Guess That Logo!

Okay, what's this?
I looked up the Airbus logo and didn't spoil it. It just relies on the participants being honest, although I will give you that cheating is easy.
For now on you are not allowed to use the original image from Google Images. Please download it, rename it, and upload it to a photo hosting website. :)
Why? You can still do a reverse image search with the Photobucket pictures, at least I did with that one.
There's also the google search by image, which will always work if the picture has been tied to the meaning in any way.
In short, don't.
Surely this should be governed more by those playing than those finding the logo... Otherwise we will have to wait weeks between rounds as each image is modified to a point it can't be reverse searched...

On a better note, I love these games!
Whatever you do to the logo, be it modifying the picture or file name, reverse image searching will always reveal what it is even on other image hosts so its just down to trust that people play the game fairly.

Anywho, here's mine...

That looks like the sports brand but I can't think of the name!

Li Ning? (Chinese brand)

I know I'm right because I have a t-shirt of theirs. :sly:

I'll go...
That looks like the sports brand but I can't think of the name!

Li Ning? (Chinese brand)

I know I'm right because I have a t-shirt of theirs. :sly:

I'll go...

Yup :) I thought you might know it being in the country of origin!

Joie de vivre!
... right

try to search this:

I didn't mean modify to that extent but yeah that takes ages to do on photoshop, its so much easier to paste a URL and just trust people won't peek.
That's Lile and Scott (or Lyle and Scott?). A boutique around here had their logo hanging around for a while.

/edit: If that's correct, someone else should post a logo. I'm at work and won't be home for another five hours - can't upload a logo from here, much less edit it before doing so :lol:
Okay, since nobody else wanted to post something, here goes:


Colours are inverted, though.

Inverting the colours seems to work well to confuse Google, by the way :lol: