Not quite sure if i understand with the qualifying do i need to put my name down for which room i want to join either A or B
and my prefered time?
Looking for a spot in the following room @ 19:00 PST:
Room C
Date: Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Connet Time: 18.30 PST | 21.30 EST
Start Time: 19.00 PST | 22.00 EST
Room Number: TBA
PSN ID: Kaz_Yamauchi
Country of Origin: Japan
Conference: PAL or NTSC
Class: GT500 or GT300
Room Letter: A, B, C, or D
Do we buy the car or use the recommended car?
Recommended car with what tires?
MONSTAR-1None of those times are suitable for me. I'm at work or it's the middle of the night on a work night. Can I do a private quali?
Dazmeister22PSN ID: Dazmeister22
Country of Origin: Ireland
Conference: PAL
Class: GT500
Room Letter:B
One last question. Do we have to qualify at Laguna Seca in the 380 and at Suzuka in the Castrol Tom's OR are they done separately OR do GT300 class do Laguna in the 380 and GT500 class do Suzuka in Castrol Tom's or what??
Just 1 quallifyer. Suzuka in the 380.