Haer Bev - 19 / 01 - Update, various cars.

  • Thread starter HaerBev
Blue Vette and Gallardo panos are awesome, the Orange LFA looks really nice too.

Bonne Année à toi aussi!


PS: Congrats for the trophy. 👍
Nice, congrats on the Platinum. I've still got quite a bit to do.

As for your set, my fav would have to be the Gallardo pano. I like the cool toning in this one and how the architecture draws your eye to the car.;)👍
The gallardo would have to be my favorite. Maybe if the depth of field was a little more shallower to take my eyes away from the wall in the zr1 shot it would be my favorite.
IMO the Corvette and Gallardo panos are the best of the latest set. In my eyes the LFA got a bit "dull" with lowered Saturation (?)
Thanks Jaden, I'm really glad to read you like my panoramas.

Merci Charles, bonne année à toi mon ami and if you want, we'll meet online for photo sessions :cheers:

Merci Nicolas, for your positive feedback, bonne année à toi aussi :)

Thanks Nux, nice to read you like the Gallardo pano bro ^^

Thanks Eric, the Vette pic is a 500mm try.

Thanks Mazda, glad to read your words.

Thanks Emil, the LFA pics were made with 50% weather, 11 am, the non sunny sky is unusual, here's the unedited panorama:

Merci for the platinium congratulations.

Yes I finally added the Miura to the GT6 garage.



Hope you'll enjoy these pictures, thanks for viewing :cheers:
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Very nice panos mate! I like how you've captured the corners in the background of these shots.👍

I may give your LFA an edit but it really depends on what I can come up with.;)
Always quality stuff in this gallery :) Always the same realistic way to edit, but not boring at all. You're like the old samurai trying to find the perfect move by praticing (maybe I've already said that, not sure...).
Love the two GT3 shots (the Audi and the BMW), great choice of angle and nice toning in each of them, deserved choice for the pic of the day. The black One77 pano is beautiful, a real tribute to this superb car 👍
The two LFA shots have a very original toning (is it a mate paint ?) I especially like the second one.
Very good composition for the gallardo shot the angle of the cars as a response to the ones of the scenery, very clever 👍
Bravo for the platinum (I think I'm far away from it for my part) ;)
Nice to see you've got a Miura :P Love this two pano and theur curvy compositions 👍
Bravo mon ami !
Those LFA panos are pretty sweet but I really love the Miura ones, especially the first one. Great toning and soft cloudy light. 👍

And congrats on the trophy. ;)
Thanks Coenraad, nice to read you like the Vette picture.

Thanks Nux, you got the point, the corners were the main idea with these pics, yeah I hope to see how you'll enhance the LFA pano mate :)

Thanks Emil, this is a quick an efficient edit, enhancement including the sandstorm comig, menacing and punchy edit 👍

Merci Jérémy, I'm always glad to read your words, an old samurai doing thousands of times the same move to reach the perfection, but when he'll be nineteen years old he'll still trying, again and again :) This was a big surprise to see my R8 pano on the GTP Facebook page, more than 800 views on a picture, 50 is the usual value. Glad you like the LFA panos, I didn't want to get the usual sunny weather so, 12 am and 50% cloudy sky, the paint is a classic one named Tor Red, the geyish sky giving a mat-ish rendering. You understood what I was thinking about when creating the Gallardo pano. Sure you'll get the platinium as GT6 is really easier than GT5 ;) Yep the lovely Miura, took me five days to get enough credits but now the garage is completed, merci mon ami :cheers:

Gracias Ricardo, glad you like the Miura panorama, a big thanks for your edit, I love it and the colors are giving a new atmosphere to the pic, this is so nice to see my work through others eyes, your perspective correction adds a small fisheye efficient effect, bravo 👍

Thanks George, my small finger told me that you were going to like the first Miura pano ;) Merci for the trophy congrats, the 0,01 sec win was kinda hard to get ^^

Here are the news: first pano is a classic SSRX one, unfortunately Pody deleted the great cordovan Bronwn Metallic paint and I tried to find something close, the GT Metallic 22 is the one used on the Aston, The R8 is a wink to Max and the second pic of this car is a small one, haven't made this since a long time but I'll return to the merging process as this is only a minimalistic try.



Cité des arts et des sciences​




Hope you'll enjoy this update, thanks for viewing :cheers​
The first Audi shot confirms my view about taking photo's of the R8... Which is that it can be an awkward car to deal with, and on some angles looks like an unbalanced car design. That said though, you did some good shots with it. I love the added touch of the licence plate. 👍 The best shots from this set would have to be the Pagani Panorama and the second Aston shot. :drool:

I really like the last Miura shot from up the page too. Captures an interesting perspective of Autumn Ring, and the Lexus LFA shot is just... :drool: Yeah... Drooling is relevant.
Dude your panos are creepy sick, every single one. :drool:

I love following you on flickr, everytime I see you've posted something my heart skips a beat... "what's he created now!" moments.

Cheers fella. :bowdown:
All of those R8 are looking gorgeous, especially the white one.

And then we're coming to the Aston panos, both are superb but the 2nd one is absolutely fave from this update.

Beau travail Hervé! :cheers:
That R8 shot is probably the best R8 shot I've seen all around forum. Absolutely amazing looking.
And the brown on the One-77 looks gorgeous as well.
Nice work again, I didn't know we could use some paint on the chrome cars, The R8 is beautiful in white with stripes. Excellent use of light in this pano 👍
The two One77 ones are also very nice, the point of view, the angle of the first is very well thinked to show the height difference of the track, and the second one (like many others you've done here) has a superb scenery.
Consistent and realistic panoramic shots yet again. I know it takes a lot of work to do that and I appreciate it. Love the 3rd and last shot the most. The 3rd shot showed great reflections. Love the use of background in the last shot. Great work.
Great work mate! I really like the R8 shots, especially the rims.👍 My next set will be of my R8 because of yours bro!
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Man, that is some serious talent you've got. Even to the smallest detail all of images are professional quality, top shelf, awesome! You inspire me to try to get better with skills (limited as they are). I look forward to seeing more.
Thanks Alex, sure the R8 can sometimes become hard to deal with due to its shape, I hope pody will add the V10+ to Gt6, Glad you like my panoramas and licence plate addings:)

Thanks Andy, this is great to know that some people are following me on Flickr, hope you'll like the new panos mate :)

Merci beaucoup Nicolas, I'm always glad to read your words, hope to meet you online soon for photomode sessions ^^

Thanks Jaden, wow the best ? Really ? I didn't knew we were allowed to change the Chrome Line cars paints, really glad to read your positive feedback :)

Merci Jérémy, nice to read your kind words my friend, glad you like my recent work and Matterhorn addiction ^^

Thanks Boabdulrahman, pleased to read that you're finding some realistic rendering and knowing it takes a lot of time to create and edit a real panorama ^^

Thanks Nux, yep the rims are surprisingly lokking nice on the R8, sure your R8 pics will be greater than ever bro 👍

Thanks Azwolf, glad to read you're finding some inspiration in order to improve your skills, only X2 size pics merged in order to keep decent quality. Hope you'll like the new pictures.

The latest pictures including a cropped one of the 430 Scuderia as I think it looks quite nice:







I wanted to add a New South Wales licence plate to the Scirocco but didn't found a recent one in high resolution. Hope you'll enjoy this update, fullsize watch by clicking :cheers:
Sublime as usual, Hervé. Overall great work on toning and compositions, but, for me, the 3 Ferrari and Viper shots are standing out of the bunch. ;)👍
Once you find a NSW plate for the Scirocco, it will really bring something else to that pano.

Congrats again dude, I saw the Ferrari shots on Flickr yesterday. I've got a new 27" screen for the PC in the last week so your new panos here were able to be seen in all their glory. Nice work again. 👍
Brilliant pictures mate ! Tones, compostion, realism everything in your panoramas is just amazing and always impresses me. :drool:
It's a great pleasure to visit your gallery :)
Merci beaucoup Nicolas, glad you like the F430 pics, I made a cropped version of the car as I think it has a kinda realistic rendering, I made the Viper some weeks ago but forgot to ulpload, nice to read you like my toning and compositions my friend :cheers:

thanks Boabdulrahman, great to read you like the M3 picture as I tried new filters and lighting adjustments, I bought the Mazda Furai only in order to get the Gran Turismo Red Metallic, I'm sometimes looking for symmetrical background, great to read you noticed this one :)

Thanks BionicDerp, you can easily get something close to the Ferrari pictures, 9:00 AM and 25% weather at Silverstone, I can upload the unedited version and you'll try to edit this one :)

Thanks Andy, yes a licence plate will add a small realistic felling :) I also bought a new 27" computer screen a few weeks ago, my 22" was quite old, this is nice to know that you're watching the panos in fullsize resolution :cheers:

Thanks Ilya, for your kind words, didn't knew that you were truely enjoying my panoramas mate, you should make some panos, your editing skills are so nice, this is always a pleasure to read that various people are finding some realism in my work :cheers:

Well well, my eyes are closing, really tired but after watching George's Toyota 2000 GT picture, he made me want to shoot a standard car, unusual for me as premium ones are my leading path, these 3 new pics are dedicated to you mate :)



16 831x1879

Fullsize watch by clicking, hope you'll like this, time to sleep :cheers:
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I missed a few sets here. Just catching up. Very very nice as usual. Love that white and black chromeline R8, looks awesome, I want one now. ;)

Those F430 Scud panos are great, and great num plate intergration too. 👍

And if this latest set of the 2000GT was the result of your inspiration from my 2000GT shot then I'm glad you went and shot this. These are great all 3. As usual in all your work the toning is top notch across everything, which what I like to see. :) 👍

Superb Hervé. 👍
Your recent sets are phenomenal like always, especially the BMW shot (wow) but despite the normal greatness you also always tend to pick the perfect color paint job. Do you go into each shoot with a specific color in mind or do you just try them out? I'm having difficult nailing down which paints handle reflections best between the normal 3 (solid,metallic, and pearlescent). I guess it too depends on track and lighting conditions.