GTPlanet Hunger Games Simulation

  • Thread starter TB
Night 2

@Siren cooks his food before putting his fire out.
@Barra333 defeats @RedDragon in a fight, but spares his life.
@The Bman thinks about winning.
@Leadfoot530 destroys @AJHG1000's supplies while he is asleep.
@nascarfan1400 fends @BRRT_Angel, @Naveek Darkroom, and @aarror away from his fire.
@Beeblebrox237 receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
@SomePlayaDude begs for @RESHIRAM5 to kill him. He refuses, keeping @SomePlayaDude alive.
@DurWinning and @W3HS hold hands.
@AudiMan2011 is awoken by nightmares.
@haitch40 is awoken by nightmares.
@Jet Badger, @TB, and @DQuaN sleep in shifts.
@Luke thinks about home.
@Niku Driver HC begs for @Smurfybug to kill him. He refuses, keeping @Niku Driver HC alive.
@FireEmblem10 quietly hums.
@JASON_ROCKS1998 receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
@TenEightyOne tries to sing himself to sleep.
@Wiegert stabs @TS040Hybrid in the back with a trident.
@SonicCharmeleon, @AnthonyD1993, and @Downhill Dino sleep in shifts.
@miata13B tends to his wounds.
@Danny and @GTracer98 talk about the tributes still alive.
@Apok destroys @Spacegoat's supplies while he is asleep.
Okay. If I'm having nightmares, then I'm definitely on the verge of going insane. :lol:
Nothing like a random kill before bedding down for the night.

and here come the gifs, pics and vids that'll make the best thing in the world. Long loading times :P
Sometimes, I don't know if I should call this the Hunger Games thread or the Hunger GIFs thread......
Night 2

@Siren cooks his food before putting his fire out. Okay.
@nascarfan1400 fends @BRRT_Angel, @Naveek Darkroom, and @aarror away from his fire. Fiesty Nas.
@DurWinning and @W3HS hold hands. That's cute. :lol:
@AudiMan2011 is awoken by nightmares. I geniunely chuckled at this.
@haitch40 is awoken by nightmares. Poor haitch.
@Luke thinks about home beer. Fixed.
@Niku Driver HC begs for @Smurfybug to kill him. He refuses, keeping @Niku Driver HC alive. That's not right...
@Wiegert stabs @TS040Hybrid in the back with a trident. Aaaand there's the trident. Rip in pizza fellow District 12 tribute. :(
@Danny and @GTracer98 talk about plan to kill the tributes still alive. Fixed this as well.
If I can't have any supplies, nobody can! :mad:

Like, seriously. I'd settle for a flashlight without batteries; I'm that desperate. I could atleast beat someone over the head with it.
It is good to know I'm attending to my wounds or should I say attending to my wounds. I found Castle Anthrax in my travels though ;-)

