GTPlanet Hunger Games Simulation

  • Thread starter TB
@Jimlaad43 travels to higher ground.
It's over everyone, I have the high ground!

Kill Counter

Non-player caused deaths - 7
@Jimlaad43 - 4.5
@W3HS - 3
@Mini Stiggy - 2
@CLowndes888 - 2
@McLaren - 1
@TB - 1
@kolio - 1
@Jump_Ace - 1
@nascarfan1400 - 1
@MaxAttack - 1
@numbnuts70 - 1
@Rallywagon - 1
@edawg456 - 1
@ROAD_DOGG33J - 0.5
@AnthonyD1993 - 0.5
@Danny - 0.5

Whammed Eliminated User Log
  1. @Northstar, "Why are you ronning?" shouted @W3HS as he chased.
  2. @Driving Park, strangled by @McLaren.
  3. @Joey D, killed in a three-way scuffle won by @W3HS.
  4. @Drex124, also killed in the three-way scuffle won by @W3HS.
  5. @Nexxus88, 1/4 of the victims of an explosion set off by @Jimlaad43.
  6. @Barra333, 1/4 of the victims of an explosion set off by @Jimlaad43.
  7. @Fried Chicken, 1/4 of the victims of an explosion set off by @Jimlaad43.
  8. @Scaff, 1/4 of the victims of an explosion set off by @Jimlaad43.
  9. @DesertPenguin, tracked down by @ROAD_DOGG33J and @Jimlaad43.
  10. @GTPVenomZombie, exploded by @TB.
  11. @Hayden, killed by @kolio using a sickle.
  12. @kikie, killed with their own weapon by @Jump_Ace.
  13. @bjl23, burned by a Molotov thrown by @nascarfan1400.
  14. @SomePlayaDude, sacrificed himself for the rest of us by testing the fall damage mechanic.
  15. @ToyGTone, caught the 'rona died from an infection.
  16. @nascarfan1400, killed by a triumphant @Mini Stiggy in a fight.
  17. @AudiMan2011, also killed by a triumphant @Mini Stiggy in the same fight.
  18. @TexRex, left to die after being injured by @MaxAttack.
  19. @PeterJB, fell out of a tree.
  20. @Son of TB, died of hunger, despite many gifts from unknown sponsors.
  21. @Wiegert, killed in their sleep, passing control of the Elder Wand to the killer, @CLowndes888.
  22. @ROAD_DOGG33J, stepped on a Landmine.
  23. @W3HS, drunk poison they intended to give to @numbnuts70
  24. @IfAndOr, had their head bashed in by a mace wielded by @Rallywagon
  25. @Downhill Dino, "Knife in the chest, and @CLowndes888's to blame. You give DST12 a bad name!"
  26. @HaydenFan69, tracked down by @AnthonyD1993 and @Danny
  27. @Danny, stabbed many times by @edawg456
  28. @Leadfoot530, died from hunger.
  29. @numbnuts70, blew up while arming a landmine.

Eliminated: 29/48

District Surviving Members and Kill Count
District number: Members still alive, Total Kills
1: 1, 0
2: 2, 2
3: 3, 5.5
4: 2, 1
5: 1, 3
6: 2, 1
7: 4, 2
8: 1, 1
9: 2, 2.5
10: 0, 0
11: 2, 1
12: 2, 3

District 7 are the only ones still intact with all 4 players.
There has been decidedly less chatter between days so I'm going to speed things up a bit as we near the end.

Day 12

@TenEightyOne discovers a river.

@MatskiMonk searches for firewood.

@Jimlaad43 sprains her ankle while running away from @Eva.

@Spacegoat goes hunting.

@MisterWaffles bleeds out due to untreated injuries.

@BKGlover and @Mini Stiggy work together for the day.

@Jump_Ace taints @CLowndes888's food, killing him.

@McLaren, @swiftsmith, and @kolio hunt for other tributes.

@AnthonyD1993 and @MaxAttack split up to search for resources.

@edawg456 receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

@Rallywagon sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

@TB thinks about home.

@ZGBox unknowingly eats toxic berries.

Fallen Tributes 12

4 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

District 6

District 11

District 12

District 5

Night 12

@MatskiMonk loses sight of where she is.

@Eva cooks her food before putting her fire out.

@Mini Stiggy and @edawg456 run into each other and decide to truce for the night.

@swiftsmith goes to sleep.

@MaxAttack and @kolio talk about the tributes still alive.

@Rallywagon and @TenEightyOne talk about the tributes still alive.

@Jump_Ace passes out from exhaustion.

@Jimlaad43 and @AnthonyD1993 talk about the tributes still alive.

@TB and @BKGlover hold hands.

@Spacegoat cries himself to sleep.

@McLaren receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
RIP District 5

Kill Counter

Non-player caused deaths - 9
@Jimlaad43 - 4.5
@W3HS - 3
@Mini Stiggy - 2
@CLowndes888 - 2
@Jump_Ace - 2
@McLaren - 1
@TB - 1
@kolio - 1
@nascarfan1400 - 1
@MaxAttack - 1
@numbnuts70 - 1
@Rallywagon - 1
@edawg456 - 1
@ROAD_DOGG33J - 0.5
@AnthonyD1993 - 0.5
@Danny - 0.5

Whammed Eliminated User Log
  1. @Northstar, "Why are you ronning?" shouted @W3HS as he chased.
  2. @Driving Park, strangled by @McLaren.
  3. @Joey D, killed in a three-way scuffle won by @W3HS.
  4. @Drex124, also killed in the three-way scuffle won by @W3HS.
  5. @Nexxus88, 1/4 of the victims of an explosion set off by @Jimlaad43.
  6. @Barra333, 1/4 of the victims of an explosion set off by @Jimlaad43.
  7. @Fried Chicken, 1/4 of the victims of an explosion set off by @Jimlaad43.
  8. @Scaff, 1/4 of the victims of an explosion set off by @Jimlaad43.
  9. @DesertPenguin, tracked down by @ROAD_DOGG33J and @Jimlaad43.
  10. @GTPVenomZombie, exploded by @TB.
  11. @Hayden, killed by @kolio using a sickle.
  12. @kikie, killed with their own weapon by @Jump_Ace.
  13. @bjl23, burned by a Molotov thrown by @nascarfan1400.
  14. @SomePlayaDude, sacrificed himself for the rest of us by testing the fall damage mechanic.
  15. @ToyGTone, caught the 'rona died from an infection.
  16. @nascarfan1400, killed by a triumphant @Mini Stiggy in a fight.
  17. @AudiMan2011, also killed by a triumphant @Mini Stiggy in the same fight.
  18. @TexRex, left to die after being injured by @MaxAttack.
  19. @PeterJB, fell out of a tree.
  20. @Son of TB, died of hunger, despite many gifts from unknown sponsors.
  21. @Wiegert, killed in their sleep, passing control of the Elder Wand to the killer, @CLowndes888.
  22. @ROAD_DOGG33J, stepped on a Landmine.
  23. @W3HS, drunk poison they intended to give to @numbnuts70
  24. @IfAndOr, had their head bashed in by a mace wielded by @Rallywagon
  25. @Downhill Dino, "Knife in the chest, and @CLowndes888's to blame. You give DST12 a bad name!"
  26. @HaydenFan69, tracked down by @AnthonyD1993 and @Danny
  27. @Danny, stabbed many times by @edawg456
  28. @Leadfoot530, died from hunger.
  29. @numbnuts70, blew up while arming a landmine.
  30. @MisterWaffles, forgot to treat their injuries and bled out.
  31. @CLowndes888, ate food tainted by @Jump_Ace
  32. @ZGBox, ate poisonous berries

Eliminated: 32/48

District Surviving Members and Kill Count
District number: Members still alive, Total Kills
1: 1, 0
2: 2, 2
3: 3, 5.5
4: 2, 1
5: 0, 3
6: 2, 1
7: 4, 2
8: 1, 1
9: 2, 3.5
10: 0, 0
11: 1, 1
12: 1, 3

I let MaxAttack take the fishing pole when we were talking about TB and BKGlover. We also made fun of Spacegoat for crying himself to sleep.
Day 13

@TB sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

@BKGlover practices his archery.

@Eva stalks @Jump_Ace.

@Rallywagon goes hunting.

@edawg456 falls into a frozen lake and drowns.

@MaxAttack receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

@Mini Stiggy hunts for other tributes.

@MatskiMonk tries to spear fish with a trident.

@Jimlaad43 practices her archery.

@TenEightyOne, @AnthonyD1993, @swiftsmith, and @Spacegoat raid @kolio's camp while he is hunting.

@McLaren receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Fallen Tributes 13
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.

District 4

Night 13

@TB is awoken by nightmares.

@Jump_Ace is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

@BKGlover defeats @Eva in a fight, but spares her life.

@Rallywagon loses sight of where she is.

@TenEightyOne convinces @MatskiMonk to snuggle with her.

@kolio dies trying to escape the arena.

@Mini Stiggy and @Spacegoat huddle for warmth.

@MaxAttack and @McLaren sleep in shifts.

@Jimlaad43, @AnthonyD1993, and @swiftsmith cheerfully sing songs together.
But wait, there's more!

The Feast

The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.

@MatskiMonk decides not to go to The Feast.

@BKGlover, @Rallywagon, @Jump_Ace, @Eva, and @swiftsmith track down and kill @TenEightyOne.

@Jimlaad43 decides not to go to The Feast.

@Spacegoat decides not to go to The Feast.

@TB overpowers @AnthonyD1993, killing him.

@MaxAttack destroys @McLaren's memoirs out of spite.

@Mini Stiggy decides not to go to The Feast.
Ok, I lied about giving Max the fishing pole. But seriously? You had to raid my camp and steal it when I was looking for a squirrel to eat!?!?

Literally have nothing left to live for. Might as well try and escape the arena...

Oh, lovely.

Very fun while it lasted. Will continue to keep track. Love this stuff.
Oh god, group kills really screw this up. All districts have now lost at least one member.

Kill Counter

Non-player caused deaths - 11
@Jimlaad43 - 4.5
@W3HS - 3
@Jump_Ace - 2.2
@Mini Stiggy - 2
@CLowndes888 - 2
@TB - 2
@McLaren - 1
@kolio - 1
@nascarfan1400 - 1
@MaxAttack - 1
@numbnuts70 - 1
@Rallywagon - 1.2
@edawg456 - 1
@ROAD_DOGG33J - 0.5
@AnthonyD1993 - 0.5
@Danny - 0.5
@BKGlover - 0.2
@Eva - 0.2
@swiftsmith - 0.2

Whammed Eliminated User Log
  1. @Northstar, "Why are you ronning?" shouted @W3HS as he chased.
  2. @Driving Park, strangled by @McLaren.
  3. @Joey D, killed in a three-way scuffle won by @W3HS.
  4. @Drex124, also killed in the three-way scuffle won by @W3HS.
  5. @Nexxus88, 1/4 of the victims of an explosion set off by @Jimlaad43.
  6. @Barra333, 1/4 of the victims of an explosion set off by @Jimlaad43.
  7. @Fried Chicken, 1/4 of the victims of an explosion set off by @Jimlaad43.
  8. @Scaff, 1/4 of the victims of an explosion set off by @Jimlaad43.
  9. @DesertPenguin, tracked down by @ROAD_DOGG33J and @Jimlaad43.
  10. @GTPVenomZombie, exploded by @TB.
  11. @Hayden, killed by @kolio using a sickle.
  12. @kikie, killed with their own weapon by @Jump_Ace.
  13. @bjl23, burned by a Molotov thrown by @nascarfan1400.
  14. @SomePlayaDude, sacrificed himself for the rest of us by testing the fall damage mechanic.
  15. @ToyGTone, caught the 'rona died from an infection.
  16. @nascarfan1400, killed by a triumphant @Mini Stiggy in a fight.
  17. @AudiMan2011, also killed by a triumphant @Mini Stiggy in the same fight.
  18. @TexRex, left to die after being injured by @MaxAttack.
  19. @PeterJB, fell out of a tree.
  20. @Son of TB, died of hunger, despite many gifts from unknown sponsors.
  21. @Wiegert, killed in their sleep, passing control of the Elder Wand to the killer, @CLowndes888.
  22. @ROAD_DOGG33J, stepped on a Landmine.
  23. @W3HS, drunk poison they intended to give to @numbnuts70
  24. @IfAndOr, had their head bashed in by a mace wielded by @Rallywagon
  25. @Downhill Dino, "Knife in the chest, and @CLowndes888's to blame. You give DST12 a bad name!"
  26. @HaydenFan69, tracked down by @AnthonyD1993 and @Danny
  27. @Danny, stabbed many times by @edawg456
  28. @Leadfoot530, died from hunger.
  29. @numbnuts70, blew up while arming a landmine.
  30. @MisterWaffles, forgot to treat their injuries and bled out.
  31. @CLowndes888, ate food tainted by @Jump_Ace
  32. @ZGBox, ate poisonous berries
  33. @edawg456, fell through the ice. Whoops.
  34. @kolio, OotA
  35. @TenEightyOne, killed by a group consisting of @BKGlover, @Rallywagon, @Jump_Ace, @Eva, and @swiftsmith
  36. @AnthonyD1993, murdered by @TB

Eliminated: 36/48

District Surviving Members and Kill Count
District number: Members still alive, Total Kills
1: 1, 0.2
2: 2, 2
3: 2, 5.7
4: 1, 1
5: 0, 3
6: 1, 1.2
7: 3, 2
8: 1, 1
9: 2, 3.9
10: 0, 0
11: 1, 1
12: 1, 4
Top 12. I thought I was gonna be the first to go, srsly. I'm glad the hours of watching Jennifer Lawrence Hunger Games has paid off!


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