GTP's Member of the week no.4 - Introducing Event

That's a really bad follow up post, Brett.

Now, this is really a two-part question:
  • a) do you think John Bergin is gay?
  • b) would you go out with him, and let him have indecent relations with your ear?
Event, don't you think Brett Fagan and Christiaan Krabbe have a combined IQ of 3?

Race Idiot
Also Event, don't you think John Bergin weighs 400lbs and keeps cheese in his car?


If I may ask a quick follow-up question, yes thank you: Event, do you think the smell of the cheese overwhelmes John's body odor, or does it not?

Hmmm Johns some say John Bergin (it took me FOUR times to get the B capitalized for some reason...) smells like rotten cheese in the sun, but I heard it was the other way around...

Oh, and I'm often greasy but not very italian (not enough facial hair...)
Thats not fruity but the flower afterwards is quite fruity!
Thats not fruity but the flower afterwards is quite fruity!

Also do you think that you should maybe answer the questions in the order that they were posted?

Chairman Mao...
That's a really bad follow up post, Brett.

Now, this is really a two-part question:
  • a) do you think John Bergin is gay?
  • b) would you go out with him, and let him have indecent relations with your ear?
No, he's not clean and tidy enough to be gay, no man would want him... or women for that matter...

errr... if the price is right
right then, this is the question for anyone who spends to much time in a local pub (I'm typing after such an evening :)):

Pint of manly beer, or girlie spirit?

P.S No byast has been added to the wording of the question :lol:
No, I'm not bulemic like you

Steve Bartman is a good guy who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. If the Cubs deserved to get to the World Series, they would have won the following game. Hell, it wasnt even Bartman's fault, it was Dusty Baker's, Mark Prior's, and Alex Gonzales' faults. Baker left Prior in far too long, Prior couldn't get the guy out because he was so shaken up. Then, when he managed to get the grounder, Gonzo botched the double play. If the Cubs were good enough to get to the series, they would have taken one of the many chances they had to win one of the last 2 games.

People felt sorry for Bartman, so they gave him gifts and lots of money. He donated it all to JDRF in the name of Ron Santo. He is a good guy.
Your a good man 👍 , I felt sorry about him too :guilty: .

I was watching the game live since I was a big Prior's fan. I wanted the Marlins to lose too.

If manual: Getrag, Tremec, Aisin, or ZF?

If auto: GM 4 speed slush-o-matic or Lexus 8 speed wonderbox?
RWD, and I can't drive stick.... :(

and Keef: speak english please! :D
Keef is asking if you like Getrag, Tremec, Aisin or ZF manual gearboxes.
Or GM 4-speed or Lexus 8-speed automatic boxes.

I doubt you've driven them all it's probably hard to choose....

What radio station do you listen to most regualry?