For those with network knowledge - are teleporting cars being affected by high pings or packet loss?
17ms every time.Now that PD displays your ping in the beta, what's yours.
I've got NAT Type 2 wired connection. Ping is typically 25-30.
I think, server re in the US
Probably a combo. The reason cars with bad connections teleport is because the game temporarily loses track of them, so the car continues on its last known trajectory until the game receives another packet, goes "oh, this is where this car is supposed to be, and then moves it to its proper place. It doesn't help that high ping rates also mean a higher chance for packet loss.For those with network knowledge - are teleporting cars being affected by high pings or packet loss?
Good analysis, @Famine.
The last time I packet-sniffed Gran Turismo network traffic (yeah, I'm a nerd), a good portion of requests were being routed to AWS's (Amazon Web Services) US-East-1 datacenter region. That's Amazon's original and most popular region, and it's located in northern Virginia... which just so happens to be near the exact center of your map.
yesFrom the beginning of Beta my ping was constantly at 125. My question: As my ping-numbers are colored yellow, does the color change when the ping is higher or lower?
Yep also very low ping 10-20 FttH. I wish the GTS servers were in Amsterdam near the AMS-IX.
Based on the average of 100-110 in the GTS screen I assume/expect the European GTS servers are located in London.
yep me too. normally 100 now 14ms but with a lot of lag.19 but with major lag problems,cars were all over the place.
Had to quit.