GTP's Member of the Week #20 - Introducing Ultrabeat

  • Thread starter DuckRacer
So if you could cenvert one of these two into a private jet, whatever the size, would you convert an A380 or a B2?
I you were to take G-dub's place as President for eight whole years, what might be your main goal? Not what you would do, but what you would want to do.

If you were Famine for a day, who would you ban and or rag on for the entire day?

I'd give Poverty a serious talking to...

I you were to take G-dub's place as President for eight whole years, what might be your main goal? Not what you would do, but what you would want to do.

I'd want to quadruple cheese production and hand it out to African nations.

But I'd seriously revise the foreign policy.
As in democrat or republican, or whichever parties those colors correspond to over in the Old Country?
Sorry to drag this up again (feel free to lock this up and throw away the key) but I need closure!

Red or Blue?


As in democrat or republican, or whichever parties those colors correspond to over in the Old Country?

Blue still.

Why do you like French Cars?

There's something to be said for car manufacturers who can make a good-looking car that's fun to drive, doesn't cost the earth and is filled to the brim with character.
I think that Peugeot has fallen off the wagon so to speak, with its questionable looks of late. The grin just makes me gag.
Renault is top of the tree for design in my opinion, Citroen a close second and Mercedes Benz behind them.
No and No, however I'd hunt down the guy who stopped me reuniting with him in the GTPF1 series, if I ever find him...