GTPlanet Hunger Games Simulation

  • Thread starter TB

The Bloodbath

@DCybertron falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
@ToyGTone sets an explosive off, killing @fortbo, and @Classic.
@haitch40 and @Jet Badger work together to drown @Jahgee1124.

Day 1

No deaths occurred.

Arena Event

Monkey mutts fill the arena.

@Siren uses @GTRacer22 as a shield from the monkey mutts.
While running, @Dagger311 falls over and grabs @ToyGTone on the way down. The monkey mutts kill them.
@JASON_ROCKS1998 injures @kolio123 and leaves him for the monkey mutts.
@CowboyAce57 is pummeled to the ground and killed by a troop of monkey mutts.
@TenEightyOne injures @Mike458 and leaves him for the monkey mutts.
@ItGivesYouWings dies from internal bleeding caused by a monkey mutt.
@JockeP22 is pummeled to the ground and killed by a troop of monkey mutts.

Night 1

No deaths occurred.

Day 2

No deaths occurred.

Night 2

@Wiegert stabs @TS040Hybrid in the back with a trident.

Day 3

@BRRT_Angel poisons @AJHG1000's drink. He drinks it and dies.

Night 3

No deaths occurred.

Day 4

@Apok silently snaps @SomePlayaDude's neck.

Night 4

No deaths occurred.

Day 5

@SonicCharmeleon strangles @Luke after engaging in a fist fight.

Night 5

No deaths occurred.

Day 6

@Naveek Darkroom begs for @FireEmblem10 to kill him. He reluctantly obliges, killing @Naveek Darkroom.

Arena Event

The arena turns pitch black and nobody can see a thing.

@DQuaN accidently makes contact with spiny, lethal plant life.
@Wiegert finds and kills @Spacegoat, who was making too much noise.
While fighting, @RESHIRAM5 and @haitch40 lose their balance, roll down a jagged hillside, and die.
@SonicCharmeleon accidently makes contact with spiny, lethal plant life.

Night 6

@AudiMan2011 bleeds out due to untreated injuries.

Day 7

No deaths occurred.

Night 7

@GTracer98 falls into a frozen lake and drowns.

Day 8

No deaths occurred.

Night 8

@nascarfan1400 sets an explosive off, killing @Wiegert, @Barra333, @miata13B and @Smurfybug.
@TB pushes @FireEmblem10 off a cliff during a knife fight.

Day 9

No deaths occurred.

Night 9

No deaths occurred.

Day 10

@The Bman and @BRRT_Angel fight @Beeblebrox237 and @Danny. @Beeblebrox237 and @Danny survive.

Night 10

@RedDragon decapitates @Siren with a sword.

Day 11

@Downhill Dino and @Danny work together to drown @aarror.

Night 11

@JASON_ROCKS1998 sets @Leadfoot530 on fire with a molotov.

The Feast

@Downhill Dino, @Apok, and @Danny get into a fight. @Apok triumphantly kills them both.
@DurWinning, @JASON_ROCKS1998, and @Niku Driver HC get into a fight. @Niku Driver HC triumphantly kills them both.
@W3HS pushes @Beeblebrox237 off a cliff during a knife fight.

Day 12

@W3HS kills @RedDragon with a sickle.

Arena Event

The remaining tributes begin to hallucinate.

@Apok and @TB decide to jump down the rabbit hole to Wonderland, which turns out to be a pit of rocks.
@nascarfan1400 and @AnthonyD1993 decide to jump down the rabbit hole to Wonderland, which turns out to be a pit of rocks.

Night 12

@Jet Badger bashes @W3HS's head against a rock several times.

Day 13

No deaths occurred.

Night 13

No deaths occurred.

Day 14

@Jet Badger dies from hypothermia.

Night 14

@TenEightyOne spears @Niku Driver HC in the abdomen.
The winner is @TenEightyOne from District 8!

Tribute Placements

1. @TenEightyOne
2. @Niku Driver HC
3. @Jet Badger
4. @W3HS
5. @AnthonyD1993
6. @nascarfan1400
7. @TB
8. @Apok
9. @RedDragon
10. @Beeblebrox237
11. @JASON_ROCKS1998
12. @DurWinning
13. @Danny
14. @Downhill Dino
15. @Leadfoot530
16. @aarror
17. @Siren
18. @BRRT_Angel
19. @The Bman
20. @FireEmblem10
21. @Smurfybug
22. @miata13B
23. @Barra333
24. @Wiegert
25. @GTracer98
26. @AudiMan2011
27. @SonicCharmeleon
28. @haitch40
30. @Spacegoat
31. @DQuaN
32. @Naveek Darkroom
33. @Luke
34. @SomePlayaDude
35. @AJHG1000
36. @TS040Hybrid
37. @JockeP22
38. @ItGivesYouWings
39. @Mike458
40. @CowboyAce57
41. @kolio123
42. @ToyGTone
43. @Dagger311
44. @GTRacer22
45. @Jahgee1124
46. @Classic
47. @fortbo
48. @DCybertron

District Placements

1. District 8
2. District 1
3. District 7
4. District 10
5. District 9
6. District 2
7. District 4
8. District 11
9. District 3
10. District 5
11. District 12
12. District 6

Kills Made

4: @nascarfan1400
3: @Danny
3: @Apok
2: @ToyGTone
2: @Wiegert
2: @Jet Badger
2: @TenEightyOne
2: @Beeblebrox237
2: @W3HS
2: @Niku Driver HC
1: @TB
1: @SonicCharmeleon
1: @BRRT_Angel
1: @Downhill Dino
1: @Siren
1: @RedDragon
1: @FireEmblem10
1: @haitch40
Seven to last.....that sucks...

But hey....


I'm of those 19 who murdered other survives and I'm in 3rd place with 2 kills (My name placed on 4th of the list). Those were on very early of the start of Hunger Games, the "bloodbath" to be exact which I decided to do what nascarfan1400 did after when I bombed 2 guys.

At least I done something... biggest kills.....Until that monkey mutts event.:P
Man, if I hadn't lunged towards Ten's spear, us from the District 1 would've become the true number one. Sorry guys, we almost had it. And it's so strange that two guys with two kills each were the ones to make it into the final two... One guy killed FOUR people and didn't even manage to get to the top 3. Now that's being effective as a tribute.

And @Jet Badger, the reason why we left you alone is because we trusted that your floof would've kept you warm and such. Guess that wasn't the case... :lol:
Two kills. Reached the top half even though I died along with three other guys. Not falling into a frozen lake moments after the games began.

My goals were met.

Most kills and a top 10. Cool.

I can understand you blowing @Barra333 and myself up since we raided your camp the day before. But a straight-up Ultra Kill? :lol:
Didn't even get a top 20. :grumpy: Shows why I suck when it comes to deathmatches.
What the heck, you cannot sign up before it is actually going to happen! If it does happen.

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