GTP's Member of the week no.8 - Introducing Ashley.

Do you like having a girls name?

When are you gonna put my bribe into action, and take out Bee in the V8 Batracer series?
Do you like having a girls name?

When are you gonna put my bribe into action, and take out Bee in the V8 Batracer series?


Never:D Give it a few days and it will be done..
Look up "canal street manchester" on google.

Have you ever been to watch Newcastle play football?

Are you going to start learning to drive as soon as you can or are you going to wait until you feel ready?

Have you ever watched "Taxi Driver" with Robert DeNiro? and if so, what did you think of it?
Look up "canal street manchester" on google.

Have you ever been to watch Newcastle play football?

Are you going to start learning to drive as soon as you can or are you going to wait until you feel ready?

Have you ever watched "Taxi Driver" with Robert DeNiro? and if so, what did you think of it?

Ohhh...go there much? i got this back "Canal Street, Gay Village"

I been to see them 3 times, V internazioanale and feyenoord in the champions league few years back and V Man utd season before last.

I'm gonna wait until a) i can afford the lesson and b) when i feel i have the finances to keep a car on the road..

Seen Taxi but not Taxi driver..
Ohhh...go there much? i got this back "Canal Street, Gay Village"

I been to see them 3 times, V internazioanale and feyenoord in the champions league few years back and V Man utd season before last.

I'm gonna wait until a) i can afford the lesson and b) when i feel i have the finances to keep a car on the road..

Seen Taxi but not Taxi driver..
I have been there a couple of times, the gay villiage is located on canal street but there is one or two places you can go with your missues and have a good night out.

Smart man with the car and you should watch Taxi driver if you get the chance. I've seen Taxi driver but not Taxi.

Do you have any plans for a career direction or industry you'd like to work in that you can realistically achieve?
Do you have any plans for a career direction or industry you'd like to work in that you can realistically achieve?

Yep, at the moment i am aiming towards a career in the Thames Valley Police force.

Muse or Angels and Airwaves?


Did you watch the French version of Taxi or the American version?

Have you ever been to Wales?

How big is your TV?

If a right angled triangle has one side of 7cm, another of 13cm what is the length of the hypotenuse?
And make sure you answer my question from the first page! I'm giving you just one more day. :sly:
Do you like Taxi purely for the french cars?

What happened to having a landie as your first car? :eek:!

Do you secretly dream of being this woman:

Isn't Ashley a girl's name? :P

I have a guy in my class at school called Ashley :)

To the questions:

Who's your best friend on GTP?
Who's your favourite GTP'er? (be honest now)
How does it feel to be whipped by a Red Bull in BATracer?

Have you ever been to Wales?

How big is your TV?

If a right angled triangle has one side of 7cm, another of 13cm what is the length of the hypotenuse?




If you were on a deserted island... and.. ummm... Godzilla Attacked, How would you survive?!?!?

Dig a hole big enough for a man..then sit in it...shaking..

Do you like Taxi purely for the french cars?

What happened to having a landie as your first car? !

Do you secretly dream of being this woman:




Who's your best friend on GTP?
Who's your favourite GTP'er? (be honest now)
How does it feel to be whipped by a Red Bull in BATracer?

Hmm...Mr Bee Davidson!
Couldn't choose one, you all have your own qualities:P
Dam good! Cos i know my Ferrari will whip that Red Bull back into line next season!
Arn't you up past your bed time :sly:? Only kidding.

A proper question, can you recall any memorable nights out?
How big is your bed?
Do you have a computer in your room? How many in your house?
How many console games do you currently have?
Have you ever used Ebay? Like it or hate it?
Which do you prefer: Yo or Wassssssuuuuppppppp?

A pimped up old car or a sexy looking new car?

Do you like Chamillionaire's song Ridin'?

Do you like rap at all?
Arn't you up past your bed time :sly:? Only kidding.

A proper question, can you recall any memorable nights out?

Funny, as i read this post it was bedtime:D

A couple, one in 1998, england v argentina, me and my dad in a holiday camp bar watching it, it was a great night apart from england losing...going to watch brighton bears basketball match at brighton centre one night was awsome and a karaoke disco thing at southampton uni last year will always be remembered:D

How big is your bed?
Do you have a computer in your room? How many in your house?
How many console games do you currently have?
Have you ever used Ebay? Like it or hate it?

Just about gets me and Suzzie into it..has a double quilt mind:D
One in my room and a laptop downstairs.
Erm, 6.
Never used it but never needed to, i am sure however that once i'm working again i will use it a few times.

Which do you prefer: Yo or Wassssssuuuuppppppp?

A pimped up old car or a sexy looking new car?

Do you like Chamillionaire's song Ridin'?

Do you like rap at all?


Sexy looking new car without shadow of a doubt.

whomillionaires whatty?

Not one little bit..maybe the odd song but not many.
If both these yams were in human form, which would you most likely be friends with and why?

If both these yams were in human form, which would you most likely be friends with and why?


Hmm..the one on the right..because, its straight..

Did you draw it on paper first?

Favourite Alcoholic beverage?

What are some examples of 'local' slang.

No course not:D Everyone knows that answer to that:P

Hmm, Close on between Stellar, Scrumpy jack and WKD.

Local to Newcastle, Brighton or High Wycombe?