curbs with a mouseclick , any hints ?

View attachment 455880

It's because you can't zoom in properly with Bluestacks, it's very difficult to place the curbs close to each other. It's much easier on a tablet, but the technique I used on Bluestacks, was to slide the curb icon along the track until it reaches the next one and stops, then let go, if you hold it for too long it 'jumps' and doesn't place anywhere. Hope that makes sense.
It's because you can't zoom in properly with Bluestacks, it's very difficult to place the curbs close to each other. It's much easier on a tablet, but the technique I used on Bluestacks, was to slide the curb icon along the track until it reaches the next one and stops, then let go, if you hold it for too long it 'jumps' and doesn't place anywhere. Hope that makes sense.
Thanks for your quick response , i tried it your way and if you be careful it looks like this :

Eifel (eben)_2.jpg
i have a problem with the curbs , they look inerruped . i use the app with bluestacks on my laptpop without touchscreen so i insert the curbs with a mouseclick , any hints ?

It's because you can't zoom in properly with Bluestacks, it's very difficult to place the curbs close to each other. It's much easier on a tablet, but the technique I used on Bluestacks, was to slide the curb icon along the track until it reaches the next one and stops, then let go, if you hold it for too long it 'jumps' and doesn't place anywhere. Hope that makes sense.

Thanks for your quick response , i tried it your way and if you be careful it looks like this :
I assigned "I" key to zoom in & the "O" key to zoom out. Click on the keyboard icon bottom left to make the assignments. There are other assignments available like D-Pad etc. I am able to get max zoom with these assignments.

2015-10-03 12.34.17.jpg My Key Assignments.GIF
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Is there a way to move and reorient the start straight? There's a road that I've always wanted to drive a LOT faster than the posted 50 kph, but it won't fit in the space provided if the starting grid is at the center.

It's at if you're curious.

Assuming you are on Eiffel FlatFlat, then yes you can move the start straight, AFTER you set your reference image, and once you complete that and the track width, you cannot change it without starting all over... If you're not on Eiffel Flat then you CAN'T change the start line location at all... Good Luck! :cheers:
Well, I just had the most embarrassing and frustrating experience CM/tablet wise.

I see this ad and decide that I would splurge a hundred bucks on this new toy - the DIGILAND 16GB Android 4.4 Quad Core 10.1 Touch Screen. Not a four hundred dollar iPad Air, but not a cheap, tiny, small-minded screen tapper either - something in between that would let me explore the new CM app fully as well as play movies, games, etc, etc, while in remote and precarious locations (like hanging off a cliff waiting to be rescued.)

So I go into the store, go to the electronics mini-bazaar in this store, grab an alert-looking salesperson and tell him about the CM app and how it works - needing a tablet, using the PS3, playing the game, the GPS involvement, and other such related stuff, and now though the store is busy I have three salespeople around me listening. They are all wide-eyed and highly taken up by this new phenomenon - but never heard of it; though the game Gran Turismo itself is familiar to them - and so the piqued interest.

But none of them could tell me for sure if the DIGILAND would work with the app.
"Most likely, it might," was the final answer.
"Can you check on the 'net?" I ask.
Meanwhile the Manager has also come over (guess he was attracted by the mob around me) and trying to help me - so he pulls up the internet on the large screen on the counter and types in what I tell him: "GT6 Course Maker."
Voila! The entire page is full of GTPlanet Course maker thread links!

And none of them could tell me if this tablet would work for sure.

We checked the News section, we checked several threads in the Course Maker Sub-Forum . . . finally we were just wading in spaghetti and getting nowhere fast - not good in a busy, busy store.
And I keep looking for a non-existent thread : LIST OF GT6 CM-COMPATIBLE TABLETS and not getting anywhere because there isn't one.
Where is a thread when you really need it?
And no, I can't make another thread and maintain it, I'm damn too busy as it is.

I even tried this thread and the closest they could get to making any sense of what tablet would be compatible was Esotic1972's post - and they did have those tablets, but still couldn't tell me for sure if the DIGILAND would be as compatible. There's plenty of DIGILAND stock, so they told me to find out for sure and return.

So - a question for some helpful guy out there who is 100% in the know:

If I buy this tablet will it work to get me full functionality of this new Course maker app?:

Well, I just had the most embarrassing and frustrating experience CM/tablet wise.

I see this ad and decide that I would splurge a hundred bucks on this new toy - the DIGILAND 16GB Android 4.4 Quad Core 10.1 Touch Screen. Not a four hundred dollar iPad Air, but not a cheap, tiny, small-minded screen tapper either - something in between that would let me explore the new CM app fully as well as play movies, games, etc, etc, while in remote and precarious locations (like hanging off a cliff waiting to be rescued.)

So I go into the store, go to the electronics mini-bazaar in this store, grab an alert-looking salesperson and tell him about the CM app and how it works - needing a tablet, using the PS3, playing the game, the GPS involvement, and other such related stuff, and now though the store is busy I have three salespeople around me listening. They are all wide-eyed and highly taken up by this new phenomenon - but never heard of it; though the game Gran Turismo itself is familiar to them - and so the piqued interest.

But none of them could tell me for sure if the DIGILAND would work with the app.
"Most likely, it might," was the final answer.
"Can you check on the 'net?" I ask.
Meanwhile the Manager has also come over (guess he was attracted by the mob around me) and trying to help me - so he pulls up the internet on the large screen on the counter and types in what I tell him: "GT6 Course Maker."
Voila! The entire page is full of GTPlanet Course maker thread links!

And none of them could tell me if this tablet would work for sure.

We checked the News section, we checked several threads in the Course Maker Sub-Forum . . . finally we were just wading in spaghetti and getting nowhere fast - not good in a busy, busy store.
And I keep looking for a non-existent thread : LIST OF GT6 CM-COMPATIBLE TABLETS and not getting anywhere because there isn't one.
Where is a thread when you really need it?
And no, I can't make another thread and maintain it, I'm damn too busy as it is.

I even tried this thread and the closest they could get to making any sense of what tablet would be compatible was Esotic1972's post - and they did have those tablets, but still couldn't tell me for sure if the DIGILAND would be as compatible. There's plenty of DIGILAND stock, so they told me to find out for sure and return.

So - a question for some helpful guy out there who is 100% in the know:

If I buy this tablet will it work to get me full functionality of this new Course maker app?:


IMHO you shouldn't have any problem with any device running Android 4.1 or newer. I loaded it from the play store on my son's 3 year old Nabi kids Tablet, and I side loaded it on my cellphone, a Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Both of which I have used successfully to create and transfer a few tracks. There is no reason why it shouldn't work. Ask the store if you can load it on a display model to be sure, or do it on the sly while "looking" at tablets!

Edit: Does this Tablet have actual GPS? Like a cell phone? I can't tell from the Add... If not you may not get real accurate results from whatever application you use to record a .gpx/.kml file
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Hello, I'm new to the forum and I need your help, I'm using Droid4X emulator (not using Bluestacks & Andy OS because Bluestacks freezes/crashes my Windows 8 updated to Windows 10 laptop and Andy OS doesn't work) for the app and every time I try to load a reference image I made from Google Earth/Maps, it crashes to the Droid4X menu!
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IMHO you shouldn't have any problem with any device running Android 4.1 or newer.

Thanks, man! 👍

This was the question the salespeople threw at me the most - 'Will it work on 4.4?' and i couldn't really answer that. What frustrated me most was that I (and Google) looked to GTPlanet first for info and couldn't find anything specific.
Still - it's early days - hardly a week. Even the honeymonn is not over - let alone evaluating the whole marriage. :lol:

So I'll feel more secure now as I walk in tomorrow and purchase it (store is about to close at this time.)
Having stalled this far, but having read so much about it here now, I'm impatient to share in the fun. As well, if we get this right from the beginning then we'll be more familiar with it as it gets upgraded, and will surely prepare us well for whatever is going to appear in the next GT.

I loaded it from the play store on my son's 3 year old Nabi kids Tablet, and I side loaded it on my cellphone, a Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Both of which I have used successfully to create and transfer a few tracks. There is no reason why it shouldn't work. Ask the store if you can load it on a display model to be sure, or do it on the sly while "looking" at tablets!
I carry an iPhone myself, and there are plenty of PCs and Macs in my household - but not a single tablet.
In fact when I asked my 15-year old to come with me to the store to look at tablets he looked at me as if I had lost my mind.
"You're buying this just for your game? You're just buying this for your game? Just to play the game?"
"No no," I'm telling him.""There's lots of other stuff I'm gonna do with it . . .."
"Like what?" he's challenging me.

I feel like a cornered rat. Like I'm enjoying some deep forbidden sin. Damn these tablet haters. We'll show 'em one day - when there's some zombie uprising or whatever and it's the tablets that save us.
So I'm going straight - I'm going to do it the 'proper' way and see what happens before I start upgrading, and side-loading and jail-braking. :D

Does this Tablet have actual GPS? Like a cell phone? I can't tell from the Add... If not you may not get real accurate results from whatever application you use to record a .gpx/.kml file

I don't know - but now I'm better armed when I go in - so I'll throw them some of those questions too before I pick it up. there were a huge range of great tablets in there - from $40.00 up - right up into the $400.00's but I thought this was a decent buy and even if it lasts me a year - hey, that's about 30 cents a day.

Thanks for the prompt reply - much appreciated, and also for all the help you provide in here. 👍
More on this from the Gran Turismo Manual:

In order to use the Track Path Editor, you will need an Android™ or iOS tablet device.
In order to transfer the track data you have created into Gran Turismo 6, your tablet device will need an internet connection, and you will need to be signed in to the SEN (Sony Entertainment Network) account that you use to play Gran Turismo 6.

The Track Path Editor app works on Android™ (version 4.1 or later) and iOS (version 7.0 or later) tablet devices.
On Android™ devices search for "Track Path Editor" in Google Play.
On iOS devices, search for "Track Path Editor" in the App Store.
Download and install the app onto your device.
If you are reading this page on a tablet device, you can also install the app by clicking on the icons displayed below.
The Track Path Editor app may be updated without prior warning.


OS: The Track Path Editor cannot be used on first generation iPad devices, because they do not support iOS 7.0 or later. Please note that stable performance cannot be guaranteed on iPad 2 devices.

Android™: The Track Path Editor cannot be used on certain devices, even if they have a version 4.1 or later operating system installed.


Please Note: If You are Using an Android™ Device:

When installing this app, the app will ask for permission to access your device status and ID.
You will need to grant this permission in order to use the PlayStation®Network service.
Information that can be used to identify you, such as your telephone number, will not be accessed.

When using the Track Path Editor on an Android tablet, selecting the "Do Not Save Activity" option on the "Options for Developers" screen may cause the app to become unstable.
Changing other settings on this screen may also have an effect on the app, so if you have changed any settings on the "Options for Developers" screen, please change them back before using the app.

*The "Options for Developers" screen may not be displayed by default on your device, depending on which Android™ version you are using. Please refer to your Android™ device's user manual for more details.

About user Created Tracks:

Tracks created and saved using the Track Path Editor and the Track Path Importer are known as user-created tracks.
User-created tracks can be raced on in Free Run and Arcade modes, and can also be used in the Community area and the Open Lobby.
Please note, however, that user-created tracks differ from other existing tracks in the following ways:

  • In the Open Lobby and in the Community area's club events or in a club lobby, user-created tracks can only be selected when a room is created. You cannot select user-created tracks when changing tracks after a room has been created.
  • Events which use user-created tracks cannot be saved on your HDD or in the Club Owner's Storage.
  • "One-way Tracks", where the start point and finish line are in different places, cannot be used in the Community area or the Open Lobby's time trial and drift trial modes.
In Free Run and Arcade modes, as well as in the Gallery's "Track" section, you can also try driving on samples of user-created tracks. These samples are a good way to experience the various themes available to you when creating your own tracks.

About Sharing:

Ticking "Share to My Page" in the dialogue box that appears when saving a track, will result in sharing the track in Community -> My Page -> Shared Tracks.
User-created tracks shared by your friends can be raced on in Free Run and Arcade modes, just like your own user-created tracks.
To save a friend's user-created track, select the track you want to save from the Shared Tracks section of their My Page, then select "Save" from the right side of the Track Details Screen which appears.


Once you've finished creating your track data, it's time to transfer it to Gran Turismo 6. To do so, simply tap the "Transfer" button, displayed at the top-right of the screen in every mode.
If you are not signed in to PlayStation™Network, your browser will be launched. Your track data will be transferred as soon as you have signed in.

Track data can be transferred even when Gran Turismo 6 is not running.
If you do so, track data will be temporarily stored on the server.

Transferring track data from the Track Path Editor and loading/saving it with the Track Path Importer is a process that can only be done for one track at a time.
If you transfer a new track before the previously transferred track has been saved in the Track Path Importer, then the older track will be deleted. Please be careful.

Not sure if you already know this by now HKS:

How to scale an image to use the same measure in the app?
I want to import a couple of tracks layout and see if I can actually replicate them.

From the Manual:

If you are using the Eifel Flat theme, then you can overlay images of track layouts on your track map during the creation process, allowing you to trace the route of real life tracks. The following two file types can be used:

  • JPG or PNG format image files.
  • GPX/KML files that contain driving data displayed on a map.
Please note that when you are creating a track using the Eifel Flat theme, a 600m home straight is required as part of your track route.

Referencing Images
In order to reference an image when creating tracks, the image files or GPX/KML files must already be saved on your tablet device. Please save image files wherever photos are stored on your tablet. Please refer to "Loading GPX/KML Files" below for details on where to save GPX/KML files. When saving image files, it's useful to have an indicator of the image's approximate scale displayed somewhere on the image.

On the Theme Selection Screen, select "Eifel Flat", then tap "Reference Image" in the top-right corner of the screen. Select either "Image File" or "GPX/KML File" from the dialogue which appears. The first time you select "Image File", the app will ask for permission to access the location on your tablet where images are saved. Tap "Agree" to proceed. A list of files will be displayed. Tap the file you want to use, and it will be overlaid on your track map.

Once the image is displayed, you can adjust its size and orientation. Shrink or enlarge the image so that the scale displayed on it matches the scale displayed on the track map.
The gridlines displayed on the track map are also an useful visual aid. Drag the image to move it, and pinch in and out to shrink and enlarge it. Tap and hold the image with two fingers then twist to rotate it. Once you have finished adjusting the scale of the image, tap "Accept" at the bottom of the screen. If you are using a GPX/KML file, the scale will be adjusted automatically, and you will be unable to shrink or enlarge the image.

Once you have tapped "Accept", the anchor and anchor guide that are used to determine the position and alignment of the home straight will be displayed on the map. Move the anchor so that the home straight is in the most appropriate position. Use the anchor guide to adjust its alignment. If the home straight is difficult to see, enlarge the map. Tap "Accept" and the home straight will be placed in the selected location.

Once the home straight is in place, create your track line by tracing the route displayed on the image. Try and enlarge the map as much as possible when tracing the route, and place lots of anchors to ensure that the image is replicated accurately. If the route features a complex corner where the tightness of the bend varies, you will need to place multiple anchors in order to replicate it.

You can also browse and load files from within Layout Mode. The loaded image can be hidden and re-displayed as necessary at any time.

Loading GPX/KML Files
The method for loading GPX/KML files is different for iOS and Android™ devices. It is also possible that the method for loading these files will change when your OS is updated. Furthermore, it is possible that large files cannot be loaded.

  • On iOS:
    If you are using an iOS tablet device, then GPX/KML files are loaded using iTunes. Please ensure that iTunes has been installed on the computer which contains the GPX/KML files you wish to load. Connect your tablet to the computer, and launch iTunes. Once your tablet device has been recognized, its icon will be displayed on the left side of the iTunes window. Click on this icon, then click on "App" (also displayed on the left side of the iTunes window). A list of the apps on your tablet decide will be displayed on the right side of the window. "Share Files" will be displayed towards the bottom of this list. Select "Track Path Editor" from "Share Files", and a list of all its files will be displayed on the right side of the window. Drag and drop the GPX/KML files you wish to load into this area.

    In the app, select "Reference Image" followed by "GPX/KML File" to display a list of files. Tap the file you wish to load and it will be overlaid on your track map.
  • On Android™:
    If you are using an Android™ tablet device, you will need to save your GPX/KML files in your device's download folder or on an SD card. This can be done by connecting your device to a PC, or by downloading the files from cloud storage. Please refer to your device's instruction manual for more details.

    In the app, select "Reference Image" followed by "GPX/KML File" to display a list of folders. Select the folder in which your files are saved, then tap the file you wish to load and it will be overlaid on your track map.

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The thing that bother me the most are kerbs that tend to clip / glitch in Eifel tracks. It's subtle but it's there and it's annoying. No, I'm not referring to the zoom issue.
I'm talking about the annoying clipping.
I'm using the track maker on bluestacks and it all works fine thanks to you guys on gtplanet. Now I want to recreate some real-life tracks like Zandvoort and I have a few images of layouts saved. When I'm in the track editor on bluestacks I can't find these images anymore because I have to save them in the bluestacks player (I think?). My question is: How can I save images in the bluestack player to use them in the track editor? Or is it possible to get those images I already saved into bluestack?
I'm using the track maker on bluestacks and it all works fine thanks to you guys on gtplanet. Now I want to recreate some real-life tracks like Zandvoort and I have a few images of layouts saved. When I'm in the track editor on bluestacks I can't find these images anymore because I have to save them in the bluestacks player (I think?). My question is: How can I save images in the bluestack player to use them in the track editor? Or is it possible to get those images I already saved into bluestack?
  1. Install Root Explorer app. (It requires root privileges which BlueStacks conveniently provides.)
  2. Once that is installed Open the app
  3. Navigate to mnt/sdcard/download
    1. Click the plus Icon top right
    2. Select New Root Tab
  4. Navigate to mnt/sdcard/windows/Documents/
    1. You are NOW in the windows file directory structure
  5. Find the image you saved in windows
    1. Tick the check box on the right edge for each file you wish to move/copy
    2. Click move or copy. (Move removes the file from the source directory in windows.)
  6. Select the download tab
  7. Click move or copy here (The prompt will reflect what you choose previously.
Is there any way for someone to zoom in and out of the course maker while emulating a tablet using Bluestacks or Andy on PC?
On my installation I have a keyboard Icon lower right. Clicking this icon takes you to keyboard mapping options. I assigned z to zoom Out & x to zoom In.
Hey Guys, anyone tested to import Kml files from Google Earth?
I just tried to import both KML and GPX files of the original (1950's era) Watkins Glen GP course that I captured on my GPS. All I got from either one was a short section of straight. Both load into Google Earth properly and the GPX file imports in Garmin's Mapsource properly.

Also - it appears that the only valid external location for these files is Google Drive.

Tablet is a Nexus 9 running Android 5.1.1

Any ideas?

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