GTS is a £20 indie game at best

  • Thread starter powerlord
If this game
Kaz reading this thread like



He dance like indie
But what about those of us that don't have friends that play racing games? Do you just randomly add people on PSN that you race closely with from sport, or is it people from the forums, or friends from life?
All clean racers welcome to come race anytime. I will not tolerate dirty racers though. Send me a friend request. Will be on later tonight. Come turn a few laps with us if you have time. That goes for anyone reading this. Join my Ready Or Not Racing community on PSN.
I see this sort of attitude from some gamers. I can remember talking to a lad who was playing GTA, he was maybe halfway through story mode and had played a bit of online. 2 weeks later he tells me he traded the game in because he "completed it" both story mode and online.

Uh, so you got 100% ?
"Well, no."

So how did you "complete" online ? given that its an open world sort of thing.
"I did all the missions".

Right. And all the races/deathmatches/survivals/user created content (including your own!)/etc ?
"uhh, sort of".

hmm. ok.

It almost seems to be a point of pride to "complete" games as quickly as possible and the attitude is they expect it all laid out for them, god forbid they might have to think a little and actually create something.

GT Sport has what ? 19 tracks, 6 car categories, lets say we pick 4 different combinations of tyre deg and fuel usage and three different race lengths gives us 1,368 possible race combinations for custom races.

Thats without considering Arcade mode, circuit experience or mission challenges or every fuel/tyre deg combination and yet people are whinging there is no content ? You've got to be kidding me.

Even if you have exhausted that enter the FIA series or manufacturer cup or online lobbies/sport mode..

Bloc Party nailed it with "Uniform" - "The TV taught me how to sulk and love nothing, and how to grow my hair long"
It almost seems to be a point of pride to "complete" games as quickly as possible and the attitude is they expect it all laid out for them, god forbid they might have to think a little and actually create something.

GT Sport has what ? 19 tracks, 6 car categories, lets say we pick 4 different combinations of tyre deg and fuel usage and three different race lengths gives us 1,368 possible race combinations for custom races.

Thats without considering Arcade mode, circuit experience or mission challenges or every fuel/tyre deg combination and yet people are whinging there is no content ? You've got to be kidding me.

If I was that bored, I could already do something like this in racing games with more content like Forza 7, PCARS 2 and plenty of others, even previous GT titles. And those games still have an actual career mode, so what is GT Sport’s excuse?

I’m not seeing your point here.
If I was that bored, I could already do something like this in racing games with more content like Forza 7, PCARS 2 and plenty of others, even previous GT titles. And those games still have an actual career mode, so what is GT Sport’s excuse?

I’m not seeing your point here.

The point is there is plenty to keep the OP entertained if they bother to think about it for more than 30 seconds, which some people seem unable to do.

I don't get this obsessing over career mode. Pick a car class, number of laps, fuel setting and win at every track via custom races. The only thing missing is the "well done" splash screen at the end, now change the settings and do it again. At the end of the day thats what career mode is, the only difference is its pre-packaged some people don't have to look further than the end of their nose.

Sure you can go play other games, but as you're in the GTS forum I'd assume you have some interest in the game, therefore want to play it ?
The career mode of GT past is played out, I am glad they omitted it. This game would still be worth the money if the ONLY thing it had in it were the nurburgring and a handful of super GT's as I see it all the rest of it is a bonus :)
That said, I do miss a lot of the old tracks like Eiger and Laguna Seca... mainly those two. And a lot of stuff that's in this game I wish wasn't, like all the concept cars and most fictional tracks, and the rally is a bad joke. Alsace village is by far the worst track. The livery editor is a nice touch. The photo mode I couldn't care less about.
Definitely a mixed bag but like I said, worth it for the nurburgring alone!
But what about those of us that don't have friends that play racing games? Do you just randomly add people on PSN that you race closely with from sport, or is it people from the forums, or friends from life?

So far I've added 2 or 3 drivers from gtplanet and 5 from lobbies I entered and had good races with.
Thanks, will do. I'm not dirty, just slow ;)
Accepted your request. Only able to get online now due to an internet outage in my area. I will be on tomorrow for sure and will invite if I see you. First league practice tomorrow.
This game is Kaz's grand plan finally coming together. Ever since GT Academy started its all been leading to this.
This game is Kaz's grand plan finally coming together. Ever since GT Academy started its all been leading to this.

I wonder how long till sony shuts the door on that plan.

Never thought evolution would be canned either, such shame.
The only logic I can place behind the 'content' doomsayers is that they are missing farming credits to purchase 87 gtr's of minimal variation. Thats all the prior campaigns were for. Not as if they made any sense in terms of a faux/simmed racing career, nor did they have any challenge.

When GT6 was released, if you had told me the next GT would be based around online play, with less car(with superior detail), a livery...a superb livery at that, I would have smiled ear to ear.

GTS aint perfect, but for me its far more engaging. I would like to see the tracks expanded on soon, aswell as better online race choices (All groups, an endurance and a few 'N' races), so we can have our choice at what we want to race.
I'm having fun so far. Money well spent.
Is the point of GT Sport not to move away from the traditional format? Hence not GT7? Last I remember from the GT5/6 era was reviewers, and gamers both critiquing the game, because it was "stale", "the same recycled formula", "inconsistent car sounds", "inconsistent car models", "too many skylines", etc.

So years on, PD have taken on all the feedback, they rebuild the game from the ground up and they release a consistent game, that looks and sounds incredible, with a fresh new formula for the series. Now everyone is complaining that its too different to the original series... c'mon guys... make up your mind...
This is the best driving GT to date, and the most consistent since GT4!

Yeah the car selection is lacking, and it's a shame there's no single player career mode, but the improvements in gameplay makes up for it. The physics, graphics, sounds, and opponent AI are spot on. Put them all together and you have the best racing experience of any Gran Turismo ever.
I was thinking the same thing yesterday whilst playing it. It does feel like a big 'Prologue' version of GT7. The game is good but the offline mode is just a way of teaching you to drive so you're ready for online racing, which isn't for everyone so just hoping this is just a stop gap until GT7. The lack of cars is so apparent and a bit depressing to be frank (I don't event want to count the concept cars as actual cars!). I used to love hopping around the globe to the huge range of manufacturers then scrolling through an endless list of cars and even jumping into the one make events within the dealership! GT Sport is an online racing game and that's that, but like I've said in other posts - I'm not going to bash it too much because that's what the game is meant to be and plus I'm playing Project Cars 2, F1 2017, Dirt 4, Forza 7 and a few other favorites so I can't really complain. Everyone has their time at the top - look at Sega and Nintendo back in the day. GT may still be the best looking game but as a complete package, it has been surpassed.
The point is there is plenty to keep the OP entertained if they bother to think about it for more than 30 seconds, which some people seem unable to do.

I don't get this obsessing over career mode. Pick a car class, number of laps, fuel setting and win at every track via custom races. The only thing missing is the "well done" splash screen at the end, now change the settings and do it again. At the end of the day thats what career mode is, the only difference is its pre-packaged some people don't have to look further than the end of their nose.

I don’t play career modes so the game can congratulate me. I do it for the progression and the satisfaction of completing it, something that making my own stand-alone races doesn’t provide. Besides, the career mode has been the heart of GT for me personally. Ever since GT5 however, it's been on the decline and has been pretty mediocre. PD has yet to top or even meet the single player of GT3 and GT4 in terms of replayability and longevity. After GT6 came out, I was hoping that with the GT moving on to the PS4 next, PD could refocus as one of my complaints with GT5 and GT6 is that those games were trying to do too much. Never did I imagine that PD would take it out the career mode though. To me, it's just unacceptable and removing major features that were in previous games is never a good thing.

Sure you can go play other games, but as you're in the GTS forum I'd assume you have some interest in the game, therefore want to play it ?

Right now, I don’t have any interest in playing GTS in its current state, especially since the admission price to play (buying a PS4, the game itself, etc.) is not worth it in my opinion. However, I am here to monitor the developments of GTS in hopes that it will eventually become something I will want to play and to read people's thoughts and experiences with the game.
£20 indie title? No. £25 prologue title with an online save system that is not fit for purpose. Yes.
Accepted your request. Only able to get online now due to an internet outage in my area. I will be on tomorrow for sure and will invite if I see you. First league practice tomorrow.

I will be there, looks like it could be a good time.
I read somewhere (don’t remember the source) that Kaz states in an interview that they are planning to add content the coming 2-3 years with up to 400-500 cars free of charge. Take this with a grain of salt. But it would be great if people stop whining about the lack of content and judge the content it’s not lacking. If GTsport sells great and Sony gets additional PlayStation plus subscribers Ka’s will get the green light for free additional content!
I read somewhere (don’t remember the source) that Kaz states in an interview that they are planning to add content the coming 2-3 years with up to 400-500 cars free of charge. Take this with a grain of salt. But it would be great if people stop whining about the lack of content and judge the content it’s not lacking. If GTsport sells great and Sony gets additional PlayStation plus subscribers Ka’s will get the green light for free additional content!

I wonder how many of the people with complaints are actually spending time in game. It's harder to find something you enjoy, when you focus only on the negative.