Oh wow! I'm so psyched that you're releasing new tunes... 👍
What are your thoughts on the changes that have been made to camber? I think it was back in v1.09 or something... While camber still doesn't work like it should, there definitely are some benefits to having some camber applied for cornering, don't you think? The strange thing is, overall grip seems to go down with camber applied which seems to mean it's a trade off. You might get better mid-corner control with camber applied, but you have to figure out if you're losing grip in other places that might negate the benefit of having camber applied. I really wish they could fix this. It's very frustrating to me...
I don't know, I just use 0.0 for camber as it stops people asking why I'm not using it!
I don't think one variable in setups is worth spending so much time and effort on, it's crazy how some people micro analyse one variable but completely miss the big picture, but if that's what floats their boat and makes them happy then so be it.
Nothing has changed for me, there's formula's from the start of GT5 that still work extremely well on certain types of cars now. Yes, one or two variables might have 'changed', but the general philosphy of tuning hasn't - balance is king and setups are individual, both to car/ tyre / track / race specs as much as to the driver. Those 2 things have always remained constant.
To me, the 'big thing' that's changed (from GT5) is how much a setup can change (when on a 'knife-edge' of grip) owing to quite a simple variable change (i.e. 'grip' level - tyres or even race specs i.e. grip reduction real or low, tyre wear slow or fast). When you've got either plenty of grip or no grip at all, then it's not much point changing the setup alot as you're still going to have either way too much, or no-where near enough grip.
At the moment we're racing historics and testing for a racecar class, so it's those type of cars that'll have new setups being posted. As and when I get time to revisit the other setups to check, they'll get revised, but the way PD chop and change things so frequently, there's no point changing them all ASAP as sod's law, next update the physics will change making some / most of the revisions pointless (thanks PD! 👍).
I don't know what specs you guys race with, we always tried to make tyre / fuel wear a factor in our races, so it was never over until it's over. Always tune for the bigger picture i.e. race distance rather than fast lap, or a balanced setup that can cope with multiple spec / track changes with only minor adjustment.
If you can provide more details of your race specs i.e. grip real / low, tyre wear setting, race distance etc etc I can maybe have a look when we test cars for our new series