Hack your local ATM...

  • Thread starter Flerbizky
If you are withdrawing money that is not yours, it's called stealing. Stealing is illegal.
While obtaining the manual is legal, using the information inside to obtain money from an ATM that is not your money is still stealing. IT is a relatively easy way to steal. But it is stealing nonetheless.
Or what if there was a simple puzzle, when solved, opened a latch with a wad of cash inside. If you took that money, it would be theft?

No, I don’t think anyone has ever been arrested for stealing money out of a safe. :rolleyes:
Because its not the bank tellers money to give and you have no right to it, to convince someone to give you something that they have no right to give to you and you have no right to have is fraud, and with that off to jail you would go.



I meant to say that it wasn't a banker anymore on my second "try"