GTP's Member of the Week #16 - Introducing ExigeExcel

  • Thread starter DuckRacer
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Do you like dodgeball (the sport)?
While dodgeball isn't taught or really played in the UK, I have played about 1 or 2 games. It was okay, but unless you're really good at hurling the ball it's pretty lame.

What about kickball?
Never, ever played that. I imagine I'd be okay with it because of the football (soccer) we play over here, but wouldn't know for sure.
Are you religious? (I'm not)
Why does your avatar say "ExigeExcel Sucks"?
Are you religious? (I'm not)
Not, one bit. Though as a bad habit I do use 'the Lord's' name in vain quite often.

Why does your avatar say "ExigeExcel Sucks"?
Someone made it ages ago, I forget who or why. But anyway, when I got rid of whatever Avatar I had before I thought I'd have this one again.
Did you know that I dislike the 3 different links in your sig? ;)

How often do you exercise?

Where's the farthest place you've ever been from home?
Did you know that I dislike the 3 different links in your sig? ;)
:lol: Someone had to fall for it eventually :D

How often do you exercise?
I'm abit of a health nut.

Monday is rugby training for the college, about an hour and a half. This is followed by 2 hours of karate in the evening.

Tuesday or Wednesday is usually weights night. I have a set of free weights in my back room. We also tend to have a rugby match every other week on a Wednesday afternoon.

Thursday is 2 hours of karate again.

Then I either do weights on Friday and Sunday. Or just saturday evening.

I'm actually feeling the fitess in my life at the moment.

Where's the farthest place you've ever been from home?
Orlando, Florida.
Do you own a cellphone? If so, what model?
Yes, a Sony Erikkson (sp!?) T630. Hopefully to be soon replaced by a K750i. How soon, I don't know.
Evan, have you ever seen "Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego?"
Have you ever failed a subject? If so, what was it?
Art. Not only as my teacher really strict but the topics were always crap. Draw your front door, draw a vase, draw a view out of a window in your house. Not inspirational at all. Oh and French. Just because I hated the teachers and by year 9 had given up on it. Hence why I took Spanish.
Evan, have you ever seen "Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego?"
No, is it any good?
Do you know who this character is?
Art. Not only as my teacher really strict but the topics were always crap. Draw your front door, draw a vase, draw a view out of a window in your house. Not inspirational at all. Oh and French. Just because I hated the teachers and by year 9 had given up on it. Hence why I took Spanish.

No, is it any good?

It was, I think they stopped showing it about the time we were 6 years old. I posted a pic of Carmen running away on your myspace.

It was like Dora the Explorer. You helped two people find Carmen Sandiego, a spy. She hid in a different country each episode.


Favourite crisp flavour?
Next question- are you mad because you failed Art and I have a GCSE in it?
1 or 2 whats higher? 1 or 2 units?

I've been talking to Geraint because I added him to my MySpace and he asked me who I was.
Haven't said anything else.

I might take Jack, Geraint, Grant and Zoe and we'll make our own little friendship circle, of which you will not be a part.:)

And we'll buy a necklace from Argos that says "Best Friends" and chop it into 5 pieces and each take a piece.

Next Question- Would you be jealous if the above happened?
1 or 2 whats higher? 1 or 2 units?

I've been talking to Geraint because I added him to my MySpace and he asked me who I was.
Haven't said anything else.

I might take Jack, Geraint, Grant and Zoe and we'll make our own little friendship circle, of which you will not be a part.:)

And we'll buy a necklace from Argos that says "Best Friends" and chop it into 5 pieces and each take a piece.

Next Question- Would you be jealous if the above happened?
Dude, are you stalking me? Why did you include Zoe anyway :s I'm not that friendly with her.
Meh, if you like yr10s, go for it. Oh wait, you live hundreds of miles away. :sly:
:( Distance doesn't matter with a connection as close as ours.

Not really, but I do love going to gigs, aslong as the music is atleast slightily good.

Cool. :tup:Do you listen to music to relax?

Next question, how many times do you think I can re-use this avatar?

Not even! I despair of you Evan. I mean our emotional connection, not internet!

*Gets out Knifey the murdering knife*

Oh please. In the past, Knifey has given me nothing but empty threats. I'm beginning to think he's inanimate.

*Don't lose the faith*

Another 3 times, at least.

Hmmm... I dunno. This is the third time of usage already.

Edit: Forgot a question.

Death by slipping on a banana or dropped piano/anvil?
Not even! I despair of you Evan. I mean our emotional connection, not internet!
If you can have an emotional connection with someone that's just stopped playing with Barbie....

Oh please. In the past, Knifey has given me nothing but empty threats. I'm beginning to think he's inanimate.

*Don't lose the faith*
Knifey has probelms okay! The nice lady in the Pharmacy told him he'd be okay aslong as he took the blue pills twice daily!

Hmmm... I dunno. This is the third time of usage already.
Edit: Forgot a question.

Death by slipping on a banana or dropped piano/anvil?
Slipping on a bananna.

The last two times I've quoted you a magical question has appeared :lol:
If you can have an emotional connection with someone that's just stopped playing with Barbie....

Really? I didn't know she'd stopped.

That guy
Knifey has probelms okay! The nice lady in the Pharmacy told him he'd be okay aslong as he took the blue pills twice daily!

Times like this he needs the support of his friends spoony and forkey.

Ah, the unfortunately named Forkey.

The last two times I've quoted you a magical question has appeared :lol:

It's a kind of magic.

Is Jack as great as he sounds?
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