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  • Thread starter Denilson
OT: I got some friends who play in a band. They got a Brittish manager since a few weeks back, and are now going to London.

If any of you Britts in here (Or anyone for that matter if you're close to London on that date) want to come along just PM me, and I'll try to arrange something.
I can promise you that it's going to be an AWESOME party that will continue the whooole night. :cheers:

The gig is held on December 2nd in a place called "Koko".. Don't know anything about that place, but since the manager is from UK, I'm pretty sure he knows what he's doing.

It would also be a good time to meet some of you guys in person. 👍
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Yes, there is an update coming in 20 mins.

Updating now!

It's done already. Hmmm must of been short. I looked to read Denilson's post and it was finished.

However still not connecting.
Updating now!

oh sh:censored: for real?!! Ok better get that PS3 ON!

Edit: Wow that was the smallest patch i have ever seen. 1.1MB only! It really only fixes the TGTT cutting issues. Oh well, I guess we still have some time to wait until the next big update
I can totally understand why no one have done quali yet.. There's no track where quali is as important as this weeks.. I usually quali pretty early, but this week, I decided to get a lot of practice in before I do.. Sad part is that I've not had much time at all this week.. 45 minutes is all I've put in.. And I'm not even close to Wardez or Remy by the looks of it.. Struggle to hit low 32's.. And tomorrow, I have to quali.. Only got a 2 hour window to put in some practice and set my lap.. I pray I can find a Capable host when I get on.. :scared:
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Yeah...yeah...I'm terribly sorry. I've been having....not the best of weeks, alright? So help me god....I'm running friday. But this week has left me pretty frayed right now. So by all's around 2am or some crud on the east coast, USA...I'll be in my lounge burning laps.
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Yeah...yeah...I'm terribly sorry. I've been having....not the best of weeks, alright? So help me god....I'm running friday. But this week has left me pretty frayed right now. So by all's around 2am or some crud on the east coast, USA...I'll be in my lounge burning laps.

I hope everything is fine your end!

Looking forward to see you in Monaco! 👍
Managed a 1'32.5 yesterday, still a bit of time to find, although I don't know how people are getting 1'31s! Wardez I can understand being in the Lexus, but then Remy in the GT-R? Is he using super-powered NOS or something? :lol:
Managed a 1'32.5 yesterday, still a bit of time to find, although I don't know how people are getting 1'31s! Wardez I can understand being in the Lexus, but then Remy in the GT-R? Is he using super-powered NOS or something? :lol:

Nah just another alien. :lol:
I'm hoping with a string of luck I can manage a high 31, but that's pushing it, especially out of two laps.:scared:

FYI guys, the Lexus isn't the quickest car around this track.
Not for me anyway. :P
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Hey you guys are doing super gt500 around monaco's famous city track in gt5 right? Well i just acconplished a 1:30.644. Im posting the video onto youtube as l type right now. Im not running any aids, no turbo's or engine upgrades. Im at a reduced 493 hp setting since my car is well broken in, and i was wondering if i can join you guys sometime...

!edit! And NO l didnt manipulate the chicane, You guys seem very organised and fair. The super gt racers are better than that... (well they should be)
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Hey bullet, I'm glad you like our set up here. We race on R1s btw. You can race this Friday if you'd like. I'd just need to confirm your online connection performance and driving ability by doing a short race with you. If all's well then you can go ahead and qualify then run with us on Friday.

GT500 sign ups are currently closed but we're always willing to allow eager drivers the opportunity to prove themselves worthy of a drive. This is only since we've had a couple more GT500 drivers drop-out in the past few days.

Thanks for the interest.
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OT: I got some friends who play in a band. They got a Brittish manager since a few weeks back, and are now going to London.

If any of you Britts in here (Or anyone for that matter if you're close to London on that date) want to come along just PM me, and I'll try to arrange something.
I can promise you that it's going to be an AWESOME party that will continue the whooole night. :cheers:

The gig is held on December 2nd in a place called "Koko".. Don't know anything about that place, but since the manager is from UK, I'm pretty sure he knows what he's doing.

It would also be a good time to meet some of you guys in person. 👍

Interested ;)

I'm about 30mins outside of London, Pagi is too.
Has anyone updated the rankings from the laguna seca race and is there any rooms open looking to qualify soon?
Has anyone updated the rankings from the laguna seca race and is there any rooms open looking to qualify soon?

Post here when ready and I probably be here so I open a room for you to qualify. Just make sure you're ready when you enter my room.
Post here when ready and I probably be here so I open a room for you to qualify. Just make sure you're ready when you enter my room.

Okay sounds good Should be ready in a few hours is that ok?
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Can I qualifying in the next 2 hours?

Damn PSN messed my plan up to quali yesterday. And I'm going out at 6 today so need to do it asap despite not having any practice. :guilty:
I also need to quali within 2 hours. Opening up a room and keep my fingers crossed a steward will show..

Room number: 1472-6118-4130-9225-4566
I also need to quali within 2 hours. Opening up a room and keep my fingers crossed a steward will show..

Room number: 1472-6118-4130-9225-4566

First you don't need a steward. Second Adam needs to qualify too. And third you saw me online so whenever your ready shoot me a PSN Message if no one is around to qualify you. ;)
I also need to quali within 2 hours. Opening up a room and keep my fingers crossed a steward will show..

Room number: 1472-6118-4130-9225-4566

Was planning to qualify last night. Will be gone all evening moving my sister. So won't get the chance tonight. :( Grrr updates and maintenance.

May a slight chance I get back at a decent time. Got three hours in travel. Then prob two hours worth of moving. So if we can get on the road by 5. I can get in tonight.

Otherwise waiting list for I guess
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I just qualified... put in a horrible 35.4 after hitting the barrier on my first flyer! Did a 34.5 in the little practice I had before aswell. :nervous:
im at work at mo guys, going to hve to do my quali lap around 10 uk time then if anyone wants to play f12011 im good to go cos it came thru the post this morning woooo, i done the 1st race it looks soo cool

Ive also got day off tomorrow so i can stay on late if the americans want a race or shall i say an arse kicking hehe
im at work at mo guys, going to hve to do my quali lap around 10 uk time then if anyone wants to play f12011 im good to go cos it came thru the post this morning woooo, i done the 1st race it looks soo cool

Damn you so lucky I will be giving you game when I get it.
im at work at mo guys, going to hve to do my quali lap around 10 uk time then if anyone wants to play f12011 im good to go cos it came thru the post this morning woooo, i done the 1st race it looks soo cool

Ive also got day off tomorrow so i can stay on late if the americans want a race or shall i say an arse kicking hehe

My son's copy of F1 2011 came yesterday. A whole 2 days early. Try Only £33 aswell.
I just qualified... put in a horrible 35.4 after hitting the barrier on my first flyer! Did a 34.5 in the little practice I had before aswell. :nervous:

That's a 'horrible' laptime? :scared: You know a 37.3 took pole last season, and 36.2 was fastest lap - ...right? :sly: