Hammer and sickle

  • Thread starter eliseracer
And also some half a million americans live in poverty under capaitalism?
the poor stay poor the middle class is taxed up the ass and the rich get richer off our problems. we at least have our freedom. free press, free market, freedom to do what we like when we like and how we like.

for the most part anyway...
pSI civic
We at least have our freedom. free press, free market, freedom to do what we like when we like and how we like.

As long as you got enough benjamins (SP) ;)

Anyways back to topic now that i have had my little go at capitlism lol.
And also some half a million americans live in poverty under capaitalism?

I was told that 35 million Americans live inpoverty.

The figure you were looking for:
"Richest 10% of Americans own 80% of all wealth"

How true these figures are, I am not certain. They were released in a Rage Against the Machine video, so I belive them. If you like Rage or not, they don't lie about what they believe.

A bias in analasys could be brought up here, though.
How true these figures are, I am not certain. They were released in a Rage Against the Machine video, so I belive them. If you like Rage or not, they don't lie about what they believe.

Lol thats exactley where i got mine from. :D Good ol'sleep now in the fire vid.
A friend of mine found this refrigerator magnet in a tourist shop in Bali:


Communism has been reduced to such a non-threatening state that Mao's image has become a funny souvenier of a bygone era, suitable as a tourist shop gag item.
And also some half a million americans live in poverty under capaitalism?

Out of 300 million approx 12 percent live at or below the poverty level as determined by the DHS . But also consider what "poverty" is like in the US ...in other countries our " poor" are well off . Except of course in the most extreme case , but even those have a program run by the government if they want it .
No law against it, it's just not PC to call yourself an Englishman or fly your nations flag. It's fine if you're Scottish, Welsh or Irish, they can even have a national holiday to celebrate their nations patron saint, but for an Englishman to do the same in his own country tends to offend others and is therefore discouraged and thus in turn gives the impression that we all should somehow feel ashamed to be English here in England. :rolleyes:

Just to clarify a little (and I'll be brief because it's not really pertinent to this thread) but I believe there is actually a law against it (flying or displaying the Union Jack).

It may be that it's only a local ordinance rather than a national one but, so I'm given to understand, if you try and fly the Union Jack outside your house in Stoke, then the council will come calling pretty quick to tell you to take it down - if you refuse you'll get prosecuted for inciting 'racial hatred'.

So instead of being a symbol of our pride in our history, our own flag has become a symbol of shame - which is why I was alluding to it as an example of how any symbol can be hi-jacked or perverted by others into something it should not be.
'.So instead of being a symbol of our pride in our history, our own flag has become a symbol of shame.

thats the problem with the souther people flying their flag here in the us. to them its a history thing but to everyone else it means there going to burn cross'.
The funny thing is that it's actually capitalism that allows that symbol to become a fashion statement. So what DO you want?

About the (in)acceptability of symbols. Well... we all have our personal opinions. What is inacceptable to you maybe no problem for the other. So remember: There is no right or wrong, there is only public opinion. Weither a symbol is generally accepted or not depends, once again, on those that write the history: the winners. If communism had conquered the world, people would get upset if a kid wore an american flag.

Communism, fascism, the nazis, the USA, the church, zionism, islam. It's all the same to me.

"No replastering, the structure is rotten."

And then came the shot...
The funny thing is that it's actually capitalism that allows that symbol to become a fashion statement. So what DO you want?

Capitalism allows it?
I bought a watch from a Russian with the hammer and sickle on it . I wear it all the time , am I a commie now ? I think not . Who cares if someone wears a friggin T - shirt with it on the front ? Most idiots who spout off about how great it is to be a communist NEVER LIVED UNDER COMMUNISM ..... that would change their minds fast...nothing like standing in line for a week to buy a potato..or the Trabant .
I bought a watch from a Russian with the hammer and sickle on it . I wear it all the time , am I a commie now ? I think not . Who cares if someone wears a friggin T - shirt with it on the front ? Most idiots who spout off about how great it is to be a communist NEVER LIVED UNDER COMMUNISM ..... that would change their minds fast...nothing like standing in line for a week to buy a potato..or the Trabant .

It's for the same reason you always seem to get mad when someone criticizes America. I don't have to re-explain history, but if I were to reproduce similar genocides and crimes on your population and then I went to your house wearing a symbol reminding you of those acts, you'd be pissed. I can bet hundreds of dollars on it.

And for the records, I'd take a Trabant over any Lada or Moskvich anyday.
I bought a watch from a Russian with the hammer and sickle on it . I wear it all the time , am I a commie now ? I think not . Who cares if someone wears a friggin T - shirt with it on the front ? Most idiots who spout off about how great it is to be a communist NEVER LIVED UNDER COMMUNISM ..... that would change their minds fast...nothing like standing in line for a week to buy a potato..or the Trabant .

No one has ever lived under communism.
No one has ever lived under communism.

..and no one ever will if you stick to such a strict definition. That's like saying that America is not a democracy or that no capitalist country has ever existed. It's technically true, but it's all symantics.
With "capitalism allows it" I refer to the openness and (legal) tolerance rather than an oppressive system.

Democracy? Even representative, there's no such thing (other than in theory).
Systems that are called democratic are just facades. If elections could change anything, they would have been abolished.
I am rarely given to conspiracy theories, but I do wonder if the reason for the acceptance of communist symbology over Nazi symblogy is not largely because almost no ideology today claims sympathy with it, whereas communism has strong associations with socialistic ideas which, by American definition are left to far left, and, perhaps, right to far right in some other nations. And because it does have people sympathising with it. One wonders if there is not an effort to make communism acceptable in the mainstream. It is true that selling items with communist symbols on them does not mean the merchants who do so are communists, though one could say it does make them at least amoral, but the motivation behind the sale of communist items is not so relevant as the fact that it keeps the symbols of communism in the public eye. And that is potentially dangerous when a plurality of the persons for whom the fashion is targetted at are ignorant, might be prone to crowd following, and have poor reasoning skills. It would be a transition from fashion trend to acceptance and advocacy.
With "capitalism allows it" I refer to the openness and (legal) tolerance rather than an oppressive system.

Democracy? Even representative, there's no such thing (other than in theory).
Systems that are called democratic are just facades. If elections could change anything, they would have been abolished.

Riight, so we really don't elect officials. Mmkay.
Since 1975, corporations.


And what power would that be? The power to offer people new products? The power to make money? The power to improve the standard of living?

And what power would that be? The power to offer people new products? The power to make money? The power to improve the standard of living?

The power to lobby congress. Corporate PACs were made legal in 1975. They now have undue influence in politics.

Yes, corporations offer new products, make people money, and improve the overall standard of living... but that does not mean that we should turn a blind eye to their other actions.
The power to lobby congress. Corporate PACs were made legal in 1975. They now have undue influence in politics.

Yes, corporations offer new products, make people money, and improve the overall standard of living... but that does not mean that we should turn a blind eye to their other actions.

Who said we should turn a blind eye to their actions??

So do you think that the ability to lobby congressmen makes corporations more powerful than congressmen? <- Because that doesn't make sense does it?