GTSport Beta Steering Wheel Experience?

  • Thread starter Adrenaline
Hi, I'm new in the forum, I am a fan on GT series.
For GT Sport i was thinking about buying a t150, but I'am worried about force feedback.
I never use a wheel, alway dualshock, and i have no experience with this feature. i would prefere the precision of a steering wheel and pedals, but not a tiring driving experience, with the wheel very soft and easy to turn, without having to fight every single turn and have pain after one hour of race!
My question is if setting FF to minimum in the options (both force feeedback and sensitivity) the wheel became easy to manage.

I'm playing the beta and enjoy it

Thank you
Welcome to :gtplanet::cheers:
The level of FFB is adjustable and you can make it quite low if you wish. A T150 isn't a particularly strong wheel to begin with. I'd get the wheel, it really adds to the experience.
Welcome to :gtplanet::cheers:
The level of FFB is adjustable and you can make it quite low if you wish. A T150 isn't a particularly strong wheel to begin with. I'd get the wheel, it really adds to the experience.

Thank you for the reply, I read a lot of topic about that wheel, some saying the motor was very strong and other the opposite.

So in gt sport if the feedback is set to minimum the only effect is the autocenter of the wheel?

Compared to other racing game the config options are very poor I see.
Thank you for the reply, I read a lot of topic about that wheel, some saying the motor was very strong and other the opposite.

So in gt sport if the feedback is set to minimum the only effect is the autocenter of the wheel?

Compared to other racing game the config options are very poor I see.
GTSPORT doesn't have anything near the configuration options of a Project Cars (some would say that's a good thing:lol:) or even Assetto Corsa so you can't fine tune the individual elements of road/kerb/understeer etc. The T150 is an entry level wheel with the weakest motor in the TM lineup. Do you have an issue that prevents you from turning it up? The FFB is nowhere near strong enough to be really tiring in a person of even average fitness but some people do have individual issues.
GTSPORT doesn't have anything near the configuration options of a Project Cars (some would say that's a good thing:lol:) or even Assetto Corsa so you can't fine tune the individual elements of road/kerb/understeer etc. The T150 is an entry level wheel with the weakest motor in the TM lineup. Do you have an issue that prevents you from turning it up? The FFB is nowhere near strong enough to be really tiring in a person of even average fitness but some people do have individual issues.

Yes I have some muscolar issues with my elbows, that happen often typing too much with the pc.

With driving in real life no problem, but sure I don t drive like
I'm at Brandys Hatch :-)

I was worried the "weight" and the vibrations were too much stressing, tank you for the explainations and sorry for my English:-):cheers:
The problem with this game is there's no settings for wheels you can't adjust the steering angle this has to he done through mode on the wheel. I have noticed that it resets it mode every time you start a new race.. What was the point of thrustmaster taking nearly 4 years making a new gt wheel for gt sport when you just get thrashed by controllers every time you race online.. I was in a race and the person who was first did willow springs big willow in 1:09 and my fastest lap is 1:16 there is no way you can do 1:09 round willow springs with a steering wheel.. They need to change the name of the game to forza sport because it's not a sim racer at the moment it's a arcade racer
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The problem with this game is there's no settings for wheels you can't adjust the steering angle this has to he done through mode on the wheel. I have noticed that it resets it mode every time you start a new race.. What was the point of thrustmaster taking nearly 4 years making a new gt wheel for gt sport when you just get thrashed by controllers every time you race online.. I was in a race and the person who was first did willow springs big willow in 1:09 and my fastest lap is 1:16 there is no way you can do 1:09 round willow springs with a steering wheel.. They need to change the name of the game to forza sport because it's not a sim racer at the moment it's a arcade racer
If you're 7 seconds off the pace it's not your input device.
Hey @andyparks, how do you like that Playseat Challenge? I'm pretty much set on that being my option when I get GT Sport - I love the fact that you can stow your entire sim set-up in the closet, from the chair to the pedals, all in one unit. But how has it treated you? Any annoyances with it?

I'm coming from this Rennsport wheel stand:

I remember having to place a foot-high stack of textbooks on the end of it to keep the thing stable :lol:.
Hey @andyparks, how do you like that Playseat Challenge? I'm pretty much set on that being my option when I get GT Sport - I love the fact that you can stow your entire sim set-up in the closet, from the chair to the pedals, all in one unit. But how has it treated you? Any annoyances with it?

I'm coming from this Rennsport wheel stand:
View attachment 659990

I remember having to place a foot-high stack of textbooks on the end of it to keep the thing stable :lol:.
The playseat is a good piece of kit easy to adjust and set up
The problem with this game is there's no settings for wheels you can't adjust the steering angle this has to he done through mode on the wheel. I have noticed that it resets it mode every time you start a new race.. What was the point of thrustmaster taking nearly 4 years making a new gt wheel for gt sport when you just get thrashed by controllers every time you race online.. I was in a race and the person who was first did willow springs big willow in 1:09 and my fastest lap is 1:16 there is no way you can do 1:09 round willow springs with a steering wheel.. They need to change the name of the game to forza sport because it's not a sim racer at the moment it's a arcade racer

A month ago i have used for a short time a t80, sent back to amazon after few days, I really never feeld that comfortable.
Surely I was slower compared with the pad, but something like 2", and without having trained with the wheel a lot.
Maybe there is some sensitivity setting that can help you, i don't now if this works both with pad and wheel.
The t80 was recognised as a controller.

Ps my impression, and is a personal opinion, is that compared to the past the setup of the cars has became a lot more decisive, using the pad and trying a lot of lap without big mistakes, i never get close to the top teen racers laps, i think beacuse I'm not a tuning master.
If you're 7 seconds off the pace it's not your input device.
So why can't I go round corners the same speed as some one using a controller

Look at my stream It proves that there's a problem with wheels in this game all there is is controller setting im using a wheel not a controller
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The biggest difficulty I found whith the wheel was in the turns where you have to reach quickly the max steering angle, with the pad you can do that very fast, with the wheel I found that if I don't turn it very fast often I missed the line and I'm finished in the grass. Maybe is just a thing to have more confidence with the training
Look at my stream It proves that there's a problem with wheels in this game all there is is controller setting im using a wheel not a controller

I think your problem might be the aids you're using (highlighted).

Automatic Transmission, Traction Control and ASM do not bode well for competitive lap times unfortunately. It's best to get used to driving without them as quickly as possible, especially ASM, it's what will be the worst offender in killing your corner speed.
The same reason all the controller users don't go around corners the same speed as each other. I suggest that your problem is between the wheel and the chair.
My point is they have made the game too easy for controllers and put no settings in for wheels the game don't even know I'm using a wheel
My point is they have made the game too easy for controllers...

Welcome to Gran Turismo. Unlike true simulators, there's no real speed benefit to using a wheel. Gran Turismo simply doesn't require that level of accuracy and nuance. There are good controller users who are totally world class.

Gran Turismo will always be easy with controllers, because that's their target market. That's how it's been in the past, that's how it is in the beta, and I don't see any reason for them to change it now. If you want something where you have a legitimate advantage for having an expensive wheel, try AC or pCARS. Gran Turismo sacrifices outright realism for accessibility, and that means that a wheel isn't really any faster.

On the other hand, it is more fun and immersive, and that's still enough for some people. Although with assists, automatic transmission, and chase camera, I'm guessing you're not in it for the immersion. Each to their own. I think you're gonna be disappointed if you're expecting an advantage for your expensive peripheral though.
Welcome to Gran Turismo. Unlike true simulators, there's no real speed benefit to using a wheel. Gran Turismo simply doesn't require that level of accuracy and nuance. There are good controller users who are totally world class.

Gran Turismo will always be easy with controllers, because that's their target market. That's how it's been in the past, that's how it is in the beta, and I don't see any reason for them to change it now. If you want something where you have a legitimate advantage for having an expensive wheel, try AC or pCARS. Gran Turismo sacrifices outright realism for accessibility, and that means that a wheel isn't really any faster.

On the other hand, it is more fun and immersive, and that's still enough for some people. Although with assists, automatic transmission, and chase camera, I'm guessing you're not in it for the immersion. Each to their own. I think you're gonna be disappointed if you're expecting an advantage for your expensive peripheral though.
On gt6 I can go on with my wheel and have all the settings off like I do with gt sport some times but on gt6 I come 1st second and third with gt sport I have no chance the wheel settings in this game are a joke
Look at my stream. It proves that there's a problem with wheels in this game. All there is is controller setting. I'm using a wheel not a controller.
In that 55 minute video, you spend the last 40 seconds in the input device settings menu. There are quite clearly several wheel option screens, for T500, T300, T150 and G29. You even go into one of them, for the T300, and you seem to be using an F1 add-on wheel for the T500/300 base.

So I'm curious why you say there is only controller setting and not wheel settings when you literally used the wheel settings screen, and I'm wondering why the other 54 minutes of the video proves any problem with all of the wheels in GT Sport. There's no problem with my wheel at all.

Incidentally, you do seem to have a great many driving aids on.
In that 55 minute video, you spend the last 40 seconds in the input device settings menu. There are quite clearly several wheel option screens, for T500, T300, T150 and G29. You even go into one of them, for the T300, and you seem to be using an F1 add-on wheel for the T500/300 base.

So I'm curious why you say there is only controller setting and not wheel settings when you literally used the wheel settings screen, and I'm wondering why the other 54 minutes of the video proves any problem with all of the wheels in GT Sport. There's no problem with my wheel at all.

Incidentally, you do seem to have a great many driving aids on.

I agree in general with you but you cant deny the fact that actually pad users have an advantage over wheel users.Its not a black/white issue.
IMO and from what I've seen playing the beta,its much easier to correct the car when you are using a pad compared to the wheel (an example).I've used both a wheel and a controler with the same settings (I did not use any kind of TC in the game -an example- since its really easy to drive without real -factory- settings in this game).
I wont say that I was faster with the pad but it was easier to use the pad to get the same lap times compared to wheel.They have coded the game so that wheel users will have no advantage over pad users -from my point of view-,something that is logical since most of GTS users are going to be pad users.
I agree in general with you but you cant deny the fact that actually pad users have an advantage over wheel users.
I don't know that it's a fact at all - and I certainly am not quicker or more consistent with the pad than the wheel, despite the fact that I'd habitually play even GT6 with a pad even with three wheels in the house.

The key difference between pad and wheel is that you can apply all of an input or none of it a great deal quicker with a pad (especially with the D-pad rather than sticks - full steering lock from zero happens in a fraction of a second, and vice versa), but you can apply more precise input with a wheel. The pad makes life easier in that regard, particularly when it comes to huge amounts of opposite lock, but it's not quite as accurate. To get really fast you have to work a great deal harder on pad than with a wheel, but when it goes wrong after you've reached the limit it's easier to recover with a pad.

But that's the way it's always been with GT.
Well last time I looked (which was a version or two ago) there weren't many options under wheel settings. What we got was speed-sensitive steering which I found utterly horrible - no option to set 'Simulation' mode. I went back to the sticks pronto.

There's been options like that in previous GTs, so one would think they'd be there in the release version. They might have been enabled in some of the other demo builds they've done - I don't recall any of the Copper Box attendees complaining about speed-sensitive steering. Although, not many beta wheel users seem to complain about it either :confused:
I don't know that it's a fact at all - and I certainly am not quicker or more consistent with the pad than the wheel, despite the fact that I'd habitually play even GT6 with a pad even with three wheels in the house.

The key difference between pad and wheel is that you can apply all of an input or none of it a great deal quicker with a pad (especially with the D-pad rather than sticks - full steering lock from zero happens in a fraction of a second, and vice versa), but you can apply more precise input with a wheel. The pad makes life easier in that regard, particularly when it comes to huge amounts of opposite lock, but it's not quite as accurate. To get really fast you have to work a great deal harder on pad than with a wheel, but when it goes wrong after you've reached the limit it's easier to recover with a pad.

But that's the way it's always been with GT.

Well you confirm what I say.
Using a pad is more forgiving that using a wheel.You dont get an advantage in terms of "speed" but the fact that you can push harder -since its more easy to correct mistakes- makes it easier to go "faster" (I hope you get my point here).
Well you confirm what I say.
Using a pad is more forgiving that using a wheel.You dont get an advantage in terms of "speed" but the fact that you can push harder -since its more easy to correct mistakes- makes it easier to go "faster" (I hope you get my point here).
Your logic is backwards. If you are making mistakes and correcting you are going slower not faster. A wheel allows for more precise input, which means less mistakes and more consistency when pushing hard, but, like anything else, it takes practice and some understanding of the game physics. You have to be accurate with both devices in order to be truly fast
Your logic is backwards. If you are making mistakes and correcting you are going slower not faster. A wheel allows for more precise input, which means less mistakes and more consistency when pushing hard, but, like anything else, it takes practice and some understanding of the game physics. You have to be accurate with both devices in order to be truly fast

Let me make it more clear for you.Its more easy to correct a mistake when you use a pad than a wheel.That (many times) means that with the pad your car stay in the track when with the wheel you hit a barrier/go off track.Sure you lose time in both cases but a lot more when using the wheel.
Also the fact that its more forgiving when you use the pad,means that you can actually push harder and worry less about mistakes.That alone means that you can -in theory- get better times .
A wheel does allow more precise input in case the game does not "help" the user to keep the car on track.
Try to do a lap in AC using the same car/track/conditions (example in green hell with a GT3 car) with GTS.If you drive that car the same way you can in GTS,you'll destroy it before you do your first lap.