GTPlanet Tuning Database Now Available

  • Thread starter Jordan
This is a more difficult mechanism to enter tunes into. Each field is separate where in the forum's I can just copy/paste an entire post then change the settings. Maybe a copy then edit function could be added down the road?

I will probably end up with my tunes posted in both places. This tune directory allows for someone looking for a specific car or specific PP range to more easily search for it. That is a good thing.
I think I am going to wait for this to be past the Beta stage before all of my tunes get entered here. The garage still seems pretty relevant for people who like things sorted by tuner.
I've wondered how this might play out for big tuning garages. Not just for the extra work to reload your tunes but having confidence the tunes will be found.

Given the search limitations, you guys may need to apply some SEO techniques.

You can still see all the tunes from one tuner -

But I do like the 'garage' vibe that the tuning forum has, so I can see the point of keeping them.

This does look fantastic, will change everything to have all these great tuners posting works in the same place :)

I do have a suggestion...
The filters you have for Race, Drift, Snow etc, could they be more specific?
To help reduce the number of returns for Race - could we have

Race Under 500pp
Race Between 500 and 600pp
Rave over 600pp

I know this possibly triples the number of filters;
but I think this is how we drivers tend to search, and is the greatest part of the work @XS has done

But thanks for a great beta, hope to try some new tuners soon :)

This does look fantastic, will change everything to have all these great tuners posting works in the same place :)

I do have a suggestion...
The filters you have for Race, Drift, Snow etc, could they be more specific?
To help reduce the number of returns for Race - could we have

Race Under 500pp
Race Between 500 and 600pp
Rave over 600pp

I know this possibly triples the number of filters;
but I think this is how we drivers tend to search, and is the greatest part of the work @XS has done

But thanks for a great beta, hope to try some new tuners soon :)
I agree that most people will want to be able to find tunes by pp, but I think the pp should be included by the tune authors in their Title or Tag Line as @Halcyon925 has done with his Viper tune, as opposed to needing loads of new filters. It would make it so much easier for users to find what they want.
You can still see all the tunes from one tuner -

But I do like the 'garage' vibe that the tuning forum has, so I can see the point of keeping them.

:boggled: I've tried and tried and still can't figure out how to do that. Could you give me a clue please :dunce:

@Thorin Cain As long as the tuners include search options related to their tunes in either title, tag line or description, their tunes should be found. But they'll need to include a lot of detail to cover all bases.

It could be a bit repetitive. Having entered the pp, tyres, controller type etc into the fields, to be found in searches for any of those details they'll need to be listed elsewhere
:boggled: I've tried and tried and still can't figure out how to do that. Could you give me a clue please :dunce:

@Thorin Cain As long as the tuners include search options related to their tunes in either title, tag line or description, their tunes should be found. But they'll need to include a lot of detail to cover all bases.

It could be a bit repetitive. Having entered the pp, tyres, controller type etc into the fields, to be found in searches for any of those details they'll need to be listed elsewhere

I'm on mobile, so it might be slightly different on desktop, but, at the bottom of the page, there is a box with the headline 'more resources from this author', click the headline and it should take you to the page with just their tunes on
Unfortunately can't see it on tablet, using Safari.
I went to safari on my iPod and it shows up near the bottom of the page, see pic below. If you click on the "More Resources from Motor City Hami" it will take you to all of their resources they submitted. Does this help?
I went to safari on my iPod and it shows up near the bottom of the page, see pic below. If you click on the "More Resources from Motor City Hami" it will take you to all of their resources they submitted. Does this help?View attachment 131783
Pretty much exactly what I'm seeing.

You can also click the box at the bottom of the main resources page



This will take you to a page dedicated to each author
@DriftinAssassin @ImToLegitToQuit The issues with the Ballast Position not accepting your values should be fixed now. It should also accept values prefixed with a '+'.
I think I am going to wait for this to be past the Beta stage before all of my tunes get entered here. The garage still seems pretty relevant for people who like things sorted by tuner.
As noted in the discussions above, there are several ways to see all of the tunes posted by a user. As noted in the OP of this thread, a "Resources" tab is also displayed on the profile of any user which has posted a tune.
I agree that most people will want to be able to find tunes by pp, but I think the pp should be included by the tune authors in their Title or Tag Line as @Halcyon925 has done with his Viper tune, as opposed to needing loads of new filters. It would make it so much easier for users to find what they want.
Aside from specific make, model, and PP value or range, what other fields are most important to be "searchable"?
Hi @Jordan, In answer to your question...
Aside from specific make, model, and PP value or range, what other fields are most important to be "searchable"?
I would think that tyre choice would be fairly important and even possibly class (GT300/GT500/LMP) although I didn't notice any fields for this type of entry and again I feel this is something which should be included in the title or the tag line by the tune authors.
Welp, I'm outta business LOL. Seriously though, what a great resource!

Edit, I am still updating the index, including with the tunes from the GTP Directory.

Based on what I see, and the way these two will work, technically yours will always be the superior option, as long as you maintain it. Because as long as this 'resource' requires users to personally submit their tunes, it will forever be a 'partial' list. Anyone using it will be doing themselves a disservice, and potentially be missing out on hundreds if not thousands of tunes. Based on what I see in your database, you already have roughly 2,000 tunes that are in existence. So unless every single person, goes back and manually adds every single one of those tunes to this new resource, it will be missing all of those tunes. Even being generous, assuming half of them get input, the resource is starting at a 1,000 tune deficit, and that number will continue to grow over time as people/tuners come and go with posts in the tuning forum.
Based on what I see, and the way these two will work, technically yours will always be the superior option, as long as you maintain it. Because as long as this 'resource' requires users to personally submit their tunes, it will forever be a 'partial' list. Anyone using it will be doing themselves a disservice, and potentially be missing out on hundreds if not thousands of tunes. Based on what I see in your database, you already have roughly 2,000 tunes that are in existence. So unless every single person, goes back and manually adds every single one of those tunes to this new resource, it will be missing all of those tunes. Even being generous, assuming half of them get input, the resource is starting at a 1,000 tune deficit, and that number will continue to grow over time as people/tuners come and go with posts in the tuning forum.
This was partially my thinking too, however I think over time it will evolve into a self sustaining directory. Who knows when that will be, maybe six months from now, maybe not until GT7. It's definitely a topic Jordan has thought about! We discussed it a little bit. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he had something rolling around in his mind to remedy this fact. But I will keep up on it until I see there are very few users visiting the site. 👍
One quick suggestion. I went in and reviewed a tune then went back and there was no option to Edit my review, only Delete or Report. If it is possible to add an Edit option for reviews that would be great. Otherwise I would just copy/delete review/start new review/paste and then continue with whatever I wanted to add or change.
One quick suggestion. I went in and reviewed a tune then went back and there was no option to Edit my review, only Delete or Report. If it is possible to add an Edit option for reviews that would be great. Otherwise I would just copy/delete review/start new review/paste and then continue with whatever I wanted to add or change.
You just submit a new review. That will replace both your star rating and any previous comments that you have made.
I haven't kept up well on exploring the tool here but I wanted to latch onto the "more resources from..." discussion.

Is there a possibility in the framework to "subscribe to/watch" a person? When I watch a forum I get updates when someone posts a new thread. Can the same thing be done when someone posts a tune? If I subscribe to Hami I'd like to see an alert come through that he has posted "ABC tune" to GT6 resources....or tunes...or whatever we're going to call it. :)
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@Jordan This suggestion may be a little far fetched or even impossible, but I'll suggest it anyway just by some remote chance it is possible. What about separate tuning tabs for the same entry, just like in the game. I say this because I have just improved on my existing tune, but I really don't want to go back and edit it because there might be people who are using the existing tune and the revisions might not work well for them. That way there would be 3 different tunes for the same car, for the same combo, for them to try. I'm speaking of course from a Seasonal TT point of view which is only what I tune for atm. The only other option is to just go and create a whole new other entry, which is easy enough, thus saving the original tune. Anyways, its probably too much work even if it is possible, but I'd just thought I'd throw it out there. Thanks again for your time and dedication. :cheers:
@Jordan This suggestion may be a little far fetched or even impossible, but I'll suggest it anyway just by some remote chance it is possible. What about separate tuning tabs for the same entry, just like in the game. I say this because I have just improved on my existing tune, but I really don't want to go back and edit it because there might be people who are using the existing tune and the revisions might not work well for them. That way there would be 3 different tunes for the same car, for the same combo, for them to try. I'm speaking of course from a Seasonal TT point of view which is only what I tune for atm. The only other option is to just go and create a whole new other entry, which is easy enough, thus saving the original tune. Anyways, its probably too much work even if it is possible, but I'd just thought I'd throw it out there. Thanks again for your time and dedication. :cheers:
This is what I was getting to with my "Sharepoint-like" versioning feature. However it is done, if possible of course, I would definitely like to be able to see a previous iteration of the settings, especially as we go through patch levels.
I haven't kept up well on exploring the tool here but I wanted to latch onto the "more resources from..." discussion.

Is there a possibility in the framework to "subscribe to/watch" a person? When I watch a forum I get updates when someone posts a new thread. Can the same thing be done when someone posts a tune? If I subscribe to Hami I'd like to see an alert come through that he has posted "ABC tune" to GT6 resources....or tunes...or whatever we're going to call it. :)
If you are "following" someone on the site, any tunes or updates they post will appear in your personal "Friends' Activity" news feed. It's not possible to get alerts just for the tunes they post at this time, but that may come in the future.
@Jordan This suggestion may be a little far fetched or even impossible, but I'll suggest it anyway just by some remote chance it is possible. What about separate tuning tabs for the same entry, just like in the game. I say this because I have just improved on my existing tune, but I really don't want to go back and edit it because there might be people who are using the existing tune and the revisions might not work well for them. That way there would be 3 different tunes for the same car, for the same combo, for them to try. I'm speaking of course from a Seasonal TT point of view which is only what I tune for atm. The only other option is to just go and create a whole new other entry, which is easy enough, thus saving the original tune. Anyways, its probably too much work even if it is possible, but I'd just thought I'd throw it out there. Thanks again for your time and dedication. :cheers:
Interesting idea, although it probably won't be implemented. Don't forget - you have an entire "Description" field which supports a full range of post formatting. You can easily list or describe any variations of the tune in that area.
If you are "following" someone on the site, any tunes or updates they post will appear in your personal "Friends' Activity" news feed. It's not possible to get alerts just for the tunes they post at this time, but that may come in the future.

Interesting idea, although it probably won't be implemented. Don't forget - you have an entire "Description" field which supports a full range of post formatting. You can easily list or describe any variations of the tune in that area.

Ok, good enough then. 👍 Just noticed that my tune was listed as a "Featured Tune", which is pretty cool. 👍 Not sure how that happened or how that works, but its a pretty cool way of recognition. 👍 First time I have ever been "featured" or recognized here in any way and its a pretty cool feeling. Thanks to whoever made this happen. :cheers:
Since we have the wheels on there, could we also get paint/wheel paint fields? :D That could be just a write in...can't imagine trying to keep up with that list.

Also, can icons be added/edited after posting?
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Since we have the wheels on there, could we also get paint/wheel paint fields? :D That could be just a write in...can't imagine trying to keep up with that list.

Also, can icons be added/edited after posting?
Click "Edit Resource Icon" in the "Resource Tools" sidebar.
Click "Edit Resource Icon" in the "Resource Tools" sidebar.
Missed that, my fault. :dunce:

Is the manufacturer field new?

On the torque distribution, I didn't see the format guidelines as with weight distribution and entered it with a / the first time. Maybe not the format requirement here too? Also wondering the consensus about changing that to / instead of : to match the F/R formatting on the rest of the page.
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Yes, Vehicle Manufacturer is a new required field.

Distribution fields (weight and torque) are now calculated automatically from the front value. Your old tunes will continue to display the old format without error, but you will be prompted to update the format the next time you edit the tune.
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How practical is it to have separate entries for front and rear tires? I originally included both fields for completeness, but suddenly realized that's a bit silly.
Where did the resources link go? It was right at the top of the page for a few days.
I'm doing a lot of work so things have been a bit messy on the DB at times. Just taking the spotlight off it for a bit.

The link is still available in the OP here, and at
How practical is it to have separate entries for front and rear tires? I originally included both fields for completeness, but suddenly realized that's a bit silly.

I'm doing a lot of work so things have been a bit messy on the DB at times. Just taking the spotlight off it for a bit.

The link is still available in the OP here, and at

For most tunes we use the same front and rear tires, but there are those rare occasions where it is usefull to run different tires front to rear. If the option is available in the game, the tuning resource should have it.

Also, any time that the entry form for a tune can follow the same order as the tuning screen in the game, it makes entering the tune that much easier.

Thanks for the continued effort on this. The tuning community can be a bit demanding and detailed, but we are a pretty good resource.