GTRA | World Citroen GT Cup | On-Hold

  • Thread starter Masi_23
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Guys if you are not remote b specing using the B-Spec Grinder. Then you really should consider.

Make second account. Befriend yourself and a few closer friends to this account. Then set it to remote b spec. Log into said account on the widget aka B-Spec grinder.

Make around 500-1mil per driver every 12 hrs.

Since I've started this I never grind. I buy what I want when I want. Sitting on 14 million after a slight shopping spree and rebuilds. As well got around 10 million in b spec guys.

You cab load your bank with 20 million and 6 B-Spec guys with 20 million each. So with this you can bank 140 million credits!!!!
Slightly confused, but interested.

How again? Step by step... :D

You will want a second PSN account. This account is what you use to enter remote races. This account needs to be friends with the main account. As well add a few close GT5 so you can fill up the races.

No with this account made you know the PSN ID and PW. Search gtplanet for the b-spec grinder. Down load it an yahoo widgets. All instructions are there. Once you have it loaded on your PC. Then log into the Account you made. From there u stack your main account in settings to be picked first as well setting to use all.

Now you are set. It will start automatically. Your tv will show the races. So you can either leave them run and enjoy or turn it off and let it grind.
That's what I do Owens. I created an UK account. Not only i get different stuff from PS store, I help myself on GT5 as well. OH and the ID? MIGHTYNEPALII:sly: lol
I'm still a little lost, but i found the thread with the Video tutorial.. in the process of trying it out now :)

Thanks Owens 👍
Not happy with the 5,400,000Cr price of the Citroen, feel like I've been robbed just like when I pay s***loads for an Engine change and they take about 5 seconds to do the job :grumpy:

B-SPEC Dream Car Championship: GT by Citroen Race Car (P)
Thanks guys, knew it was a prize car somewhere, means nothing now though because I have already spent 3/4 of my Racing Funds :ouch:
I wont be able to race tomorrow masi as im working through the night which SUCKS lol, i can race in american time tho hehe
Come on guys, where is the massive horde of drivers wanting to sign up and wreak havoc on the track? :( Seriously though, considering the amount of work you put into this series Masi, would of thought that there is a lot more interest.
Yeah, i think it's the schedule day/timeslot.

Monday is workday for most (not me) and if they are available, most are already committed to other series' ...I'm not available during night time (PST) so that is not an option either.

If I move this on the weekends, I'm sure people will come, but I won't make all the races... unless someone is willing to host the races in place of me - then we can move it. I'm tentative on Saturdays - meaning I can race, but there's a lot of distractions at home - can't focus.

EDIT: Preseason Race 1 delayed to give more time for people to sign-up. Tell your friends, your husbands, wifes, kids, grandparents, etc! 👍
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Going to form a massive recruitment drive on my PSN friends list, hopefully we should get some interested peasants :sly:
I would like to race in the series but the time just doesn't work for me..
Yes Masi, I think this series will need a time change, most of the people I spoke to say they are working while this series is taking place. Maybe Sunday nights etc?
Yeah, either that or they're already commited to another series.

I can't do Sunday nights (BST) as im always out at those times.

Saturday maybe possible, but like i said, theres a lot of distractions but it could work, otherwise, there should be a second host/admin always on stand by to take my place.

Any takers?
I couldn't promise I'd be available every saturday night, although I've not been out on a saturday for quite a while so it could work and I'm willing to try that out, providing the work it entails isn't too much :)
Saturday nights would be good. Coming into winter for me. So that pretty much opens me up.

However I may not make every race.
Will this race take place on Monday night or or Saturday nights personally i think it would be good to do Monday nights works fine for me as i race in a different series on the Saturday 👍

Also great work Masi looking good
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Thanks Supra 👍

@ OwensRacing - by saturday nights, i meant in GMT so we can race the Euro chaps. So that'll be afternoon US time.

Maybe we can run this while WSGTC is in off-season mode?
Thanks Supra 👍

@ OwensRacing - by saturday nights, i meant in GMT so we can race the Euro chaps. So that'll be afternoon US time.

Maybe we can run this while WSGTC is in off-season mode?

Monday nights are good Masi not really Saturday nights can't do Saturday
Afternoon US time on Saturday would be good for me! :) I will get you my car details, as soon as you have confirmation of the start of the series!
I'm still undecided on which days i should do this... i'll post up a poll inside the interest section and see how many people we get - Saturdays vs Mondays.
I'm still undecided on which days i should do this... i'll post up a poll inside the interest section and see how many people we get - Saturdays vs Mondays.

Yeah good idea hope it goes to Monday otherwise can't do it.

Poll is up in the Interest Section.

Where mate?
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Can we get this league and the Rally to run back to back with say 30-60 minute break?

Also Sat afternoon(EDT) I have Cappucino RM league.
Can we get this league and the Rally to run back to back with say 30-60 minute break?

Also Sat afternoon(EDT) I have Cappucino RM league.

WRC is a time trial series so there are no set time (similar procedure as WSGTC qualy procedure).

Poll up in the Interest Section :)
Added my info to the sign in form. Not too keen on handing my whole name, but shoot since I already put my first name in the WSGTC Sign up form just leaving it as an initial would be silly since most of the racers we're running with are from there as well.

I hope I spelled the paint chip correctly, it's hard to see a double "L" from time to time. Anyway it's a nice solid green color.
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