GTPlanet vs. Wham - Thread of the Year!

  • Thread starter Daniel
First attack of the Christmas season! I was walking to the supermarket, all if normal, listening to Down in Flames from Judas Priest... But it was in the supermarket where it happened. A familiar melody dragged its content across my ears while in the supermarket, and the fear arose like the very face of George Michael... I truly believed that he had led me into his dungeon, and that Judas Priest had warned me, telling me that I was going to go down in flames, and in a blaze of glory (without the glory though). I cringed, and I said my goodbyes...


And a blessing was to fall over me, as if all the stars aligned to create a miracle... It was a cover version! And I am scarred for the Christmas season, and never to venture into any store again. :P
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If the idea involves..

Posting a best of Spongebob season 1-3 and have that infernal song play on background, causing SPD TO BE WHAMMED..

Go ahead, I have the episodes in my phone.
As slap bet inter Whamily pressure commissioner, I will preserve the peace of the household by any means nnecessary!

*lives about 16 hours of time difference away.*

My little brother knows.

Its just that probably he forgot and he's studying his butt off in Nottingham, while I live under the hot sun.