GTPlanet vs. Wham - Thread of the Year!

  • Thread starter Daniel
I ain't out yet, and I'm playing dirty! I'll Wham! Every last one of y'all.

I've got one piece of advice for you. :P

It's not a trap.

That Spongebob photo with the sweater made tears, however, was a trap.

EDIT: The mouse disappears with Print Screen? Never mind. I was highlighting my link.

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Well, I'm not sure if AOS- is officially playing or not.

Never signed up since I can't possibly make it through with a retailer part-time job. I'll be counting the number of times I hear the song for the fun of it though.
Never signed up since I can't possibly make it through with a retailer part-time job. I'll be counting the number of times I hear the song for the fun of it though.

I read that part. But I also saw that you listed under the participants, though.

Anywho, just trying to give Daniel a hand.
Thread title is appropriate. I hoping my old man has forgotten about GTP vs. Wham! because he's made it a personal challenge to Wham! me since I first started playing and I asked him to omit Last Christmas from our festive playlists. I'll back at his place on the 20th of next month. I know I'll be doomed then, it's just a matter of time.
Thread title is very appropriate. Best of luck to you Shem.
What I'm surprised is that the Coffee Machine commotion hasn't evolved since this morning (for me, 6 hours ago).

With all the commotion of you and everybody else coming after me, that's died down for awhile. Hopefully forever.
What I'm surprised is that the Coffee Machine commotion hasn't evolved since this morning (for me, 6 hours ago).

I have been promised the one of my choice in Feb when our finances stabilize and his word is good with me. Now I am just pondering if I want a colorful one or one of the new 2.0's :sly:
You know..

If i managed to Wham you (IF with a capital I and F), your family would have nobody to Wham, and logically, come after me.

Maybe that Kickstarter fund i suggested would actually get famous. This is enough for you guys to send a giant airplane somehow blaring 150+ dBs over Singapore. Every Singaporean (and possible Malaysian, Indonesian, or worse, Thai and Bruneian) would be forever Whammed this year, and start a crisis involving cheesy Christmas Pop music from the 80s.

That looks like an idea, except if you don't want any attention..
My family wouldn't come after anybody without my blessing. It's the family way.

Also, if I knew I could start a Kickstarter and afford a plane to do that, I'd be over there right now setting it all up. Plus, @niky and @W3HS are good people.

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