[GTTCC-2] Gran Turismo Touring Car Championship S2 | xflow1390 is the champion!!!!!Finished 

  • Thread starter True-blue-8

What tyres should be available for wet races?

  • Sports Soft tyres only

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • SS, Intermediates and Full Wets

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • SS and Full wets only

    Votes: 7 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Anyway this kind of thing goes on all the time here, for example most people think that @V8-Johnboy is a friendly chubby funny fisherman from devon, when infact he is a well known dragqueen from san francisco. ;)

Isn't that like the pot calling the kettle black though? Or whatever they call a kettle in 'Bethlehem'

Controversy or what?

I find it funny, basically the GTOR team and name was absolute 🤬 and after telling how much of a horrible person I was, mikey left. After ninja, stirm and karsten won the Nurb 6 hour race for us, 'MAB' came and asked if he could race for a good team. So, yeah....... Anyway, too much banter for the poor kid I think

Don't listen to them @V8-Johnboy mate, if you want to be a drag queen, go for it, follow your dreams 👍

@buck1 I can confirm that @V8-Johnboy is now in the post-op stage so terms like dragqueen are highly offensive to him, all this estrogen is making him very hormonal and he'll only accept the term transgender :sly: I also found out recently that he was a chimney sweep kid in Mary Poppins :D
I knew that kid looked familiar. Not watching tin tin now are you? :sly:

It's quite alright old boy, he was s****e anyway :rolleyes:.

@Teuchter I really cant stop laughing at this, definitely the quote of the year 👍
I may well need a teammate for next year if you are still available?

Sure! But you must be getting desperate if your asking me to join you haha

Though in the break I have been staying sharp by getting the old PS2 out and playing Richard Burns Rally.
Are you in this young Ryan?

I race in @NW48's Formula Ford Championship, which "MAB" also signed up for, and was found out and banned soon after. When I saw that he had been banned, I, naturally being me, wanted to know why he was banned. Not in the BUL, no suspicious posts. Then the widespread excretions of banter that showed up in other threads led me to this, the MotherBanter, which then answered all of my questions. :D
Hope you lot had a good Christmas and new year also is there going to be any racing this year and what cups are available would like to get back into racing this year but practice though lol
And usually, if it's not green, it's black with green rims! :sly:

Hi guys. How have things been?
or pink ;)

Nice to see you back mate, i'll drop you a text later when i've got no more work :P

Reading through this thread... :eek:
I know :guilty: but hopefully we're on track now, all the idiots are gone
Hope you lot had a good Christmas and new year also is there going to be any racing this year and what cups are available would like to get back into racing this year but practice though lol
Same as before the new year mate, we kick back off again this week. would be nice to have you back :)
OK and I won't be on tonight as I'm spending time with the gf and the kids and I might run the megane again not sure yet looking to racing again been to long
OK and I won't be on tonight as I'm spending time with the gf and the kids and I might run the megane again not sure yet looking to racing again been to long
No worries mate, long as you made your decision before you join the room that's fine :lol:
But a warning, last season is nothing compared to this. There's 8 different guys (yes and gal, I hear you :lol: ) battling it out overall. It's tough :lol:
Ahem! What's wrong with the Highlands?!
nothing, just so far away from his ps3 he was. I love Scotland, except the weather :lol:

If anyone knows anything don't worry, but if so any help? I thought I may as well replace my ipod with my Christmas money. But as I was out saw a PSP. Yes, I know people don't care about them anymore, but I thought it may occupy me when im out of lesson :P but I saw this one called the PSP Go. It sounds cool, I can take it into college and sit in lesson playing I mean, revising ;)
is it worth it?
nothing, just so far away from his ps3 he was. I love Scotland, except the weather :lol:

If anyone knows anything don't worry, but if so any help? I thought I may as well replace my ipod with my Christmas money. But as I was out saw a PSP. Yes, I know people don't care about them anymore, but I thought it may occupy me when im out of lesson :P but I saw this one called the PSP Go. It sounds cool, I can take it into college and sit in lesson playing I mean, revising ;)
is it worth it?

Entirely dependant on if you can mod it. That's the only reason I still have my Nintendo Wii...