Halo 4 *The best Halo IMO*

So what do you think of the CSR so far? For those that don't know its the trueskill matchmaking rank from Halo 2 and Halo 3.

To me it seems like it is starting to work as well as the matchmaking in Halo 3. The more I play in a specific playlist, the closer I seem to be matched to others of my skill level. The first few games you play in a new playlist will be iffy for sure. But after several games it is really starting to balance out. I have played at least a couple games in each playlist. Sucked really bad at some of them especially ruble pit and regicide. The good news is it keeps me at a low level just the way it should. I did have 1 match yesterday in the Castle DLC where I was placed against some ungodly players. One person had a KD of well over 4 to 1. Which is way out of my league. But other than a bad match here and there it seems to be working very well. Just wondering how well it is working for everyone else.
Couldn't tell you much about the CSR to be honest. After hitting 130 and wrapping up Spartan Ops (Which was a poor substitute for Firefight IMO) I didn't really have any interest in playing it for some reason. Its the fastest I've burned out on a Halo game.
I LOVE Spartan ops and think its miles ahead of Firefight. But its just my opinion. I am still highly addicted to this game. Reach was the fastest I burnt out on a Halo game. Just could not get into that game at all. H4 has been excellent IMO and is constantly improving.

Last night I FINALLY unlocked the Venator suit. I am not that great at assassinations so it took me a very long time to get this armor. 👍

Am I really one a rare case of somebody that thinks me and halo are really terrible fps's? I would rather play cod or even bf than these pos games. These games are actually good, unlike me and halo. Even gears of war is better than these 2 series.
Am I really one a rare case of somebody that thinks me and halo are really terrible fps's? I would rather play cod or even bf than these pos games. These games are actually good, unlike me and halo. Even gears of war is better than these 2 series.
ME (Mass Effect) and Gears Of War are not FPS.
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Am I really one a rare case of somebody that thinks me and halo are really terrible fps's? I would rather play cod or even bf than these pos games. These games are actually good, unlike me and halo. Even gears of war is better than these 2 series.
May I ask why you feel Halo (as mentioned, ME is not an FPS, and neither is Gears) is so bad? What things about it make it so terrible in your opinion? And what things about COD/BF are so much better?

Personally, I won't touch Halo 4 with a 10 foot pole, but that's because Halo 4 is a terrible degeneration of what used to be an epicly good shooter. Halo 1, for me, is still probably the best FPS ever made. They've all been downhill since that; Halo 3 was still very good, easily the best one that had online MP on console, but Reach was bad, and Halo 4 is downright awful. If anyone cares to know why I feel that way, I'm happy to elaborate.
I think my personal favourite shooter is still black or ps2.

Halo I don't like the weapons, the enemies, the jumping mechanics and the general feel of the games.

ME is a terrible fps with rpg elements in it. The core gameplay is fps'ing, and really terribly done at that (one of the worst games I've personally played).

GOW is a 3rd ps but can be played mostly as a fps as well.

Hawken has caught my attention though, it might just be the fps for me. Who knows?
I think my personal favourite shooter is still black or ps2.

Halo I don't like the weapons, the enemies, the jumping mechanics and the general feel of the games.

ME is a terrible fps with rpg elements in it. The core gameplay is fps'ing, and really terribly done at that (one of the worst games I've personally played).

GOW is a 3rd ps but can be played mostly as a fps as well.

Hawken has caught my attention though, it might just be the fps for me. Who knows?
In case you didn't read the last few replies, ME (Mass Effect) is not a FPS.
GOW3 can only be played as a FPS with 1 weapon and you will die instantly trying to play this game as a FPS. :lol: Also you can not play through the game using only that weapon. Are you sure you actually played Gears of War or ME?? You are honestly losing credibility with each reply. What is your 360 gamertag so we can view your progress in ME and GOW? Not even sure its worth continuing this discussion. Especially since this is the Halo 4 thread.

Back on topic.

I think I am pretty much locked into my CSR (competitive skill rank) balance point right now in each playlist. Some of the games have been soooo close. I have some good rounds and go up in rank, then have some bad rounds and go back down. Its dang near perfect right now. Though I have to admit I am a little higher in swat than I would have expected. I expect that to go down a few levels. I play BTS the most and average between 22 to 25 lately. Which is the same as I have always been between H2, H3, H4 and Reach. Give or take about 5 ranks.

I cant imagine ONLY playing to rank up. I play Halo for fun and to be focused on only ranking up would just ruin the experience FOR ME. But that's why it is so great. Everyone gets to play how they want.
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Congrats on the Venator armor.

I received the RPTR version of it as a pre-order when it came out. Very cool armor.
I believe I used it up till SR38 when Scout became available to me.
Halo I don't like the weapons, the enemies, the jumping mechanics and the general feel of the games.
Fair enough, not your cup of tea. It's not for everyone. A lot of "twitch" fans struggle with the more drawn-out combat that Halo offers, so your feelings definitely aren't unique.

ME is a terrible fps with rpg elements in it. The core gameplay is fps'ing, and really terribly done at that (one of the worst games I've personally played).

GOW is a 3rd ps but can be played mostly as a fps as well.
As mentioned above, neither of these games are FPS games, and neither can really be played as an FPS unless you're modding.
As for Mass Effect, I won't dispute that the combat is pretty standard, bland, cover-based third-person shooter-y, but if you're playing that game for the combat, you're missing the point entirely.

Gears of War is another series that has gotten progressively worse since the first game.* And again, it's pretty standard fare for third-person shooters, but at least Gears has some unique weapons that keep it semi-interesting.

*I haven't played Judgment, so I can't comment on that one.
Hawken has caught my attention though, it might just be the fps for me. Who knows?
Hawken is excellent 👍 but it was a lot better in the closed playtests than it is now :indiff:
Still a lot of fun, but nowhere near as good (imo) as the Closed Alpha 3 was. It's gotten a lot more accessible since then, but that's taken the edge off the game too. Still worth playing, especially since it's free :sly:

I think I am pretty much locked into my CSR (competitive skill rank) balance point right now in each playlist. Some of the games have been soooo close.
That is the general idea of skill-based matchmaking yea? I'm glad to hear that it's actually being implemented in a useful way in H4, as opposed to the proposed non-matchmaking altering style that was floating around. Skill-based MM has always been a big part of what keeps Halo fun online; getting matched up against & with people of wildly varying skill levels is a great way to ruin the fun. It's been part of what sets Halo apart for a long time, I never understood why it wasn't part of H4 at launch. Then again, I don't understand a lot of the design decisions that got made about Halo 4...
Doesn't really matter for me in the end, because that was never even close to the top of my list of problems with H4, but it's good that the people who like the game are getting better MM 👍

I cant imagine ONLY playing to rank up. I play Halo for fun and to be focused on only ranking up would just ruin the experience FOR ME. But that's why it is so great. Everyone gets to play how they want.
Rank should never be more than a way to keep MM close; honestly, I don;t even know why they display it in-game. It should be a behind-the-scenes thing that just works with the MM algorithm to match players. Having it visible just caters to try-hards and e-peen strokers.
Rank should never be more than a way to keep MM close; honestly, I don;t even know why they display it in-game. It should be a behind-the-scenes thing that just works with the MM algorithm to match players. Having it visible just caters to try-hards and e-peen strokers.
The trueskill matchmaking rank is hidden. The only way to see that rank number is Halo Waypoint. The level # you see online is just basically the amount of time you have played the game. That level # maxes out at 130 and has nothing to do with matchmaking.

I will have to watch those 2 videos Ddrizle posted sometime later.

They added a new playlist for Ricochet and we played that for about 3-4 hours straight. Very fun game mode with friends. Its a lot like basketball.

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