Guess the Game

  • Thread starter Jawehawk

Hint: Polygons, seizure-inducing graphics, techno-rave music what more can you ask for a arcade game that got its console version during in the 90s?
And that's correct. Tempest 2K is correct.

Pretty much one of the best retro arcade games back then. Oh and this is one of Atari Jaguar's good games that was ported from arcade. Makes sense considering that the original Tempest was made by Atari themselves.
I don't remember Nintendogs featuring more than Dogs (except the +Cats sequel)

1 more left.
You got the franchise (Sonic) but I need a game, not a franchise. Unless you intended for the first game in that case no :P
Correct on Forces.

You have the ability to create a Wolf or a Dog character meanwhile Infinite is a Jackal.
I knew you could create your own character, but not that it could be one from a list of various animals.

Here's mine:

"Look at you, soaring through the air like an eagle... piloting a blimp."
Winner! (that was fast.)

It's GLaDOS's remark on Chell's aerial skills after stepping on an Aerial Faith Plate for the first time.