GTPLMS S2 Round 8 Qualifying - Tour d'Monaco *RESULTS POSTED*


Welcome to the GTPLMS

Round 8: Hotel Monte Carlo Presents Tour d'Monaco

Round 8 Qualifying
Track: Cote d'Azur - 2.08 miles (3.35km)
Length: Hot-lap Qualifying (Best Lap)
Deadline: Sunday, August 19th @ 6p CST (GMT -6)


Car Specifications
Driver		Car#	Car			HP	   Wgt
C-H-A-R-G-E-R	0	Courage C60		734(-7)	  900(0)
Drew22		1	Toyota GT-One		756(0)	  900(0)
Tyre King	2	Toyota GT-One		749(-1)	  900(0)
RACECAR		3	Audi R8			728(-7)	  945(5)
NIGHT MICHAEL	7	Courage C60		750(-5)	  900(0)
danny12		12	Audi R8			757(-6)	  945(5)
ERacer		14	Courage C60		765(-3)	  900(0)
ICallShotgun	17	Audi R8			728(-7)	  945(5)
Delfino		25	Pescarolo PS2		746(-6)	  900(0)[/color]
Grand Touring 1
Driver		Car#	Car			HP	   Wgt
NIGHT MICHAEL	27	Dodge Viper GTS-R	576(-2)	  1185(3)
Drift_Kid35	35	Dodge Viper GTS-R	576(-2)	  1185(3)
CAMikaze	38	Chevy Camaro LM		610(3)	  1125(-3)
ICallShotgun	45	Dodge Viper GTS-R	576(-2)	  1185(3)
ERacer		45	Ford GT LM SpecII	600(-1)	  1118(-1)
C-H-A-R-G-E-R	50	Dodge Viper GTS-R	564(-4)	  1185(3)
GT3Emperor	51	Chevy Corvette C5R	609(0)	  1139(0)
Tyre King	69	Dodge Viper GTS-R	570(-3)	  1185(3)
Drew22		96	Dodge Viper GTS-R	576(-2)	  1185(3)[/color]
Grand Touring 2
Driver		Car#	Car			HP	   Wgt
RACECAR		53	Audi TT-R		459(-1)	  1101(2)
GT3Emperor	56	Nissan 350Z LM		440(-12)  1153(3)
waynz		58	Mercedes CLK Touring	451(2)	  1100(10)
chollo9		60	BMW M3 GTR		448(1)	  1097(-2)
ICallShotgun	63	BMW M3 GTR		444(0)	  1097(-2)
SammiTougeGirl	66	Vauxhall Astra		454(0)	  1100(10)
NIGHT MICHAEL	70	Mazda RX7 LM		446(-11)  1112(5)
Delfino		75	Mazda RX7 LM		446(-11)  1112(5)
CAMikaze	77	Mazda RX7 LM		456(-9)	  1112(5)
C-H-A-R-G-E-R	00	Mazda RX7 LM		435(-13)  1112(5)[/color]
Grand Touring 3
Driver		Car#	Car			HP	   Wgt
GTXDriver	76	Subaru CUSCO Impreza	279(-10)  1122(2)
oldphart	77	Subaru CUSCO Impreza	285(-8)	  1122(2)
danny12		78	Subaru CUSCO Impreza	292(-6)	  1122(2)
ICallShotgun	83	Honda S2000 LM		293(-7)	  1071(2)
azevedojose	88	Toyota Altezza		282(-6)	  1100(10)
CAMikaze	94	Subaru CUSCO Impreza	288(-7)	  1122(2)
Delfino		98	Subaru CUSCO Impreza	285(-8)	  1122(2)
SammiTougeGirl	99	Renault Clio		320(9)	  1069(-7)[/color]
Rules and Regulations​

All rules, regulations, car specifications, and races are controlled by GTPLMS sanctioning body, GTMSA. Any and all questions should be directed to GTMSA officials (namely me ICallShotgun) and officials will do their best to answer in a timely and accurate manor.

All drivers must run at the specified weights and horsepower settings provided by GTMSA for each round. Horsepower and/or weight settings are adjusted for competitive reasons each round based on finishing positions from previous rounds.

Penalties for Late Time Submission will be as such.
If the driver submits times Private Messaged through GTP to ICallShotgun before the deadline as time-stamped by GTP, no penaly will be given. A driver has up to 3 hours after deadline to send in their time, but a penalty will be enforced equal to the lateness of the submission, 1 second for every minute after deadline up to 3hr past deadline. Anything after 3hr will not be accepted and will post a DNS/DNQ.

All Other Standard Online Racing Rules apply.
  • No Cheating, Hybrids, or any crap like that. Run the car I set up for you please.
  • Try and keep two wheels on the road at all times. No shortcuts.
  • No wall-riding. It slows you down.

Qualifying (Hot Lap Qualify)
  • Arcade Mode>>>Time Trial>>>City Courses>>>Cote d'Azur>>>Select Car
  • Tires restricted to RM/RM ONLY.
  • TCS is allowed IF DESIRED, but NOT mandatory. ACS is PROHIBITED.
  • Gearing is free.

Time Sending Format
Please make sure you send your Times formatted this way. It'll make it easier on me and we'll be good.

Driver Name:
Best Lap Time:

That's it. Have fun.

Tour d'Monaco Qualifying Results
Prototype (PRO)
Driver		Car						Time	
[color=#C3A519]RACECAR		#3 Playstation3 Audi R8				1:18.077[color=orange]  3pts[/color][/color]
[color=#959595]ICallShotgun	#17 Intersport Audi R8				1:20.182[color=orange]  2pts[/color][/color]
[color=#E8733A]C-H-A-R-G-E-R	#0 Playstation Courage C60			1:20.426[color=orange]  1pt[/color][/color]
Tyre King	#2 Stanner Stair Lifts Toyota GT-One		1:20.621
Delfino		#25 Labatts Pescarolo PS2			1:22.578
danny12		#12 Roblex Aviation Audi R8			1:23.239

Grand Touring 1 (GT1)
Driver		Car						Time	
[color=#C3A519]C-H-A-R-G-E-R	#50 Playstation Dodge Viper GTS-R		1:26.023[color=orange]  3pts[/color][/color]
[color=#959595]ICallShotgun	#44 DLink Dodge Viper GTS-R			1:26.472[color=orange]  2pts[/color][/color]
[color=#E8733A]Tyre King	#69 Sanatogen Dodge Viper GTS-R			1:26.765[color=orange]  1pt[/color][/color]
CAMikaze	#38 Goodyear Tires Chevy Camaro LM		1:27.239

Grand Touring 2 (GT2)
Driver		Car						Time	
[color=#C3A519]RACECAR		#53 Siemens Audi TT-R				1:27.580[color=orange]  3pts[/color][/color]
[color=#959595]SammiTougeGirl	#66 Enkei Wheels Vauxhall Astra			1:27.854[color=orange]  2pts[/color][/color]
[color=#E8733A]C-H-A-R-G-E-R	#00 Eclipse Mazda RX7 LM			1:28.648[color=orange]  1pt[/color][/color]
ICallShotgun	#63 Toshiba BMW M3 GTR				1:28.796
CAMikaze	#77 Pepsi Mazda RX7 LM				1:30.050
Delfino		#75 QuarterMasters Mazda RX7 LM			1:30.837

Grand Touring 3 (GT3)
Driver		Car						Time	
[color=#C3A519]GTXDriver	#76 Yokohama Subaru CUSCO Impreza		1:33.872[color=orange]  3pts[/color][/color]
[color=#959595]SammiTougeGirl	#99 Enkei Wheels Renault Clio			1:34.756[color=orange]  2pts[/color][/color]
[color=#E8733A]ICallShotgun	#83 Southern Comfort Honda S2000 LM		1:35.172[color=orange]  1pt[/color][/color]
Delfino		#98 Advan Motorsports Subaru CUSCO Impreza	1:35.623
CAMikaze	#94 Otakon Subaru CUSCO Impreza			1:35.910
danny12		#78 Embraer Subaru CUSCO Impreza		1:39.031

Drivers Championships
Prototype (PRO) Drivers Points
Driver		Car					Points	Diff
ICallShotgun	#17 Intersport Audi R8			102	
C-H-A-R-G-E-R	#0 Playstation Courage C60		101	-1
RACECAR		#3 Playstation3 Audi R8			86	-16
Delfino		#25 Courage Pescarolo PS2		54	-48
Tyre King	#2 Stanner Stair Lifts Toyota GT-One	50	-52
Earth		#14 Microsoft Pescarolo PS2		47	-55
ERacer		#14 Pescarolo Courage C60		32	-70
danny12		#12 Roblex Aviation Audi R8		24	-78
Grand Touring 1 (GT1) Drivers Points
Driver		Car					Points	Diff
C-H-A-R-G-E-R	#50 Playstation Dodge Viper GTS-R	118
Tyre King	#69 Sanatogen Dodge Viper GTS-R		84	-34
ICallShotgun	#44 DLink Dodge Viper GTS-R		68	-50
CAMikaze	#38 Goodyear Tires Chevy Camaro LM	36	-82
ERacer		#45 Spencerline AutoParts Ford GT	36	-82
Grand Touring 2 (GT2) Drivers Points
Driver		Car					Points	Diff
C-H-A-R-G-E-R	#00 Eclipse Mazda RX7 LM		95	
RACECAR		#53 Siemens Audi TT-R			76	-19
Delfino		#75 Mazda Mazda RX7 LM			71	-24
SammiTougeGirl	#66 Enkei Wheels Opel/Vauxhall Astra	63	-32
ICallShotgun	#63 Toshiba BMW M3 GTR			49	-46
CAMikaze	#77 Pepsi Mazda RX7 LM			42	-53
Grand Touring 3 (GT3) Drivers Points
Driver		Car					Points	Diff
SammiTougeGirl	#99 Enkei Wheels Renault Clio		93	
GTXDriver	#76 Yokohama Subaru CUSCO Impreza	91	-2
Delfino		#98 Advan Subaru CUSCO Impreza		80	-13
ICallShotgun	#83 Southern Comfort Honda S2000 LM	59	-34
azevedojose	#88 Yokohama Toyota Altezza		42	-51
CAMikaze	#94 Otakon Subaru CUSCO Impreza		36	-57
danny12		#78 Embraer Subaru CUSCO Impreza	27	-66
oldphart	#77 BVDs Subaru CUSCO Impreza		19	-74
After losing a few points for not turning up for qualifying at Grand Valley :indiff: .. Delfino has decided to turn up early for Monaco .. :)
Ive done all my qualifying in the GT2 and GT3 without TCS .. and after 15 or so laps in each class at Monaco .. tried TCS .. and was pleasantly surprised .

Does anyone use TCS for specific tracks/all tracks ?
Ive done all my qualifying in the GT2 and GT3 without TCS .. and after 15 or so laps in each class at Monaco .. tried TCS .. and was pleasantly surprised .

Does anyone use TCS for specific tracks/all tracks ?

No,I never use it.It slows you down...
What happened that you are surprised?
Something about the tyre wear? :odd:
No,I never use it.It slows you down...
What happened that you are surprised?
Something about the tyre wear? :odd:
For some cars on some tracks .. using TCS does slow me down but i'm now reviewing using it more often ; after over 100 laps at Trial Mountain in the DTM series .. i tried TCS .. and it made about .5 sec better lap times .... so now i'm trying with and without in every car at every track .. and at Monaco it has made a difference .. for the good 👍

I guess maybe using TCS works better for some than others .. depends on our driving style .

One other positive with TCS {even though it reduces 'tyre life'} ... it does work favourably with worn tyres ... for Del anyway :crazy:
Here's my opinion, if you guys are interested.

TCS is a useful tool on tracks that are either very bumpy, or have lots of tight turns (read Monaco, Hong Kong, El Capitan etc) or on tracks that are very long (read Le Sarthe and the Ring).

On the bumpy tracks it reduces tyre wear 'slightly', and helps to tame the rear on camber/severe elevation changes. Stopping the rears from 'lighting up' so much.
On the long tracks it 'can' help you get that elusive, single, extra very careful lap out of tired rears.

However on smooth tracks, or momentum tracks (read GV, Midfield, Fuji, Trial Mountain, Deep Forest, Autumn ring) where smooth driving and perfect lines are the key skill required for a fast lap. It will do very little except slow you down.

I try to use it as little as possible, and tend to start a session without it, get as good a time as I can without. THEN, try a quick session with it turned on.
But only in the GT-One is this done, the Viper just doesn't spin up in my hands.
Only the pre-programmed TCS of my right foot is needed most of the time.

I totally agree in case of the smooth and momentum tracks. 👍
Tight turns...There is no use to turn on the TCS until you won't be in a torque-monster just as the C-class cars are.If you got the sense to not to spin the wheels while accelerating from a turn you will have better lap times without the TCS.But without spinning the wheels you can spare them to an additional lap in stints and this will show effect in your result I am sure of it. :drool:
I never think about this possibility... 💡
This can be called easily a pre-programmed right foot...I like this definition very much,Neil. :)
Pre-programmed right :dopey:
I've got a question:
Why should I use less HP than others this round?
It's a qualifying NOT race.
I thought that there are not any HP reducing here.
I think it's just a mistake, so I ask Chris to answer as soon as posible...
I've got a question:
Why should I use less HP than others this round?
It's a qualifying NOT race.
I thought that there are not any HP reducing here.
I think it's just a mistake, so I ask Chris to answer as soon as posible...

The HP reductions for race winning performances and podiums, only gets done on the next race, HOWEVER, they remain in effect for the quali rounds in-between the 3 races they are active for also!!!
If you win R1, your Hp reduction comes into effect @ R2 race and stays in effect till R5 (including the quali rounds in-between)
AND they stack-up too!

I am running with reductions in HP on BOTH my rides, in Quali AND races........And I am not complaining about it, am I?
I have accepted the settings and penalties that are given by Chris, and am running my car as specified without complaining.

Maybe you should stop whinging about it and be thankful that the penalty system was re-set and suspended at the Le Sarthe round.
You should be running at much lower settings than you are from your results so far, mate!

I didn't think that re-setting and suspending the pen system was a wise move at the time. Although it would have made sense, as there 'should' have been more invited racers present that round than actually turned up. But, as it is, it effectively rendered the series into two halves, and has allowed you to reign at the top with only minor adjustments to your ride.
And then they were re-set at Le Sarthe.

But, it wasn't my decision, it was Chris's.

times sent.... :crazy: maybe i'm wrong, but as seen on the game, the -6 hp reduction for the R8 =736hp not 756hp, i've made my runs with the 736hp, so we need some clarification on this matter....👍
I'll be submitting my times sometime tomorrow, but I was wondering how everyone is doing on this course so far in Qualifying. For me, it's pretty much easy going in the GT3 class as you drive at a modest rate of speed and acceleration. But as you go up to the more powerful classes, the harder it seems to get. Of course, I'm speaking from experience(or lack thereof...:P) of driving a racecar like the Camaro LM on such a narrow track like Monaco. Kinda makes you appreciate what the F1 drivers can do with the kind of cars and the power they can generate as they race the course, doesn't it?:D

And with the many tight turns, you'll definitely be giving you steering wheel controller a workout as you take the truns as tight and as close to the wall as possible without hitting it.:crazy:
The HP reductions for race winning performances and podiums, only gets done on the next race, HOWEVER, they remain in effect for the quali rounds in-between the 3 races they are active for also!!!
If you win R1, your Hp reduction comes into effect @ R2 race and stays in effect till R5 (including the quali rounds in-between)
AND they stack-up too!
I am running with reductions in HP on BOTH my rides, in Quali AND races........And I am not complaining about it, am I?
I have accepted the settings and penalties that are given by Chris, and am running my car as specified without complaining.
Maybe you should stop whinging about it and be thankful that the penalty system was re-set and suspended at the Le Sarthe round.
You should be running at much lower settings than you are from your results so far, mate!
I didn't think that re-setting and suspending the pen system was a wise move at the time. Although it would have made sense, as there 'should' have been more invited racers present that round than actually turned up. But, as it is, it effectively rendered the series into two halves, and has allowed you to reign at the top with only minor adjustments to your ride.
And then they were re-set at Le Sarthe.
But, it wasn't my decision, it was Chris's.

Do you remember this?

I KNOW that this is going to bite me in the arse!.........

But what has happened to the weight/power pen system?
You said it was 'suspended' for the 24 laps of Le Mans, and would be re-enstated afterwards......

I have finished 2nd in a full race, in 2 separate divisions, and had NO penalties at all. C-H-A-R-G-E-R has finished 1st, and had no pens either!

What's going on?


We will get our penalty at the race, while in the qualifying everybody use default settings. I think this are current rules...

And what about that?

C-H-A-R-G-E-R is right. Races are for penalties. I'm keeping track, but races are what count now...tweaking a bit mid season, but i'm working on it.


No one is "whinging" here, but when rules are changing every round it is hard to stay in touch with things...
Foolest thing are cause of such questions like yours and mine, answers like this are cause of misunderstandings...

I don't know why but I see only a "saving intrigue factor" underlines... Just like "let's do anything to stop this victory combo" We used penalty sistem just until I get +2HP for the last place... Then it was removed, now we've got it again... 👎
Anyway such things couldn't change anything, and we still have a few racers who won this season... But keep on going, maybe we will see penalty for a car nubmer, or being a championship leader :sly:
C-H-A-R-G-E-R is right, i must have made a mistake. problem is no one caught it until Sunday, including myself. cut-and-paste sucks sometimes.

Times cut off now.
Wow, SammiTougeGirl must have thrown down some flyers for us to be that close in Qualifying. I had some recent success in another series here and it looks to have paid off very well. And ICallShotgun, I've been confused about the Penalties myself so could you rewind me how the penalties work?
Mate, this series ended weeks ago!

So, yeah, it's too late to enter.
