GTPlanet vs. Wham - Thread of the Year!

  • Thread starter Daniel
I'm in again! Hopefully third time's the charm :lol:

Last Christmas my brother whammed me
And the year before it was the postie
This year, I will live in fear
That I will hear George Michael

Mother 🤬! Just got Whamed while leaving the post office. Was in there for a solid 15 minutes waiting in queue and listening to all the usual non christmas-y songs they had playing when just as i got my hands on the parcels I came to collect I heard the sound I was fearing.... "Laaaassst Christmas I gave you my hear...". I swore a little louder than I should've and walked out disgusted.

I was doing so well too :(

My older brother was around and thought that watching a late '80s music countdown would be a good idea. He pressed the button just in time for me to hear that dreadful tune and see "Wham: Last Christmas #89" in the bottom corner as it started to fade out. Whammed two :censored:ing years in a row :banghead:
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Looking good for me, went a whole weekend without hearing it so that's great. Feeling pretty confident this week.
Been on GTP longer than I thought , this is my 4th attempt at this event! I didn't register in time last year, but I took part anyway and was whammed for a third straight year :(

Good luck to all!
Been on GTP longer than I thought , this is my 4th attempt at this event! I didn't register in time last year, but I took part anyway and was whammed for a third straight year :(

Good luck to all!

Don't worry.

This will be a whamtastic Christmas.

Someone tried to bait me to play a Sporcle quiz where you listen to clips of Christmas songs and work out which ones they are.

Didn't feel the need to watch the famous (110th!!) Santa Claus Parade over here in Toronto - though it made a lot of news, noise, and nice-or-naughty people come out to play. So . . . never heard so much as the tinkle of a bell.

However - my TV has gone mad. Every Christmas jingle has people running around in PJ's (latest advertising trend? PJs for Christmas?) dancing around a bright-lit, gaudily-decorated pine or spruce of some sort, opening gifts, being all holy-jolly and all that to the background of the inevitable (and orchestral) Twelve days of Christmas.

No sign of G.M yet. Probably busy in the loo. Sans PJs.

He can stay there. For many more than 12 Days. Thanks.
I fear the end is nigh.
Last night at the supermarket Christmas carols were playing, upon saying oh jeez not already Mrs Shaun asked if I was in the GTP challenge again.
The disturbing part she had a devious twinkle in her eye.

Last year she was an Ally in assisting me, this year I fear she is the enemy.
I fear the end is nigh.
Last night at the supermarket Christmas carols were playing, upon saying oh jeez not already Mrs Shaun asked if I was in the GTP challenge again.
The disturbing part she had a devious twinkle in her eye.

Last year she was an Ally in assisting me, this year I fear she is the enemy.
Your days are numbered, Shaun.
So. There's a bit whiteboard in the breakroom, and someone wrote out the first verse to the song at the very bottom.

I'm not safe.

I mentioned the challenge to someone at work, I feel that the odds are against me this year, just like normal. :lol:

Add me to the list, I'm in. 👍
Time for an alert. If you're on Youtube, watch out for the Now That's What I Call Christmas advert. You can't skip it, and Wham! comes on immediately after the title. Stay alert...

Thanks for the heads up. Really appreciate it. 👍
Time for an alert. If you're on Youtube, watch out for the Now That's What I Call Christmas advert. You can't skip it, and Wham! comes on immediately after the title. Stay alert...
Good job I only use Youtube on the ps3. If you persist with quitting the video when the ad comes on it eventually stops showing it.
Well, the excitement was short lived this year. The familiar intro was impossible to escape while in line at the Pick N Pull junkyard near Grand Prairie, Texas.

As I bow out so soon, I want to remind everyone that nowhere is safe. If we can't even trust a sketchy junkyard, we can't trust anyone.
Well, the excitement was short lived this year. The familiar intro was impossible to escape while in line at the Pick N Pull junkyard near Grand Prairie, Texas.

As I bow out so soon, I want to remind everyone that nowhere is safe. If we can't even trust a sketchy junkyard, we can't trust anyone.

Well, the excitement was short lived this year. The familiar intro was impossible to escape while in line at the Pick N Pull junkyard near Grand Prairie, Texas.

As I bow out so soon, I want to remind everyone that nowhere is safe. If we can't even trust a sketchy junkyard, we can't trust anyone.
That's a junky way to get Whammed.
I've been safe thus far, but I have it on good grounds that my work is switching over to the Christmas tunes right after after Thanksgiving(also known as November 27).🤬🤬🤬:banghead::nervous:
Not a trace of Christmas music yet. I hope I'm safe for a while. Made it last year!